Military Brides

Morning everyone!

Happy Monday.

How's everyone today?

H had to go into work early today to get new computers so that means the dogs will be in their crate the longest they have been yet. WIsh me luck! I'm so glad we crate trained them. Ike still doesn't like going in but as soon as no one is home, I think he just naps. I can't believe how much dogs sleep everyday!

Bad news on the baby front- I didn't even ovulate this month. I'm pretty bummed. I don't really feel like talking about it but I did want to update you guys. Did someone, in those vibes, put a hex on me?! ;-)

Have a great day everyone!
imageBabyFruit Ticker

Re: Morning everyone!

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    ggirl2001ggirl2001 member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Hi! I had a good weekend because my parents are in town so that's been nice. Hike my sister has a problem with ovulating, in that she wasn't ovulating ever. She went on clomid? For both pregnancies. My baby niece is having surgery this Friday because she has metopic cranio. She is only 5 months old. I wish I could be home for my brother and his wife.
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    BinxRoseBinxRose member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Hike, I was trying to send you a PM, but nothing happens when I press the "send" button. But basically, like ggirl's sister, my sister wasn't ovulating, was diagnosed with insulin resistance, and was put on Chlomid and Metformin for a few months. She is now pregnant. Today is a really good day for me! I'm excited I get to see my FI in a few days. I'm really excited for a friend of mine here (who is actually old enough to be my mom...I get along really well with older adults)! Her H is finally home from overseas!! And I'm also excited for my big sister who is preggo, and is now officially at the12-week mark, so I could finally tell all my friends! They call the baby "Pickles" because she has really been loving pickles and dill pickle chips. ggirl- best of luck to your niece and family. Hope everything goes well.
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    edited December 2011
    Hike - I'm really sorry, I know that has to be discouraging for you. I'll continue to keep you in the thoughts.

    It's monday - I woke up a little congested and I really hope I'm not getting sick. I'm drinking some green tea so maybe the heat will help some. I had a decent weekend - nothing really special. Didn't accomplish anything I said I wanted to do, except clean, but oh well - there is next weekend and all the days till then, right?
    Nothing exciting here - just another monday for me. Oh! But I do get to babysit the cutest 9 month old, ever, this evening (permitting I feel better of course). Definitely doesn't cure the baby fever - just makes it worse.

    ggirl - I hope everything goes well for your niece today!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    edited December 2011
    Hikey- yay for crate training. I know a lot of people are against it, but I feel like those that are have never trained, shown, or even RESEARCHED about their dog because a crate is like a bedroom for a dog. Even if one doesn't want to go in right away, he knows exactly what to do when he's there! I wish I could nap all day... :P

    ggirl- I'm so sorry about your baby neice :( I hope everything goes smoothly and she recovers from the surgery quickly... poor baby :/

    Binx- Did you make sure to put a "subject" in? A pm won't send without something in the topic line. haha That's a cute nickname for a baby. :]

    amh- YOu have baby fever?!! How old are you?! I thought you were closer to Sami's/my age.

    Lazy weekend. Seahawks lost yesterday so I cooked/baked my sorrows away :P Today I have to go fight with the DOL to figure out what to do about my car that's in my mom's name that needs to now be in MY name, but my POA is in my OLD name, and I want the car in, what will be, my NEW name. GAH!! This is too complicated. Can't I just.. not?
    I don't want to go to class today because I want to take care of this crap  asap, but I need to because I skipped last Friday. Fail. *sigh* I want this week to be done already and everything to  be done and successful. lol

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    melbelle24melbelle24 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Good morning everyone! I'm off to a great start this AM, I'm puppy-sitting for my sister, and waking up to a 6lb Morkie in my face is just adorable. It even makes up for the sinus crud and still-recovering from a New Orleans bachelorette party better! Oh, and I'm excited to be going back to my old high school this afternoon to see my male football-playing teenage cousins dressed up like cheerleaders for the PowderPuff football game. Hike - I'm sorry, I know that sucks. Don't get discouraged yet though! Ggirl - I hope your niece's surgery goes well!
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    edited December 2011
    Hike and GG- I will be sending out prayers and good vibes to you both! 

