One of my closest friends’ daughters Is getting married. I am divorced, not dating anyone and my invitation stated that I could bring a plus one. I decided to bring my 22 yr old son, who is also close to my friend’s family. When I casually told my friend this, she responded that “no kids were allowed “ at the wedding and that he was welcome later for “dessert”. I tried to explain to my friend how difficult it would be for me to go alone to a black tie wedding with almost no other singles invited. She still declined to have my son there. I helped host the shower and decided not to attend the wedding . My friend is now bad- mouthing to all that will listen to her and has chosen not to be friends anymore. What is the proper etiquette for plus ones? What if I hadn’t told her who I was bringing? Of note, my son is a mature, well-mannered young man who was thrilled to escort his mother to this wedding. I have attempted to reach out to my friend several times, with no response from her. Thoughts????