Ughhh my brain is NOT keeping up with everything I'm reading today.
@Swazzle I hope you're able to get more sleep. I second everything @southernpeach89 said! It's soo hard to start a good working out habit and I know how much you want to maintain it!
@minskat30 I'm glad you had such a nice evening! I vote making your H shave all the things.
@CocoBellaF I really really hope it's not pre-e. Try not to push it and keep taking it easy! Baby K needs to keep cooking for awhile yet!
@PamBeesly524 Ummm I vote photos on the SF thread so we can all vote on what you got!!
@labro - She does need to keep cooking for a while, but measuring 4 weeks ahead does have me a little worried about the delivery part! Ha! And I love your dogwood tree. It's beautiful!! Spring is here!
@labro beautiful tree! And I would post pics but H is away as of today and, believe it or not, I don't have a full length mirror! I'll see if I can get crafty tonight and post something...
@pambeesly524 Exactly. The host has been around for 30 years and does a lot with charity- like if there's a house fire he matches donations for the family. He matched almost 15k in donations for recently killed State Trooper's family. I like him for that, but otherwise the show's material is quite jackass.
@southernpeach89 H & I got quite comfortable when my dog attack happened a few years ago. I couldn't let either arm get wet so I had giant bags over them and he had to wash and shave my everything hahaha.
@labro here's the gift! That tree is soooo pretty.
And here's my dumbo cat just for the heck of it.....we have 2 beds, 2 couches, a chaise lounge, an upholstered bench, and a million blankets- and she chooses to nap HERE.
@jenna8984 The whole purpose of being a cat is to do whatever is LEAST expected of you. I love your gift! It'll be perfect when your little one arrives!
@jenna8984 Those are sweet gifts! Also I feel you on the weird cat sleeping spots. Penny has a box she took over, plus a tote lid and a former blanket. Angel sleeps on a house coat, or if there's clothes on the floor he WILL nest them lmfao
@swazzle - That schedule sounds intense. Don't beat yourself up too much, it's OK to have an off day her and there. I agree with PP, try going to bed earlier maybe? What time do you go to bed now?
@southernepach89 - Pamper day ASAP! I'm treating myself this weekend. Also dying about your H shaving for you. That's a good husband! I'm ashamed to admit that I regularly go 2+ weeks without shaving my legs, and I do not have pregnancy or a baby as an excuse. Just lazy. I think I do a better job in the summer, but I don't see a point in winter.
@cocobellaf - I'm sorry you got some not great news at your appointment. I'm sure you are doing he best you can but I hope you get better news on Friday. This might be a dumb question but what does that mean that she's measuring 4 weeks ahead? Just big for her age or are you actually 4 weeks further along than expected? Also enjoy your shower!
Not much to report here. I'm going to a friend's house tonight and we are having sushi and wine and I can't wait!! For some reason I've been craving sushi since I woke up. It's finally feeling spring-like here....although we have snow in the forecast for Sunday and Tuesday. UGH HURRY UP SPRING!
@Swazzle I'm not a morning person at all and I completely can't fathom waking up that early! You've been doing an awesome job! @PamBeesly524 I had to cancel Stitchfix because I just couldn't justify the prices. @caseface5 I Love your haircut! @cocobellaF I'm happy for your good news and sending you best wishes for the rest! Hope all is well! @untouchablets That's weird about your roommate. She sounds a bit jelly of your soon-to-be abs of steel.
Yesterday I felt like shit about my body. Like, nearly broke into tears when looking in the mirror. It's not even the weight so much, it's how I carry it. Everything goes straight to my midsection. So I have muscular leg(s) and small arms, but a cushion all around my torso. None of my clothes fit properly and I've resorted to wearing my baggiest tops to hide. Really I want to strengthen up. The midsection flab has always been there, even at my lowest weights, and I THINK that's because I do light cardio but no strength training... but I have NO IDEA where to begin. Like, I don't even know what exercises or machines target my problem area or how to adapt them so I can do them with a prosthetic leg without hurting myself.
I vented to BF and of course he said I look great, which is fine, but I have to believe it too. We went for a walk and that made me feel a little better.
Part of it is that I have physical goals for this year that I know I'm not currently strong enough for. I want to do long hikes, rock climb with BF's brothers, and do some running, but without a strong core all those things are WAY more difficult and much more likely to cause injury. I've known for years that I need to get strong, but I've always had this gym anxiety. Le sigh. Hopefully I'll get the guts to just GO so I can look back and wonder what I was so afraid of.
I guess that is part venting, part advice seeking, and part whining.
