So I asked a family member who I have been very close to all my life to be my maid of honor over a year ago. Everything has been fine except the past 4 months. First I lent her money to buy her dress under the agreement that she was to pay me back within the month. It's been almost 6 and she has given me about half. She has barely done anything for the wedding its self. A few ideas here and here but that's it. Another bridsesmaid has taken on everything that needs to be done. Since day 1. Then the last time I saw her a month and a half ago we got into a fight that she caused that was almost physical, my fiancé had to step in along with other family members and told her to leave because she was wrong. (It was nothing wedding related.) Since then I know she has talked about me behind my back, We haven't spoken since. We are no longer close anymore. There is other small family issues going on with her of why we are not getting along, other family members who are also in the bridal party are tired of her. My Fiancé can't stand her. I don't want to deal with her anymore. I want to tell her to step down, I just don't know the best way to put it with out losing her as family or sounding like a bitch. I still love her but i know its best for our relationship if she is just no longer in the wedding. Wedding is 6 months away.