@swazzle – I am so thankful that the guy was just batshit crazy and not batshit crazy with a bomb! Did you end up waiting to take the train or did you find another way home?
@PamBeesly524 – I LOVE the neckline on that dress. You look beautiful!
@LizzyTish88 – You’re so lucky you have access to a pool like that! *Hugs* and I hope all the stress is able to wear off eventually. Your vacation is so soon!
@TwoDimes – That song is so catchy! I was grooving at my computer, fo sho. I bought the Hamilton CD on a whim at B&N and haven’t actually uploaded it to my computer yet. I’m just mad my car stereo only holds ONE CD because the entire album is TWO.
@500days – I feel like even when I’m eventually wanting to get pregnant I’m still going to cry and freak out when I am, haha. It’s scary stuff, and you’re not selfish!
@eilis1228 – I know that if I’m gonna have kids I also want to start trying when I’m 29. But, OMG, that’s basically tomorrow! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
I'm just getting around to having lunch now. Work has been hell today.
H and I are going to the movies tonight to see 'Lights Out' and I'm excited for popcorn and Cherry Coke Zero and hope the movie is as good as the reviews are saying it is.
@swazzle, enjoy the movie! H and I really need to start getting to movies - I think we had about four or five we wanted to see this summer, but we haven't gone to any yet.
@500days I had a pregnancy scare a few weeks after we 'officially got engaged' and I was scared because we were trying to plan the wedding and it'd be due almost exactly when we were planning a wedding. I didn't go into hysterics - which was weird for me - but I was super calm that I was making Matt nervous. Of course the test was negative, but made us realize we weren't ready yet despite talks. I wouldn't think of you as selfish really, you're not ready and aware of that.
@swazzle - It really has felt totally dead here for a while now. I guess work is keeping people particularly busy? No one has anything super interesting to talk about?
A few people left with new babies, so I forgive them.
I have done nothing but read Google News and plunk around on Pinterest this morning. I'm leaving in 10 minutes to go visit my friend at her chemo appointment, and have the rest of the day off! I'm going to stop by Target and get a window marker so we can put Just Married on my BF's brother's car. He parked it at our house while they're on their honeymoon and I want it to be decorated for their drive home (while still maintaining safe visibility, of course)!
This weekend wasn't bad. Friday I went out with my mum after work to a few places. She loves Urban Barn and was dying to show it to me. We also checked out Homesense {essentially 'Homegoods'} and Bouclair Home. A bunch of stuff I loved but didn't buy. It's a 20min walk from our new place, so I'll def be going back. A thunderstorm followed us home. Not much else.
Saturday we got our mattress!! They said between 1-4 and they showed at 3:50 lol .... it's good though. Huge difference already! That night I went to a pool party with my mum and her coworkers. It was good but I started getting a headache.
Sunday was nothing due to headache. Briefly stopped by Matt's parents place because his step-dad's mother had a bday and we wanted to say hi.
I stayed home yesterday because it was awful. Still not great today but more functioning at least! No idea why the headache though
I'm just getting around to having lunch now. Work has been hell today.
H and I are going to the movies tonight to see 'Lights Out' and I'm excited for popcorn and Cherry Coke Zero and hope the movie is as good as the reviews are saying it is.
@swazzle - It really has felt totally dead here for a while now. I guess work is keeping people particularly busy? No one has anything super interesting to talk about?
A few people left with new babies, so I forgive them.
I have done nothing but read Google News and plunk around on Pinterest this morning. I'm leaving in 10 minutes to go visit my friend at her chemo appointment, and have the rest of the day off! I'm going to stop by Target and get a window marker so we can put Just Married on my BF's brother's car. He parked it at our house while they're on their honeymoon and I want it to be decorated for their drive home (while still maintaining safe visibility, of course)!
Trust me, I check in all the time...though I admit it is hard to post with a very VERY alert baby. I feel like I don't want to post and not reply to people but typing the "@" symbol one handed with a squirming baby is really difficult I've discovered. And then I feel like my posts are all baby related...or about diapers, boobs, lack of sleep, throw up or cranky babies.
@eilis1228 - Well in THAT case, let me tell you a story about good ol' lefty leaky. Produces JUST enough to make me change my shirt all the time but not enough to be actually useful in feeding my child. Stupid boobs.
@eilis1228 - Well in THAT case, let me tell you a story about good ol' lefty leaky. Produces JUST enough to make me change my shirt all the time but not enough to be actually useful in feeding my child. Stupid boobs.
I'm giggling too much at this did you name it that?
@eilis1228 - Well in THAT case, let me tell you a story about good ol' lefty leaky. Produces JUST enough to make me change my shirt all the time but not enough to be actually useful in feeding my child. Stupid boobs.