    I have decided that Mondays and I are not friends.  I want nothing better than to sit on the couch and watch TV and sleep.  Good news, I got a new computer at work! YAY!! I think my old one was running by hampster power.  Little things these days. 
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    calindicalindi member
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Hike - it happens, girlie!  Our bodies have a mind of their own sometimes.  Hang in there - I know there's no platitude that will make it all better, but I have a feeling this will all work out very soon for you.  Just try and be patient and enjoy the ride.  You know how we all try to advise girls who are dating who are desperate to be engaged that they should enjoy this time because once they get engaged, they'll never be "just dating" again?  I guess I'd say try to enjoy this time because once you DO get pregnant (and you will, I'm sure of it), then you'll never be "just the two of you" again.  It's a special time all the way around, and very exciting.  I've got 10 months until my wedding - maybe you'll be having a little one right around the same time I walk down the aisle?


    I had a hangover day yesterday.  We went to a party on Saturday, and I hadn't really eaten much all day (okay, at all - I just sort of forgot and was running errands) so a few beers and I was just a mess.  FI had a few more than me, and he also was hungover.  So we just lounged around, make mac 'n cheese, and played Yahtzee.  Not a bad day!  Still have a ton of laundry to do sometime this week, though.  And back to work with lots and lots to do and I don't want to do ANY of it!  Ugh!



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    BinxRoseBinxRose member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Oh FTL, no, I did not have anything in the subject line! Thanks! I will remember that for next time.
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    YoungDuoYoungDuo member
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    edited December 2011

    Good morning everyone :) This is the first day of my last week of work before the wedding and I move! It's bittersweet..I'm so excited about everything coming up, but I hate leaving my job. I love my customers and my co-workers. I went to Appalachian State's Homecoming with FI on Saturday, and we won..Go Mountaineers!!! It was FI's first time at a college football game that NC State wasn't playing a pretty big deal :-P

    Hike- I'm sorry this wasn't a good month for you..I'll keep sending good thoughts and prayers your way!

    Ggirl-I hope your niece's surgery goes well today!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    image 204 made the cut image 122 are ready to party image 65 are being lame
    image 17 can't find the mailbox
    RSVP Date: October 20
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    LetsHikeTodayLetsHikeToday member
    Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thanks for all the support ladies and for putting things into perspective.

    I appreciate everything. :-)
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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    edited December 2011
    FTL - Yeah, I'm right around your age (I'll be 23 next month). I've had baby fever for a while to be truthful.

    Hike - I'm glad the crate training is going well - Jade loved her crate, she would go and just lay in it even if we were home but shes gotten way too big for it now and has gotten better with us leaving her out in the house. We just have to be routine about it and she's fine. (she's such a routine dog to begin with).

    Young - how exciting! I hope everything goes smoothly this week and for your move!

    Cali - Glad to know I wasn't the only one who didn't get around to laundry! I need to do it tonight (since it's a duty night - makes it 10x easier) I just didn't feel like doing it yesterday - so i didn't even have a good excuse!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    edited December 2011
    Good Morning!

    I'm in a funk today. Even with the sun shining I have zero energy to do anything. I am making a list of projects to tackle this week which should keep me busy.

    I reorganized all my scrapbooking supplies yesterday, it felt so good AND it will give me more stuff to do this week.
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    calindicalindi member
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Anne - I've had baby fever since I was 18 years old.  I do believe our bodies are biologically inclined towards craving having babies (doesn't mean everyone wants a kid, just that the craving is hormonal and emotional, not necessarily timed for when we're financially and  personally ready for that step).  Logically I don't want one for another few years still, but hormonally I've wanted babies since I hit puberty. 

    My dress came in!!!! I got a phone call on Saturday, so I need to make an appointment to go in to see it and try it on and make sure everything's right (color, size, style, etc.) in the very unlikely case we'd have to re-order it for some mistake by the manufacturer (okay, I'm just trying to come up with logical reasons to go visit it when I know that I won't start fittings until like May!)

    It does make me a little sad that my Mom won't be down here to go to any fittings with me.  And my closest girlfriends are also too far away.  There's only about 2-3 girls down here who are invited to my wedding, and I'm not sure which (if any) I want to come to my fittings with me.  Well, one for sure, but she's currently in Venezuela fighting US immigration that doesn't want to accept her work visa.  So anyway, my closest friend who lives in the area is not even allowed to enter the country and has been gone for 2 months trying to sort this out (you can't be in the country while it's processing).  Bummer!



