Hey Ladies,So Friday I went to pick out my diamond with BF...YAY! Anyway this was actually the 2nd trip we made. The first time we went we spoke to the jeweler about budget and size and preferences and she ordered two stones for me to look at. When we went on Friday, she had a one carat stone that had very good ratings in terms of the other of the four C's- all stuff in the top tier for every catagory, and she ALSO had a .91 carat stone that had perfect ratings like D color, flawless clarity, the cut was so good it was deemed a "hearts and arrows" diamond. When i looked at them side by side the smaller one was noticeably sparkly-er (word?- eh i'll go with it)...Now, i had my choice of the two, i went with the smaller, perfect, slightly more expensive stone...What would you have done?? I'm curious to know what other women think....