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Re: Thursdayyy

  • @Swazzle Originally from NH, live in Boston now. Went to school in NY, then lived in Philly for a year. H is from Bergen County, NJ. 
  • @labro - She does need to keep cooking for a while, but measuring 4 weeks ahead does have me a little worried about the delivery part!  Ha!  And I love your dogwood tree.  It's beautiful!!  Spring is here!
  • @labro beautiful tree! And I would post pics but H is away as of today and, believe it or not, I don't have a full length mirror! I'll see if I can get crafty tonight and post something...
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @minskat30 Yep. You had better believe that if we're outside, it's play time.

  • @labro I can't help but laugh at Cinders in the background with a Frisbee :P
  • @misskittydanger sorry your day started out shitty- hope it gets better!



  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @jenna8984 The whole purpose of being a cat is to do whatever is LEAST expected of you. ;) I love your gift! It'll be perfect when your little one arrives!

  • @jenna8984  Those are sweet gifts!
    Also I feel you on the weird cat sleeping spots. Penny has a box she took over, plus a tote lid and a former blanket. Angel sleeps on a house coat, or if there's clothes on the floor he WILL nest them lmfao
  • @Swazzle I'm not a morning person at all and I completely can't fathom waking up that early! You've been doing an awesome job!
    @PamBeesly524 I had to cancel Stitchfix because I just couldn't justify the prices. 
    @caseface5 I Love your haircut! 
    @cocobellaF I'm happy for your good news and sending you best wishes for the rest! Hope all is well!
    @untouchablets That's weird about your roommate. She sounds a bit jelly of your soon-to-be abs of steel.

    Yesterday I felt like shit about my body. Like, nearly broke into tears when looking in the mirror. It's not even the weight so much, it's how I carry it. Everything goes straight to my midsection. So I have muscular leg(s) and small arms, but a cushion all around my torso. None of my clothes fit properly and I've resorted to wearing my baggiest tops to hide. Really I want to strengthen up. The midsection flab has always been there, even at my lowest weights, and I THINK that's because I do light cardio but no strength training... but I have NO IDEA where to begin. Like, I don't even know what exercises or machines target my problem area or how to adapt them so I can do them with a prosthetic leg without hurting myself. 

    I vented to BF and of course he said I look great, which is fine, but I have to believe it too. We went for a walk and that made me feel a little better. 

    Part of it is that I have physical goals for this year that I know I'm not currently strong enough for. I want to do long hikes, rock climb with BF's brothers, and do some running, but without a strong core all those things are WAY more difficult and much more likely to cause injury. I've known for years that I need to get strong, but I've always had this gym anxiety. Le sigh. Hopefully I'll get the guts to just GO so I can look back and wonder what I was so afraid of. 

    I guess that is part venting, part advice seeking, and part whining. 

  • @jenjen047 - Every appointment, they measure your belly's "fundal height"... basically, the size of your uterus (I think, or something like that).  For each week you are pregnant, that's how many centimeters the fundal height should be.  So I measured 28 cm instead of 24 cm.  It could be that baby is big, that I have excess amniotic fluid, she's in a weird position, etc.  If it becomes a trend at my appointments, they'll check it out via ultrasound to see what's going on.  It doesn't move my due date up any, but there is a chance if she is a huge baby that they'll do a scheduled C-section.  My doctor hasn't discussed any of that with me yet since it's still early.  I have an ultrasound and a 4D ultrasound scheduled for April 28, so they'll check the placenta/baby size then.
  • @wink0erin - Oh man, I've been there before!!  Definitely start incorporating strength into your work outs, even if you just use a Jillian Michaels DVD.  
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @wink0erin 1. You are beautiful and I have no idea what you're talking about re: belly flab because you look beautiful in all of your photos!!

    Regarding core training - yoga and pilates are both exercise regimens that focus heavily on your core! And I have a friend who is a pretty heavy duty rock climber and she is all about doing yoga for core strength since it's SO important! It seems like that may be something that would be manageable for you even with a prosthetic? I would check it out.

  • @wink0erin thanks! As far as gym anxiety, I had it for a long time but then I realized that I'm not really looking at anyone else in the gym, so they're probably not looking at me either. What really motivated me to want to get strong is watching fitness youtubers. Those ladies are BAD ASS and they film their workouts and usually explain what they're doing. That's how I learn :) 
  • @futuremrshistorian - I love your outfit and I love ThredUp.  You look great!
  • @jenjen047 The beer industry! Specifically HR. The culture here is really great and my department is pretty flexible when it comes to working from home, as long as you don't abuse it. It helps to have the option on snowy days or just a day every couple of months when you just need to be home for whatever reason.
  • @jenjen047 - Right now I get into bed at some point between 9 and 10. I usually fall asleep quickly. 

    @wink0erin - It might not mean much but I think you're beautiful! Can you work out at home? 

    @futuremrshistorian - LOVE your outfit today! 

  • @eilis1228 - She's worth every bit of it, but I would love to have some good news.  She's still so little in there.
  • @eilis1228 I don't think I ever read anything on how your meeting went at your company the other day? Were people shocked?
  • @PamBeesly524 Everyone was a lot quieter than I thought they would be. One of my coworkers and I asked some tough questions that probably landed us on the radars of our chief officers, but whatever. I worked from home yesterday, but one of my other coworkers said there was a lot of frustration and venting and that people were outraged by the answers to those tough questions we asked. We found out that the pay cuts and lowered 401K contributions won't start until the new fiscal year on July 1, so that's good. 

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  • @minskat30 I love those pictures! Very sweet! You guys are so photogenic. 

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  • eilis1228 said:
    @minskat30 I love those pictures! Very sweet! You guys are so photogenic. 
    Ha!  Nope, its all the magic of the photographer.  ;)  He was really, really wonderful.  
  • @minskat30 Lies you tell! You post selfies here a lot, remember? I know you're photogenic!

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