Dear Prudence,
I live a life of keeping promises to all and meeting deadlines, demands, and requests for everyone in my life. I’m a mother and a wife, I have a full-time job, I’m working to get my commercial driver’s license (CDL) to drive a school bus because I was asked and can’t say no, I’m a member of the PTO, I’m a soccer coach for both my children’s teams, and I’m sure I’m missing something. The point is I can’t say no, I’m reliable, and I get it all done.
However, I can’t seem to make time for myself when I know I need it. I can’t seem to say no. I can’t seem to set goals for myself and keep them. I am able to do everything asked for me by everyone else but I can’t do the same thing for myself. I can’t set time aside and I can’t set a goal and make myself reach it. I need advice. I show myself all the grace but feel like I’m constantly letting down “me.” What am I doing wrong, or more so, what can I change to not only do what everyone else needs but what I need as well?
—I’m Reliable for Everyone But Myself