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    YoungDuoYoungDuo member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Yay Cal! That's exciting your dress came in! Post pics when you can so we can see how great you look :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    image 204 made the cut image 122 are ready to party image 65 are being lame
    image 17 can't find the mailbox
    RSVP Date: October 20
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    edited December 2011
    Cal - Yeah, I've wanted babies for a while. I love them, and I actually was an admin assistant in a day care and helped out - so I know how it all goes from like 6 weeks till 5 years old. Logically it's something we really need to sit down and figure out when we want to have one (esp since FI is getting baby fever too) we want to do it on a shore duty rotation (which we are on now). In about 2 years FI will have another 4 years of sea duty and then shore (thinking that everything goes well with PTS - we're in good shape but you never know). So It's either - do we want to try after the wedding or wait 6 years (when I'm 29). Financially - we're doing good. We own our house, we don't have much debt (the cars and the house), we've got a good chunk in savings. So it's really something we need to figure out when is right for us both logically and emotionally.

    But anyhow - YAY for your dress coming in!!! If you need someone to go do things with let me know! I know I'm like 2 hoursish away but I know how it feels doing most of the things alone. So if you need someone and are up for a knottie - I'll do my best to drive down!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    BinxRoseBinxRose member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Oh ya, I'm 23 and I get baby fever too! Sometimes my job as a nanny makes it worse (like when the 2-year-old wraps her arms around my neck and says "I love you Miss Whitney!" It melts my heart). But then when I have to wipe her tush after potty time...then I'm glad I don't have to do that 24/7 yet! Honestly, my FI has baby fever worse than me haha! He loves kids and can't wait to be a dad. But we both know it isn't logical right now. We've discussed it, and we think we'll start trying when we move back home in fall of 2013. But, I may want more "us time" first, so it could be put off longer. Cali- hooray for your dress coming in! I can't wait to go home for Christmas to have my first fitting.
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    calindicalindi member
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Anne - I seriously may take you up on that.  It would be a fun Knottie GTG, no?  It's actually near Ft. Lauderdale - is that closer to you at all?

    I'd say 29 years old seems like a good age to have a baby.  Gives you some time to get used to being married and the military life, and still plenty young enough to be young parents.

    FI will be 29 when we get married, and he has said for years that he wants kids by the time he's 30.  I told him his math is wrong, since he'll turn 30 about 6 months after we get married!



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    edited December 2011
    Hey girls! I am sooo tired this morning :/ Coffee is NOT helping. And, FI left the house without saying goodbye, which kinda put me in a funk. He was in a rush to get to his midterms, so I wanted to wish him luck and couldn't. Oh well. Anyway, this weekend, was ok. The show on Friday was crazy. They kept pushing the start time back and I just wanted it to be over with so I could go home! I can't hang anymore :) But, it went well. Saturday was spent cleaning that spare room with FI's mom, who would not let go of anything! Needless to say, it's still not done, and we need to pick up the couch that goes in there on Saturday. Yesterday we went to watch the Raider game, and left at the third quarter, since they were getting destroyed. I started playing a Nancy Drew computer game that FI found in the house, and it's so hard! But fun.
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    edited December 2011
    amh- ah yeah you are. I turn 23 in Feb. haha.. I just have no interest in babies... I am awesome with them since I grew up volunteering at my mom's job(s)... but I just.. don't wanna.. I think it's mainly the labor that scares me, but I love kids. I love helping other people with their children and love babysitting, but I just don't want one. But I thnk that's okay to feel that way at 22 right? haha.. I have a few years before I need to start feeling the fever :P

    Binx and amh stop having baby fever. We're too young for that. :P hahah

    Cal- yay for dress! You better take pics or don't come back. *serious face*

    Yeah H is 29 and he has a little bit of baby fever, but he knows that part of marrying a youngin' is accepting that he will be an older dad. Just the way it goes. I think he's okay with it because we want a few years to be just.. absorbed in ourselves as a couple. I also don't think he wants to be in the military when we have kids, but he doesn't know if he is going to life it or not yet. In the mean time, he's adorable with kids. :]
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:2fdcd16d-671a-4d47-982d-41ce484b8c68Post:671b0771-519d-4341-9494-ba87078dfbea">Re: Morning everyone!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Anne - I seriously may take you up on that.  It would be a fun Knottie GTG, no?  <strong>It's actually near Ft. Lauderdale - is that closer to you at all?</strong> I'd say 29 years old seems like a good age to have a baby.  Gives you some time to get used to being married and the military life, and still plenty young enough to be young parents. FI will be 29 when we get married, and he has said for years that he wants kids by the time he's 30.  I told him his math is wrong, since he'll turn 30 about 6 months after we get married!
    Posted by calindi[/QUOTE]

    Okay - proves to show my sucky FL knowlege - it's a 5.5 hour drive. :( We're up in the panhandle (i think thats what they call it) in Orange Park.