@minskat30 My right side would leak all the time no matter how much Callie fed but my left side was like the side that always seemed to produce the least. Boobs are weird.
@eilis1228 - Well in THAT case, let me tell you a story about good ol' lefty leaky. Produces JUST enough to make me change my shirt all the time but not enough to be actually useful in feeding my child. Stupid boobs.
I'm giggling too much at this did you name it that?
@minskat30 My right side would leak all the time no matter how much Callie fed but my left side was like the side that always seemed to produce the least. Boobs are weird.
I just love it when I'm leaking and Ani is all "I know!! My HAND will feed me...get that aweful leaky boob away" then realizes she wants the boob after all the milk in there is on my shirt. Whatever kid.
@minskat30 My right side would leak all the time no matter how much Callie fed but my left side was like the side that always seemed to produce the least. Boobs are weird.
I just love it when I'm leaking and Ani is all "I know!! My HAND will feed me...get that aweful leaky boob away" then realizes she wants the boob after all the milk in there is on my shirt. Whatever kid.
OMG lol that reminds me...sometimes right when I would be right about to feed Callie my boobs would all of sudden be like MILLKKKKKKKK and would start leaking and it would just go everywhere to include all over her. Ugh I used to hate it when that happened...it's like I couldn't get her to latch fast enough to get all of the wasted milk.
Re: Tired Tuesday
@swazzle – I am so thankful that the guy was just batshit crazy and not batshit crazy with a bomb! Did you end up waiting to take the train or did you find another way home?
@PamBeesly524 – I LOVE the neckline on that dress. You look beautiful!
@LizzyTish88 – You’re so lucky you have access to a pool like that! *Hugs* and I hope all the stress is able to wear off eventually. Your vacation is so soon!
@TwoDimes – That song is so catchy! I was grooving at my computer, fo sho. I bought the Hamilton CD on a whim at B&N and haven’t actually uploaded it to my computer yet. I’m just mad my car stereo only holds ONE CD because the entire album is TWO.
@500days – I feel like even when I’m eventually wanting to get pregnant I’m still going to cry and freak out when I am, haha. It’s scary stuff, and you’re not selfish!
@eilis1228 – I know that if I’m gonna have kids I also want to start trying when I’m 29. But, OMG, that’s basically tomorrow! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
@AlPacina - I took the train that arrived. It was so crowded and then it CRAWLED to my stop. It was a very difficult night lol
I'm just getting around to having lunch now. Work has been hell today.
H and I are going to the movies tonight to see 'Lights Out' and I'm excited for popcorn and Cherry Coke Zero and hope the movie is as good as the reviews are saying it is.
Of course the test was negative, but made us realize we weren't ready yet despite talks.
I wouldn't think of you as selfish really, you're not ready and aware of that.
@swazzle - It really has felt totally dead here for a while now. I guess work is keeping people particularly busy? No one has anything super interesting to talk about?
A few people left with new babies, so I forgive them.
I have done nothing but read Google News and plunk around on Pinterest this morning. I'm leaving in 10 minutes to go visit my friend at her chemo appointment, and have the rest of the day off! I'm going to stop by Target and get a window marker so we can put Just Married on my BF's brother's car. He parked it at our house while they're on their honeymoon and I want it to be decorated for their drive home (while still maintaining safe visibility, of course)!
It's been a busy morning and I have skimmed everyone's post!
@Swazzle glad that wasn't real! I can't imagine how you felt
@southernpeach89 yay Callie!! Also for a baby, she has great eyebrows! Most kids I've seen her age don't seem to have eyebrows yet.
@PamBeesly524 love the dress! You guys look great
This weekend wasn't bad. Friday I went out with my mum after work to a few places. She loves Urban Barn and was dying to show it to me. We also checked out Homesense {essentially 'Homegoods'} and Bouclair Home. A bunch of stuff I loved but didn't buy. It's a 20min walk from our new place, so I'll def be going back.
A thunderstorm followed us home. Not much else.
Saturday we got our mattress!! They said between 1-4 and they showed at 3:50 lol .... it's good though. Huge difference already!
That night I went to a pool party with my mum and her coworkers. It was good but I started getting a headache.
Sunday was nothing due to headache. Briefly stopped by Matt's parents place because his step-dad's mother had a bday and we wanted to say hi.
I stayed home yesterday because it was awful. Still not great today but more functioning at least! No idea why the headache though
Trust me, I check in all the time...though I admit it is hard to post with a very VERY alert baby. I feel like I don't want to post and not reply to people but typing the "@" symbol one handed with a squirming baby is really difficult I've discovered. And then I feel like my posts are all baby related...or about diapers, boobs, lack of sleep, throw up or cranky babies.
My life is boring.
@minskat30 I mean, I don't mind you posting about your boobs.