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WOO HOO Wednesday!


I'm in a fantastic mood today and I'm going to be a giant AW about it! Today is my weigh-in day and I was -0.8 lbs for a total of -9.4 overall! And for a non-scale victory: I really hate washing my jeans because they're always impossibly tight afterwards and it's almost painful to put them on and button them. I put on just-washed jeans this morning and buttoned them NO PROBLEM and NO MUFFIN TOP. HOORAY! 

Feeling really good about myself today even if my outfit is boring AF: 

And just for good measure: 

I also did my T25 workout this morning (W2D3!) and I was able to follow the modifier much less today. I'm feeling SO freaking motivated and positive and HOPEFUL that I'll hit my 10 lbs goal next week which is perfect because it's right before Chicago! 

Tonight I have a wax appointment so I don't show up at @GoldenPenguin 's house with a mustache and shitty eyebrows on Friday. Then I'm either meeting H for sushi or picking it up to take home depending on if we're having company or not. If no company then I'll probably pack for the weekend to get it out of the way. 


Is anyone else feeling WOO HOOish about anything?
I'm pretty sure you're all aware of what I'm WOO HOOing today :wink: 

What are you wearing today? 
Dark skinny jeans, black boots, black long-sleeved shirt with a grey tank AND A SMILE

What are you feasting on today? 
Breakfast: Avocado toast and a HB egg, coffee
Lunch: Turkey, bacon, avocado, spinach, and tomato in a wrap 
Snacks: Banana, strawberries, baby carrots

What's your favorite physical thing about yourself?
My eyes, they're a pretty blue-grey color that I love

What's your favorite non-physical thing about yourself?
Right now I'm digging my motivation but overall/usually, my loyalty

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Re: WOO HOO Wednesday!

  • @PamBeesly524 - Thank you! I have a thing with eyebrows and I get mine done every 3 weeks (I have an unlimited yearly pass at EWC) and they STILL get all disheveled as my appointment gets closer. Eyebrows can really make or break your face lol I think that's why I'm so obsessed with them. 

    Your night last night sounds like so much fun! Glad you had a good time! 

  • @CocoBellaF Your dinner sounds amazing! And that shirt looks so comfy. I have to run 4.5 today, but we'll see - It's been super windy (like 50mph gusts) the last few days in Boston so if it keeps up today I'm not even going to try and fight it.
  • @PamBeesly524 - Where in Boston do you run?  I've followed a blog for a while, and I love it when she posts pictures of her runs along the Charles.  H and I had our HM in Boston and can't wait to come back one day.  It's a gorgeous city!!
  • @CocoBellaF - Thanks! Your dinner sounds yummy! 

  • @CocoBellaF I live in a pretty decent area for running, so I usually run around my apartment but it can get hilly. So for longer runs I will drive down to the river and run there - it really is beautiful! Last weekend I was racing the crew boats which was kinda fun.
  • @southernpeach89 - Your outfit sounds like spring perfection!  And as to your spoiler, that is absolutely devastating.  I hope that they can find some peace in the days to come.  It must hit your mama-heart especially hard.
  • @southernpeach89 yay to your H! What was the cauliflower dish you guys made? And I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, they'll be in my thoughts.

    @caseface5 Can't wait to see your haircut!

  • @PamBeesly524  It's not super healthy lol but it has veggies in it so it's still good right lol? It was so is the link to the recipe:
  • @southernpeach89 Oh MAN that looks good!
  • @jenna8984 Love the bump and your shirt! Congrats on the raise, that must feel amazing!
  • @pambeesly524 thanks! My friend gave me an entire maternity wardrobe so I've been digging through finding new stuff everyday lol. Also, I used to be so jealous of my friend when she's post pics everyday running at Castle Island. That's the perfect running spot!

    @caseface5 oh wow that's going to be so different!! (your hair). Can't wait to see it tomorrow.

    @southernpeach89 omg saddest thing ever. I don't know how people make it through that.



  • @caseface5 - AW your new hairs tomorrow!!

    @jenna8984 - MMMM, morning milkshake.  Excellent choice!  And you look great.  :)

  • @southernpeach89 - Your outfit today sounds adorable and congrats to your H on the loss! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. That's so awful and sad. 

    @caseface5 - You look awesome! 

    @jenna8984 - Cut yourself some slack, you're growing a human. You look gorgeous and congrats on the raise! 

  • @speakeasy14 - Not really.  She is just carrying large and low.  It is handy to hold an ice pack or heating pad, though.  :)
  • @speakeasy14 - Thank you! So glad you're starting to feel better!  I need you in tip top form in EIGHT days. 

  • @Swazzle  whoo!! Congrats :)

    @PamBeesly524 I totally agree about the eyebrow thing!

    @jenna8984 congrats!

    So yesterday I didn't up eating lunch until about 3pm because work was just so busy. I decided to stop and eat because I nearly passed out while doing something.

    Not much last night. Got laundry done and dishes. Only thing left is the giant roasting pan from Friday that I've been scrubbing and soaking. Downside about the glaze we did, it just caked on so hard!
    We basically tried to keep it light last night, since both Matt and I had a rough/busy day.

    It's the season that tiny bugs get into the apartment. Luckily Penny is our hunter, so they're caught quick. {She finds, I kill}
    This does mean I have to be more diligent on vacuuming and make sure I get wall and door edges. I also spray hairspray along the edges to "seal" it. It's an old building made of mainly wood, so it's not surprising.
    I can't wait to buy a house. Between that and it took me almost and hour and half to put laundry in last night ..... guh!

    Is anyone else feeling WOO HOOish about anything?
    Only thing that comes to mind is that it's a 3 pay month and my pay is tomorrow!

    What are you wearing today? 
    Purple dress pants, light grey with black lace shirt, and black heels {black blazer here just in case}

    What are you feasting on today? 
    Breakfast: French vanilla and chocolate chip muffin
    Lunch: blueberry jam sammich
    Dinner: likely hamburger helper
    Snack: I have a yogurt in the fridge here at work

    What's your favorite physical thing about yourself?
    Hmm .... I would say my eyes. I got the colour from my dad, but they're pretty expressive like my mum

    What's your favorite non-physical thing about yourself?
    I'll go with what my boss says about me. {and my mum agrees} I'm very empathetic with people.
    Tbh that's a huge deal for my job, because majority of the time people come in or call, they're super stressed out.
  • @TwoDimes, I want to wear your outfit please.  
  • @beachyone15 Woohoo! congrats on your raise too!! And moving back to your desk finally

    @speakeasy14 feel better!!

    So apparently the snowflakes that GBCK feel the same way over on the bump.....this girl had a truly awful name in the running for her daughter and none of us were rude. We just said that's a terrible name for these reasons. And we got the whole speech "I don't know if it's just pregnancy hormones making you such a bitch...I thought this would be a community of KIND soon-to-be mothers, if you didn't like the name just don't comment...." Oh brother. (for the record the name was Motley- for a girl. Yea like fucking Motley Crue)



  • labrolabro member
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    @beachyone15 and @jenna8984 Congratulations to both of you on your raises!!!!

  • @MissKittyDanger I feel you on the laundry thing! That's the biggest PITA about apartment living.

    @beachyone15 For some reason the link is down for the recipe! but you essentially take a portobello mushroom and crack an egg into it (I used ramekins to keep everything place, the recipe used foil), slap some cheese and avocado on top and bake it til the egg cooks. The recipe said to cook the mushroom and then broil the egg on to - idk about you but i don't think you can broil eggs haha. So we baked it all... top with salsa and bacon! Or whatever other delicious things you can think of.

  • @jenna8984 - That's awful. What's wrong with people?!

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