I've seen discussions on The Knot about stamps for the RSVP; etiquette says you should always stamp the RSVPs so the recipient of the invitation is sure to mail it back. I totally disagree. I feel that if they really want to come, they will go through a little trouble to get a stamp and mail it back. I've seen so many weddings where money has been wasted on people who will mail back the RSVP and don't even show up. Providing them with a stamp makes it easy for them to put the RSVP in the mailbox and not even think about it. I think since the wedding is already quite expensive, and you're providing them free dinner, drinks, and entertainment; the least they can do is put a stamp on it.
Miss June Bride 2017
Re: RSVP Stamps
Most users are answering you on the Etiquette Board.
If you are looking for responses to your post, you should repost this on The Etiquette Board. However, I will preface that by saying that because it is a board about etiquette, you will not find many posters who share your opinion, because it is not correct. You are fine to disagree with the concept, but to not include a stamp on an RSVP card is not appropriate. The point of the Etiquette Board is that when you host an event, you do so completely and appropriately.
What you can do is offer an online opportunity to RSVP. That affords no additional cost to you, but provides a means for which your guests can respond. Some of your non-tech savvy guests may have trouble using this format, so an alternate option, even a phone number, should be provided.