Wedding Woes

Leave him be. Harping on this won't get you anywhere.

Dear Prudence, 

Like most old men, my father grew increasingly fixed in his ideas over the years. After my mother died, he spent a lot of time alone binge-watching the kind of television you would rather your elderly relatives didn’t have access to and drawing inwards. My younger brother decided he had the solution and managed to persuade the old man to take psilocybin and, later, MDMA. My dad LOVED it and there’s no denying that he’s considerably nicer ever since.

But he’s now gone down a psychedelic rabbit hole. We’re talking about ayahuasca retreats in Peru, psytrance festivals in Spain, and an ibogaine “awakening.” There are parts of this that I love for him, he’s undeniably happier, but I am terrified of the health and legal risks. I’m also incredibly angry with my brother, who I feel has been very irresponsible. I’ve tried talking to both of them but they just blow me off and my father has angrily told me that he’s happy and it’s his life to live (honestly, he sounded like my teen self). Should I just drop this and let it be? Or do I have a responsibility to be the grown-up here?

—Not His Mom

Re: Leave him be. Harping on this won't get you anywhere.

  • I mean, as long as you're not asking him to babysit or operate heavy machinery I don't know what would be accomplished here.
  • I mean, there's a reason they're trying to study microdosing hallucinogenics and depression (side note, the recent written FDA denial of MDMA for depression was hilariously funny--Like duh, of course psychedelics can't be double blinded).

    I'm torn on this one. Like no, I'm not a fan of regular drug use, however it honestly seems like he is mentally and physically doing much better than he was before. Now, could Zoloft have also helped? Who knows (or maybe he did try meds and they didn't help). But at this point it sounds like the financial risks are overtaking the physical ones, and that is understandably concerning. Because those environments do become ripe for people with less than savory intentions to flock to, and when you're under the influence, you're obviously much more suggestible. But otherwise? He's not really harming anyone else? 

  • I've often joked that if I make it to 90, I'm going to do all the risky dugs I was scared of as a teenager. 

    He's an old man. He is very clear that he has a finite amount of time left, and he'd rather spend it tripping balls at burning man than watching fox news. Stop being a kill joy. 
  • I've often joked that if I make it to 90, I'm going to do all the risky dugs I was scared of as a teenager. 

    He's an old man. He is very clear that he has a finite amount of time left, and he'd rather spend it tripping balls at burning man than watching fox news. Stop being a kill joy. 
    DH has a clearance that he could lose if he failed a drug test.  It hasn't come up but he also believes in Murphy's law so consequently that's the same joke.

    I also feel like there is NO WAY he's suited for mind altering substances and they'll only make his anxiety worse.  With his luck he'll eat his first brownie and instead of getting hungry he'll have a panic attack.  
  • My dorky confession.  I'm such a goody two-shoes and don't keep up at all with the latest fads/trends/newer things.  "Newer" can sometimes mean in the last 25 years, lol.

    I would need to do a lot of Googling to understand all the words in this letter.  I initially thought MDMA was a fighting style.  But then when you were all using it in the context of a drug, I realized I was confusing the initials with MMA, lmao.

    At any rate, the LW needs to let this go.  Their dad is happy.  He's traveling the world in his twilight years.  We should all be that lucky!  Life is SO short and while it can be hard for the LW to face, their dad is coming to the end of his no matter what he does.

    Maybe the drugs or the lifestyle will hasten that end.  But I know I'd rather cut a few years off my life if it meant I could live the last 5-10 years to the fullest, instead of sitting in my house watching angry news shows and having nothing to look forward to.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Sounds like he’s happier, less isolated, and trying new things. Unless you think he’s financially vulnerable leave it be. 
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