    It's definitely something to think about/discuss - Emotionally and logically I'm baby ready. But - I definitely want time for us as a couple - before we have to worry about deployments again. I know its important to both of us to have our first on shore duty, especially since we know how crappy sea duty is.

    Thats too funny! Definitely did his math wrong there :)

    Binx- Aren't they so cute at that age?! I used to work in a day care as an admin assistant and would help out with the babies. I loved it when they were all cuddley - but man I was glad when I could pass off those gag worthy diapers!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    divinemsbeedivinemsbee member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I guess it's nearly afternoon, but good morning anyways! I've discovered that I actually sleep better on our couch than I do the bed. If I'm on the couch I get up around 8; I slept in bed with FI last night and today wasn't up til 10. Argh, I have so much to catch up on today (so much laundry). I need to go get my oil changed and get gas. And we're carving pumpkins tonight! So excited, FI told me when we bought them that he has never carved a pumpkin before.

    Adding to the baby discussion, I've told FI, and he agrees, that the longer we wait to get married, the sooner after marriage we'll start trying. I'll be 28 in just over 2 months, and I'm ready to start doing this thing, especially if we want more than 2 kids. At this point I really want to just Irish-twin it so that they're close in age and I get all the pregnancies over with in a few years, but that heavily depends on what's going on in our lives in a year or so.
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    edited December 2011
    CAB- I'm gravely disappointed in you. A true football fan NEVER EVER leaves a game early, even when losing miserably. *shakes head* shame shame... ;)
    Boo with room cleaning and Fi's mom haha...

    DIv- I always forget the time difference.. man.. It's already past noon your time... I have so much crap to do I can't even think of it being noon yet! It's only 930 here.
    Yay for pumpkin carving!! Take pictures for us!

    I cooked like a mad woman this weekend and FINALLY found the chocolate chip cookie recipe that I LOVE. So sold. Done. No more searching and tring a hundred different chocochip cookie recipes. I think I convinced H that squash can taste good too. haha.. another success!

    And I got my new license plate/tabs this morning as well as my marriage certificate "certified copy". The STUPID DMV is closed on Mondays so I can't get my new license (that's all you have to get to change your name in the state of WA. Thank you for making it easy WA! I'm glad I don't have a ton of paperwork to fill out like in other states) so when I get that, the DOL lady said I'll just bring her both licenses (old and new) and she can switch my car's title into my name from my mom's name, even those my POA from my mom will be in my "old" name.
    YAY for Wa being easy. *pheewww* I was dreading it. Now it needs to be tomorrow so I can make that happen haha.
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:2fdcd16d-671a-4d47-982d-41ce484b8c68Post:2242bd6c-4c89-42c4-9179-0615a8f5e04b">Re: Morning everyone!</a>:
    [QUOTE]CAB- I'm gravely disappointed in you. <strong>A true football fan NEVER EVER leaves a game early, even when losing miserably</strong>. *shakes head* shame shame... ;) Boo with room cleaning and Fi's mom haha... DIv- I always forget the time difference.. man.. It's already past noon your time... I have so much crap to do I can't even think of it being noon yet! It's only 930 here. Yay for pumpkin carving!! Take pictures for us! I cooked like a mad woman this weekend and FINALLY found the chocolate chip cookie recipe that I LOVE. So sold. Done. No more searching and tring a hundred different chocochip cookie recipes. I think I convinced H that squash can taste good too. haha.. another success! And I got my new license plate/tabs this morning as well as my marriage certificate "certified copy". The STUPID DMV is closed on Mondays so I can't get my new license (that's all you have to get to change your name in the state of WA. Thank you for making it easy WA! I'm glad I don't have a ton of paperwork to fill out like in other states) so when I get that, the DOL lady said I'll just bring her both licenses (old and new) and she can switch my car's title into my name from my mom's name, even those my POA from my mom will be in my "old" name. YAY for Wa being easy. *pheewww* I was dreading it. Now it needs to be tomorrow so I can make that happen haha.
    Posted by firsttimersluck[/QUOTE]
    To my defense, it was FI's idea to leave, and, lets face it, it WAS the Raiders, after all! :) Ohhh he would KILL me if he saw me saying that lol! No we left because he was worried that he didn't get enough studying in for his midterms. I at that point had my fill of beer and appetizers for the day, so I was good to go! HA HA!
    OH! And it's only 9:40 am here... so it really is morning for me! :)
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    edited December 2011
    Good morning!

