Dear Prudence,
I have a question that I think I know the answer to but will ask anyway. I had a tumultuous relationship with my ex. We moved in together quickly, he moved out eight months later due to something I did, then we spent the next few months figuring out if we wanted to be together at all. We did. I moved back in with him, then three months later, he broke up with me after several “failed attempts” to make it work (his words).
I decided to move back in with my family on the other side of the country. I had everything planned and he recently got in touch with me saying I was the love of his life and he wanted a second chance. He said that he gave me a second chance and it’s not fair that he doesn’t get the same. My instinct tells me to move on and that the relationship is broken to the point of not being able to fix it. But what if I’m the one making the biggest mistake of my life? For the record, my friends warned me that he would do exactly this. And he has a history of being very impulsive.