I don't know if this is etiquette question. I've been reading this broad for a while and its been super helpful in wedding planning.
However, me and my fiance are super involved in our church. We help lead our young professional and teen ministry. We both come from large families that we are close that we want at the wedding. We just can't afford to invite everyone to the wedding. We were given the suggestion to have an open ceremony and invite-only reception. The reason for that was that this people feel invested and want to witness us becoming one. I think i saw someone on here that church showers are exceptions to the rule like everyone invite to shower needs to be invited to wedding. But I don't think applies to the only inviting them to 1 part of the wedding.
So my question is that is it bad etiquette to invite just them just to the ceremony?
Also due to the fact we can't invite them to the wedding, I have been feeling like a jerk because I have been bean-dipping anytime they ask how the wedding planning is going or offer to help.