@jenjen047 - Every appointment, they measure your belly's "fundal height"... basically, the size of your uterus (I think, or something like that). For each week you are pregnant, that's how many centimeters the fundal height should be. So I measured 28 cm instead of 24 cm. It could be that baby is big, that I have excess amniotic fluid, she's in a weird position, etc. If it becomes a trend at my appointments, they'll check it out via ultrasound to see what's going on. It doesn't move my due date up any, but there is a chance if she is a huge baby that they'll do a scheduled C-section. My doctor hasn't discussed any of that with me yet since it's still early. I have an ultrasound and a 4D ultrasound scheduled for April 28, so they'll check the placenta/baby size then.
@wink0erin - Oh man, I've been there before!! Definitely start incorporating strength into your work outs, even if you just use a Jillian Michaels DVD.
@wink0erin 1. You are beautiful and I have no idea what you're talking about re: belly flab because you look beautiful in all of your photos!!
Regarding core training - yoga and pilates are both exercise regimens that focus heavily on your core! And I have a friend who is a pretty heavy duty rock climber and she is all about doing yoga for core strength since it's SO important! It seems like that may be something that would be manageable for you even with a prosthetic? I would check it out.
@wink0erin thanks! As far as gym anxiety, I had it for a long time but then I realized that I'm not really looking at anyone else in the gym, so they're probably not looking at me either. What really motivated me to want to get strong is watching fitness youtubers. Those ladies are BAD ASS and they film their workouts and usually explain what they're doing. That's how I learn
@Swazzle - I second the idea of giving yourself a morning off and sleeping in as much as you can. Don't beat yourself up because you couldn't make it through one workout--you started it, and that's a major victory!
I'm feeling a LOT better today. I managed to go for a run yesterday and then stayed up and watched Criminal Minds, so I went to bed later than normal, but it was okay. I managed to get out of bed this morning when my alarm went off...didn't manage to wash my hair, but hey, I ate breakfast. And drank coffee. And made it to work on time.
And put together a cute outfit:I ordered a bunch of stuff from ThredUp recently and these pants were one of the things I ordered and OMG I love them so much. I've been looking for the perfect pair of cream-colored slacks for years.
Today is a fairly quiet day at work. I'm just glad I have the energy to be here and I'm not falling apart still.
@jenjen047 The beer industry! Specifically HR. The culture here is really great and my department is pretty flexible when it comes to working from home, as long as you don't abuse it. It helps to have the option on snowy days or just a day every couple of months when you just need to be home for whatever reason.
@Swazzle *hugs* I wish we all got longer lunch breaks because working out in the middle of the day is ideal. H and I are the same way you are-- waking up earlier is really difficult, but waiting until after work isn't good because we're worn out and exhausted. Finding time to work out is really hard. I actually gave in and ordered a pre-workout to help me with my energy levels. I got a non-stimulant one so I don't feel like I'm having a heart attack while working out. I'll let you know how it goes. Supplements are definitely not something I like to take, but man, finding energy and time to work out is not easy. As for a good bed time, there's a website that will help you figure out what time you need to be asleep in order to get a full REM cycle in: @southernpeach89 You're beautiful even with alleged split ends, crazy eyebrows, hairy legs, and unpolished toes. @PamBeesly524 SF can be frustrating like that. I had to cancel my automatic deliveries because of budget issues, but I remember being really frustrated with their prices. To be fair, I still wear everything I bought from them a few times per week, but the prices were absurd. $400 for a box is CRAZY. @caseface5 YAY congrats on the milestone! Cracking up at the bald eagle comparison--'MURICA! Your hair looks fabulous (seriously! It's such a flattering cut on you!), and I'm so glad you were able to donate after all! @CocoBellaF *hugs* Sending you vibes for a healthy checkup. I'm sorry your pregnancy has been so stressful. K is worth it, and she will be here so soon! Have fun today at your shower! Please AW pics later! @jenna8984 Awwwww I love the tight knit communities that are formed from this website. What were the gifts? JK, you posted them. Very sweet and useful gifts! And LOL at your cat! @untouchablets Your roommate...
@minskat30 Awwww what a perfect anniversary. Can't wait to see what he got you! Did you post what you got him? I forget. @labro GORGEOUS dogwood! Spring has sprung! @jenjen047 Enjoy your girl's night! @wink0erin There's a really effective program called Starting Strength that could help you incorporate strength training into your workout routine: LINK A lot of people swear by it. I like to browse the xxfitness subreddit too to see what other women are doing. @futuremrshistorian You look so cute today! I LOVE your necklace! ---------------------- Not much to report on my end. H worked late, so I ate a frozen personal flatbread pizza for dinner. I did PiYo Upper and Lower Body for about 40 minutes, and then I watched Arrested Development for a while. The weather never got bad, which I know is great, but I was a little letdown after all the build up.
