What's going on this weekend???
My MIL is coming Sunday and I'll be at the Bears game, so H and I have to clean tomorrow. We also need to finish the crawlspace cleanout we started and give the housebeast a bath. So basically lots of chores and a Bears game for me! My kind of weekend!
You remember how I hate the guy I'm assigned to at work? They are assigning me to another agent in another office also. So I'll still have to work for him, but I'll be in the other office twice a week. I expressed to the owner that he literally doesn't even look up phone numbers on his own and that kind of shit will have to stop. Boss was very receptive and said he'd talk to Guy, but Guy is a true salesman and will tell Boss exactly what he wants to hear and then nothing will change. I'm prepared to document things and go back to Boss in a month or two to show him how things haven't changed.
But at least it should be enough of a change to keep me from rage quitting in these next couple of months.