What's going on this weekend???
My MIL is coming Sunday and I'll be at the Bears game, so H and I have to clean tomorrow. We also need to finish the crawlspace cleanout we started and give the housebeast a bath. So basically lots of chores and a Bears game for me! My kind of weekend!
You remember how I hate the guy I'm assigned to at work? They are assigning me to another agent in another office also. So I'll still have to work for him, but I'll be in the other office twice a week. I expressed to the owner that he literally doesn't even look up phone numbers on his own and that kind of shit will have to stop. Boss was very receptive and said he'd talk to Guy, but Guy is a true salesman and will tell Boss exactly what he wants to hear and then nothing will change. I'm prepared to document things and go back to Boss in a month or two to show him how things haven't changed.
But at least it should be enough of a change to keep me from rage quitting in these next couple of months.
Re: Friday!
Nothing really exciting for me. Tonight we're going to see that Melissa McCarthy movie that has VERY limited release for some reason. Tomorrow we had planned to head to Southern IL to hang out with the bro and my nephews but H's scheudle got changed, yet again, so he doesn't have Sat off anymore. It's a long haul for me to go alone and for less than 24 hrs so we'll wait till he has another Sat off. Just as well because I do have a TON of stuff to do around the house.
I got an early Xmas present from H last night, a Roomba! I am seriously excited. From the reviews I read it should work great for what I want. We have 2 cats and a dog so the fur gets out of control very quickly! We have a fairly open floor plan with wood floors which seems to be where the Roomba shines. If I can cut down on my vacuuming during the week and just do some on weekends I will be a happy girl!
My H works rotating 12 hour shifts and this is his working weekend so no big plans. My parents are coming up tomorrow for a visit and Dinner –and a grandbaby fix. I was just talking to my friend about how our parents act like addicts with spending time with the grandkids lol. I would like to get out of the house at some point but weather is supposed to be cruddy so I’m not sure. I really should tackle the nursery closet and start getting things in order. This pregnancy has snuck up on me, I’m already in the third trimester.
I think this is a sign from God that we shouldn't relocate.
@ShesSoCold, at least it's two days a week in another office! Enjoy the Bears game. Uh oh, I just looked up the game. Looks like it's a fight between you and @mrsmitten's Lions. I was going to wish your Bears luck, but now I don't want to take sides, lol.
I managed to arrange a weekend that is even more mellow than last weekend. Which is saying something, lol. The only thing on the docket is a trip to Walmart, primarily for prescriptions, and a trip to the bank, assuming my tenant drops her rent check off today (she's usually reliable). I even have a choice of doing those things this afternoon or tomorrow morning. I'm not leaving the house on Sunday. I have dubbed it "Football and Mimosa" day. I hope to see my Saints win their 8th straight game in a row!
H is going to camp for tonight/tomorrow and coming back in time to do dinner out with friends. My football team made the playoffs, so our first round game is at 9am!
And I have Monday off. Yay for federal banking holidays.
And yay roomba, Jstump! I've always wanted one!
S&S - I was going to say something cocky about how the Bears don't need luck but we surely do. We might be better than we've been, but we are still the Bears. LOL
I was just online flipping through recipes from an e-mail I was sent from Better Homes (not spam, I purposely get them). A few of the recipes were talking about cooking a turkey or ham in a crockpot. And seemed to be implying whole turkeys and half hams. I'm side-eying the whole time and thinking, "Better Homes, have you MET my crockpot?, lol"
It's not the biggest that can be bought, but it's at least average-sized and it would defy the laws of physics to even remotely fit any part of a turkey, much less the whole thing. It could probably fit a quarter ham or close to it, but only if it were already cut in slices and smaller pieces. Maybe the ham we could work with. My H insists we have one for Christmas, so I'll mention the crockpot idea.
Despite being a major meat eater, ham is one of my least favorites. When it is served as its own entrée...like my H does at Christmas...I'll typically only have a little bit. Though I do like the leftovers a lot better in sandwiches or cut up in cubes for a breakfast casserole type thing.
Oh, I know! I'm not actually even creeped out. Well, maybe a little at technology in general, lol. But I did find it funny. And even appreciated it! "Why yes, Winn Dixie, Creamy Chicken and Dumplings IS my favorite Chunky soup. Thanks for letting me know the Chunky's are BOGO this weekend, lol."
Actually, it is unusual. I rarely get e-mails from Winn Dixie, but this was the second one I received this week.
We met Olive, the shelter dog last night. She is so sweet and very good around DD. We put in an application and can only keep our fingers crossed! Someone got there literally right before us to meet Olive too. We had to wait, just to meet her. I talked about my current dog Olive and how we adopted a dog from them before, so I'm hoping that gives us some sort of edge.
This weekend will be busy. Tomorrow we need to go to the Amish mart for chicken cutlets for dinner with H's family on Sunday. My brother's kids are also coming over to my house for a bit, probably just a few hours, but I will need to make them lunch and they are VERY picky! We will also do church on Saturday.
Sunday, H has an appointment to give blood. Then his family is coming over to celebrate his brother's birthday. I baked his birthday cake last night. I debated about freezing it, but ended up putting it in an air tight container instead. Hopefully it will stay fresh!
The grocery had 10% off gift cards so I dropped $1k there.
Tonight nothing.
Tomorrow 6let has his first futsal game. It’s going to be interesting since I don’t even really know the rules. Sunday church and a soccer game.
I am toggling myself between production issues in our facilities and I'm counting the minutes until I get to leave for a haircut.
MIL got home on Sunday and if she's open to visitors, I told DD that we'd make apple pie.
Other than that we have our annual shindig in a week and we MUST start to do home and food prep so we aren't screaming at each other about how we each suck while we're counting down the minutes until guests arrive.
amd even though I’m not a chocolate fan it was delicious. And we get out at 3 today.
The Quilt Show is going on in Houston and my mom and I are going to try to go. Those display quilts are beautiful! My mom is a dedicated crafter so she likes walking around the vendor displays and the workshops where people will teach techniques.
Also, not sure what you're doing for Disney but I know you can use Amazon Prime to ship food and other stuff to a Disney hotel room for something like a $5 to $10 fee. It's worth it if you plan to buy bottled water.
Of course, then I get a message from the new President about something Pride related. I had to be firm and state that I refused to work with the ED at this point. If me doing this work I promised to do before entirely leaving, was going to require work with the ED, I would step aside now and they could find someone else. I've been instructed to continue to move forward for now, so I will. I've just decided to look forward to getting gussied up in a hella gorgeous dress, having a great date night with K who is going to look astounding, hearing a great guest speaker, hopefully seeing some friends, and having a good time.
The rest of the weekend is nothing!
My dress:
We thought about doing it for Disney too but I haven't booked anything and don't want to buy just in case we don't do it
@banana468- I've heard you can use your Target credit card to get 5% off. I'd have to do the math on that vs. fuel points.
@VarunaTT- I LOVE the dress! Enjoy the night. Kick up your heels and have a blast!
@kvruns- the gift card does not need to be $50. I did a big combination of $25s, $20s,$15s, a $500, and a $180.
@VarunaTT, yeeeess LOVE the dress! Hopefully it's not an awkward night.
@Jen4948, T&P's for your cousin
Having a city day tomorrow and Christmas photos on Sunday, otherwise hoping to relax.