Tonight I'll do some cardio and weight lifting at the gym, and I'll make spaghetti for dinner. I reallllllly need to work on my quilt before Saturday because my goal is to finish it with @audrewuh, but that won't happen if I don't make a little progress on it beforehand.
This morning H was making whale sounds (think Dory talking to the whales in Finding Nemo), and Zoey was so confused and scared. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. She kept cocking her head to the side like "WTF is that noise, hooman?" and then when she realized H was making the noise, she ran full speed the opposite direction like, "NOPE NOPE NOPE!" She's so fun to troll.
@PamBeesly524 Everyone was a lot quieter than I thought they would be. One of my coworkers and I asked some tough questions that probably landed us on the radars of our chief officers, but whatever. I worked from home yesterday, but one of my other coworkers said there was a lot of frustration and venting and that people were outraged by the answers to those tough questions we asked. We found out that the pay cuts and lowered 401K contributions won't start until the new fiscal year on July 1, so that's good.
@eilis1228 - I finally went through all our wedding and rehearsal dinner pictures (believe it or not, we never got them printed). I printed some of the best and got him several of them framed for our house...I figure glass = crystal of some sort = 3rd anniversary.
Here are the flowers as well as one arrangement of pictures (rehearsal) we will hang and the the second arrangement of pictures (wedding) we will put up this weekend.
Re: Thursdayyy
@Swazzle I hope you're able to get more sleep. I second everything @southernpeach89 said! It's soo hard to start a good working out habit and I know how much you want to maintain it!
@minskat30 I'm glad you had such a nice evening! I vote making your H shave all the things.
@CocoBellaF I really really hope it's not pre-e. Try not to push it and keep taking it easy! Baby K needs to keep cooking for awhile yet!
@PamBeesly524 Ummm I vote photos on the SF thread so we can all vote on what you got!!
@jenna8984 Please AW your gift! That is so sweet!
Today is the last day of the quarter so THANK GOD! I hate this time of year so so so much and it's always so stressful.
Here's a photo of one of my beautiful dogwood trees because I literally don't want to think about anything else right now.
PS Ignore the big dirt patch. It's where a tree used to be and we're in the process of re-landscaping here.
@pambeesly524 Exactly. The host has been around for 30 years and does a lot with charity- like if there's a house fire he matches donations for the family. He matched almost 15k in donations for recently killed State Trooper's family. I like him for that, but otherwise the show's material is quite jackass.
@southernpeach89 H & I got quite comfortable when my dog attack happened a few years ago. I couldn't let either arm get wet so I had giant bags over them and he had to wash and shave my everything hahaha.
@labro here's the gift! That tree is soooo pretty.
And here's my dumbo cat just for the heck of it.....we have 2 beds, 2 couches, a chaise lounge, an upholstered bench, and a million blankets- and she chooses to nap HERE.
Also I feel you on the weird cat sleeping spots. Penny has a box she took over, plus a tote lid and a former blanket. Angel sleeps on a house coat, or if there's clothes on the floor he WILL nest them lmfao
@southernepach89 - Pamper day ASAP! I'm treating myself this weekend. Also dying about your H shaving for you. That's a good husband! I'm ashamed to admit that I regularly go 2+ weeks without shaving my legs, and I do not have pregnancy or a baby as an excuse. Just lazy. I think I do a better job in the summer, but I don't see a point in winter.
@jenna8984 - What a sweet gift!
@labro - That tree is gorgeous! Are you guys still planning to list your house?
@caseface5 - Love the hair!!! Also WTG on the wight loss!!
@pambeesly524 - What industry do you work in? I'm perpetually on the hunt for a job around here that allows telecommuting.
@minskat30 - What a sweet gesture from your H!
@cocobellaf - I'm sorry you got some not great news at your appointment. I'm sure you are doing he best you can but I hope you get better news on Friday. This might be a dumb question but what does that mean that she's measuring 4 weeks ahead? Just big for her age or are you actually 4 weeks further along than expected? Also enjoy your shower!
Not much to report here. I'm going to a friend's house tonight and we are having sushi and wine and I can't wait!! For some reason I've been craving sushi since I woke up. It's finally feeling spring-like here....although we have snow in the forecast for Sunday and Tuesday. UGH HURRY UP SPRING!
@PamBeesly524 I had to cancel Stitchfix because I just couldn't justify the prices.
@caseface5 I Love your haircut!
@cocobellaF I'm happy for your good news and sending you best wishes for the rest! Hope all is well!
@untouchablets That's weird about your roommate. She sounds a bit jelly of your soon-to-be abs of steel.
