Need some advice and suggestions! We are getting married in January and are thinking of taking our honeymoon in CA. We both have never been so we don't know what area(s) we should plan to visit. My fiancé tends to like more scenic/mountainous areas rather than being in the city, I like both. Thought about maybe a day at Disneyland as well but we may put that part off until 2018 with the new Star Wars developments as my fiance is a huge Star Wars nerd! Whale watching is a bucket list item for both of us, so if we can incorporate that, I heard January would be good for it in CA? Also, we both don't really drink much, but I do like wine. We are both the adventurous type so we don't want to spend the whole vacation lounging around, but we would like a good balance of relaxation and adventure activities. Please let me know if there's any other details I can provide that would give additional guidance! Also if you have alternative suggestions to CA I would be open to hearing those as well. Thank you in advance!