    Hike- I hope the dogs do well in the crate.  It sounds like they've done really good so far :) Yay!

    Cal-Yay for the dress coming in!  That is so exciting.  How long did it take after you ordered it?  Please post pictures when you pick it up.

    I'm kind of blah today.  I had a really relaxing weekend and got some wedding stuff done but this morning I woke up feeling terrible.  I feel a little better now phyiscally but I'm just kind of depressed today.  The kind where you don't really feel like talking to anyone just curling up in your bed and watch a movie or sleep.  I'm supposed to go over to FI's tonight to watch his dog while he hunts.  I most likely will but I really don't want to.  He'll probably come home and want to hang out, but I'll want to leave the minute he gets there.  I'm just dreading it.
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    KendallR10KendallR10 member
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    edited December 2011
    Today: I get to deal with 2 different banks. I start my first day at target and we are meeting with our Officiant tonight. 

    Military Brides December 2011 Siggy. Holiday picture with your SO. We suck and don't have one :/ Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.
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    edited December 2011
    GL at Target Kendall. The Officient meetings makes things very real and exciting.
    What's the problem with your banks?

    aww spiff I'm sorry. I know exactly how your feeling because that was totally me all last week. H kept asking what was wrong, which was just upsetting me more because I didn't wanna talk! />_< hah
    Everything okay between you and FI? Or is it just blah and you don't want to be around anyone in particular. Sometimes it helps to just be in company but be silent. Maybe if he wants to hang out, tell him okay, but only if you don't have to talk at all.. Sometimes hearing someone else ramble about their day/weekend/week whatever can help pull you out of  a funk. feel better spiffs
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    KendallR10KendallR10 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Morning everyone!</a>:
    [QUOTE]GL at Target Kendall. The Officient meetings makes things very real and exciting. What's the problem with your banks? aww spiff I'm sorry. I know exactly how your feeling because that was totally me all last week. H kept asking what was wrong, which was just upsetting me more because I didn't wanna talk! />_< hah Everything okay between you and FI? Or is it just blah and you don't want to be around anyone in particular. Sometimes it helps to just be in company but be silent. Maybe if he wants to hang out, tell him okay, but only if you don't have to talk at all.. Sometimes hearing someone else ramble about their day/weekend/week whatever can help pull you out of  a funk. feel better spiffs
    Posted by firsttimersluck[/QUOTE]

    <div>1. wells fargo needs our car insurance info for our car loan</div><div>2. Our new credit union I think didn't set my card up right. I put a check in and I got declined. </div>
    Military Brides December 2011 Siggy. Holiday picture with your SO. We suck and don't have one :/ Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.
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    edited December 2011
    Ah, that's annoying. Wells Fargo was a good bank when I had them, but I'm glad I have USAA only, now. They make like so easy and are always quick to fix stuff.
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    BinxRoseBinxRose member
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:13Discussion:2fdcd16d-671a-4d47-982d-41ce484b8c68Post:aff0be09-3733-4d26-b6ee-b08c304bfcc8">Re: Morning everyone!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Morning everyone! : Binx- Aren't they so cute at that age?! I used to work in a day care as an admin assistant and would help out with the babies. I loved it when they were all cuddley - but man I was glad when I could pass off those gag worthy diapers!
    Posted by amh04[/QUOTE]

    Yes! The 2-3 is my favorite age. And I'm totally taking credit for doing her #2 potty training in August.
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    edited December 2011
    FTL- Last night before I left FI's house we got in a little argument about his dog.  It was stupid and just one of those "why are we arguing about this?" moments.  It was while I was on my way out the door to go home.  I really hate when I leave there even a tad bit upset.  It is one of the things I hate about not living together.

    I'm guessing that has something to do with it.  Not all of it though.  When I go over there everything will be fine.  I guess we'll see how I feel when he gets home.  Like you said, maybe we'll just sit there and watch tv.  No talking involved.  I feel really selfish for just wanting to not be social.

    Thanks for the advice!  I hope this feeling doesn't last any longer than today. ha.
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