Yesterday I felt like shit about my body. Like, nearly broke into tears when looking in the mirror. It's not even the weight so much, it's how I carry it. Everything goes straight to my midsection. So I have muscular leg(s) and small arms, but a cushion all around my torso. None of my clothes fit properly and I've resorted to wearing my baggiest tops to hide. Really I want to strengthen up. The midsection flab has always been there, even at my lowest weights, and I THINK that's because I do light cardio but no strength training... but I have NO IDEA where to begin. Like, I don't even know what exercises or machines target my problem area or how to adapt them so I can do them with a prosthetic leg without hurting myself.
I vented to BF and of course he said I look great, which is fine, but I have to believe it too. We went for a walk and that made me feel a little better.
Part of it is that I have physical goals for this year that I know I'm not currently strong enough for. I want to do long hikes, rock climb with BF's brothers, and do some running, but without a strong core all those things are WAY more difficult and much more likely to cause injury. I've known for years that I need to get strong, but I've always had this gym anxiety. Le sigh. Hopefully I'll get the guts to just GO so I can look back and wonder what I was so afraid of.
I guess that is part venting, part advice seeking, and part whining.
Regarding core training - yoga and pilates are both exercise regimens that focus heavily on your core! And I have a friend who is a pretty heavy duty rock climber and she is all about doing yoga for core strength since it's SO important! It seems like that may be something that would be manageable for you even with a prosthetic? I would check it out.
@Swazzle - I second the idea of giving yourself a morning off and sleeping in as much as you can. Don't beat yourself up because you couldn't make it through one workout--you started it, and that's a major victory!
I'm feeling a LOT better today. I managed to go for a run yesterday and then stayed up and watched Criminal Minds, so I went to bed later than normal, but it was okay. I managed to get out of bed this morning when my alarm went off...didn't manage to wash my hair, but hey, I ate breakfast. And drank coffee. And made it to work on time.
And put together a cute outfit:I ordered a bunch of stuff from ThredUp recently and these pants were one of the things I ordered and OMG I love them so much. I've been looking for the perfect pair of cream-colored slacks for years.
Today is a fairly quiet day at work. I'm just glad I have the energy to be here and I'm not falling apart still.
@wink0erin - It might not mean much but I think you're beautiful! Can you work out at home?
@futuremrshistorian - LOVE your outfit today!
@southernpeach89 You're beautiful even with alleged split ends, crazy eyebrows, hairy legs, and unpolished toes.
@PamBeesly524 SF can be frustrating like that. I had to cancel my automatic deliveries because of budget issues, but I remember being really frustrated with their prices. To be fair, I still wear everything I bought from them a few times per week, but the prices were absurd. $400 for a box is CRAZY.
@caseface5 YAY congrats on the milestone! Cracking up at the bald eagle comparison--'MURICA! Your hair looks fabulous (seriously! It's such a flattering cut on you!), and I'm so glad you were able to donate after all!
@CocoBellaF *hugs* Sending you vibes for a healthy checkup. I'm sorry your pregnancy has been so stressful. K is worth it, and she will be here so soon! Have fun today at your shower! Please AW pics later!
@jenna8984 Awwwww I love the tight knit communities that are formed from this website. What were the gifts? JK, you posted them. Very sweet and useful gifts! And LOL at your cat!
@untouchablets Your roommate...
@minskat30 Awwww what a perfect anniversary. Can't wait to see what he got you! Did you post what you got him? I forget.
@labro GORGEOUS dogwood! Spring has sprung!
@jenjen047 Enjoy your girl's night!
@wink0erin There's a really effective program called Starting Strength that could help you incorporate strength training into your workout routine: LINK A lot of people swear by it. I like to browse the xxfitness subreddit too to see what other women are doing.
@futuremrshistorian You look so cute today! I LOVE your necklace!
Not much to report on my end. H worked late, so I ate a frozen personal flatbread pizza for dinner. I did PiYo Upper and Lower Body for about 40 minutes, and then I watched Arrested Development for a while. The weather never got bad, which I know is great, but I was a little letdown after all the build up.
Tonight I'll do some cardio and weight lifting at the gym, and I'll make spaghetti for dinner. I reallllllly need to work on my quilt before Saturday because my goal is to finish it with @audrewuh, but that won't happen if I don't make a little progress on it beforehand.
This morning H was making whale sounds (think Dory talking to the whales in Finding Nemo), and Zoey was so confused and scared. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. She kept cocking her head to the side like "WTF is that noise, hooman?" and then when she realized H was making the noise, she ran full speed the opposite direction like, "NOPE NOPE NOPE!" She's so fun to troll.
Here are the flowers as well as one arrangement of pictures (rehearsal) we will hang and the the second arrangement of pictures (wedding) we will put up this weekend.