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Poll: Quality vs. Quantity

Hey Ladies,So Friday I went to pick out my diamond with BF...YAY!  Anyway this was actually the 2nd trip we made.  The first time we went we spoke to the jeweler about budget and size and preferences and she ordered two stones for me to look at.  When we went on Friday, she had a one carat stone that had very good ratings in terms of the other of the four C's- all stuff in the top tier for every catagory, and she ALSO had a .91 carat stone that had perfect ratings like D color, flawless clarity, the cut was so good it was deemed a "hearts and arrows" diamond.  When i looked at them side by side the smaller one was noticeably sparkly-er (word?- eh i'll go with it)...Now, i had my choice of the two, i went with the smaller, perfect, slightly more expensive stone...What would you have done?? I'm curious to know what other women think....

Re: Poll: Quality vs. Quantity

  • salt78salt78 member
    edited December 2011
    .91 carat isn't a small ring.
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  • edited December 2011
    I would have done the same thing. Its not the size but the quality of the stone that counts.
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  • edited December 2011
    I would have also chosen the better quality diamond - no one would notice a .9 carat difference anyway but they might notice the quality difference ( I wouldn't be able to tell but somebody might)
  • edited December 2011
    I would choose what you did...quality is more noticeable than size...especially if they are withing .09 carats of each other.  And it sounds like you liked the .91 carat one better, so you definitely made the right decision!
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  • TheDuckisTheDuckis member
    Seventh Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I would have looked at more than 2 stones, and I wouldn't have bought from a place that uses marketing terms like "hearts and arrows" to describe cut. Cut is the most important thing, as that's where the sparkle comes from. So, overall you were right in choosing the stone with the better cut. However, if you'd looked at more, you'd have realized you could have saved money or gotten a larger stone if you'd compromised on color and clarity. No one (not even an experienced jeweler) can tell the difference between colorless and near colorless stones without careful evaluation. And you need 10x magnification to tell the difference between a flawless and SI1 rated stone. Set in a ring, on your finger an Excellent Cut, D Color, FL Clarity stone will look exactly the same as an Excellent Cut, H Color, SI1 Clarity stone. You paid extra for invisible "quality."
  • edited December 2011
    Yeah i did a lot of research before we went i know all about what ur saying...also, i saw the certifications for both diamonds, plus i trust Ross Simons as they are reputable jewelers, i did notice a difference in shine and the way the light caught when i compared them side by side too
  • edited December 2011
    .91? That's small? My .45 carat ring must look ridiculously small then. What  silly question. OF COURSE go wth the better diamond. Who wants a huge milky pock marked diamond? My FI got my ring b/c of how beautiful the diamond was. I was a bitchy "oooh 1 carat sounds nice, at the least!" girl to him for a long while, then he handed me my ring. .45 carats of unbelievably GORGEOUS, clear, completely colorless diamond.duhh. I love it.
  • edited December 2011
    I would have looked at more than 2 stones, and I wouldn't have bought from a place that uses marketing terms like "hearts and arrows" to describe cutIt's a legitimate description.  My diamonds are Ideal cut, and are described as "hearts and arrows".  The ring even came with one of those magnifying things so you can see what they mean by "hearts and arrows".  So I wouldn't be concerned about that.What I am concerned about is that you are debating about the "difference" between 0.9 and 1 carat.  Can you even visually see a difference in size? I doubt it.  Cut is the most important C (that's why the 0.9 carat was sparklier), so I absolutely would've gone with the diamond of better quality.
  • edited December 2011
    Oh, but I do agree you should've looked at more than 2 stones.  You could've sacrificed on color and clarity without a noticeable visual difference, but with a significant (read: $1k) difference in price tag. 
  • edited December 2011
    just to clarify, i never said my diamond (the one i picked) was small, its not.  I said small-ER than the other one i compared it against.
  • edited December 2011
    If you don't think the .09 cart difference is a big deal and you don't think its small, then why the fretting?
  • edited December 2011
    oh lol im not fretting i was jsut sharing my deal and wanting to start some dialogue, get some opinions from other women
  • Ashleigh8Ashleigh8 member
    edited December 2011
    The boyfriend and I have looked at several different places... from chain to small family owned stores.  A few things I did learn though:A "reputable" store will sell you a crappy diamond just as easily as a "nonreputable" store.Know your 4'cLearn how to use your jeweler's loupe (there's more to see in a diamond than just sparkles).This is your opportunity to be picky... a good jewelry store won't rush you or push you into a ring... they should answer all of your questions and be very versed in what they are trying to sell you.But to the OP's question--- I would have gone with the diamond I liked the best, regardless of size/shape/color.. etc.   You'll be the one wearing it and loving it.
  • Lilika FlowerLilika Flower member
    edited December 2011
    Since you can notice a big difference in the diamonds I would go with the one with better quality. If I couldn't tell that much of a difference I would go with the one that is cheaper.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm so glad I didn't have to learn anything about diamonds or rings for that matter. Mine is nice and heirloomy.
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  • edited December 2011
    very cool! who passed it down to you?  I love stuff like that, my mom wears her mom's ring and its beautiful and extra special since my grandma died when my mom was only 19
  • edited December 2011
    The diamond was in FI's family.  I know it was his grandmother's but it may have come before that time too.  And he picked out the setting himself so I didn't have to do a thing.  I can't pick out a wedding band for the life of me now so maybe I'll let him do that too.
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  • edited December 2011
    aw that's really nice
  • edited December 2011
    Ah I have the opposite. I was handed down a wedding band. My mom just gave it to me today. =)FI picked out the e-ring himself
  • edited December 2011
    I definitely would have chosen the higher quality diamond. That 0.09 of a carat difference was probably barely noticeable.
    He pretty much had me at "hello".
    -- PS I agree with whatever Jeana said --
  • edited December 2011
    FYI, Hearts and Arrows isn't a quality of cut, it is a type of cut.
  • edited December 2011
    QUALITY!It took over 4 months for me to find me perfect ring; so frustrated with no being able to find a simple 2ct we finally stumbled over to  Cartier's... , I was super shocked to find out that the average size of e-ring for the past 10 years have been only a third of a ct.... You're looking a good size. I'd look at the diamond certificate and pay attention to measurements and cut grade- the rest is all about you loving it!
  • edited December 2011
    I wanted excellent quality, and my BF wanted it to be around 1 carat (some macho ego thing, I'm sure, but I wasn't going to argue as long as it was a wearable size for me). It just wasn't going to happen for what we can afford. My compromise, instead of going with a stone that was less quality than I wanted and smaller in size than he wanted, was to research options other than diamonds. But then, I do like to be a little outside the box. :)
  • PandaBurrPandaBurr member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    High-five, jeana! :) I honestly didn't want a diamond, but that's just my personal taste. So I'm very happy with what I got.
  • edited December 2011
    Quality is important, but I want to balance the quality. My boyfriend just told me the budget.  Here are my options:1. a perfect diamond at about 1/2 carat (D or E, flawless or VVS1 , and ideal cut).2.  a diamond around 3/4 carat that is not so perfect (I or J color, SI clarity, ideal cut).I'm going with option 2.  No one but me would know if the diamand was flawless and most people are not going to see any color in an I colored diamond. FWIW, some people say they are color sensitive and have eyes like hawkes.  I'm not one of those people.  So, I choose balance. 
  • Sabina1313Sabina1313 member
    edited December 2011
    I don't really understand why everyone was jumping on her for saying it was small.  Nowhere did she say it was small. She said one was a carat and the other was "smaller".FWIW I would have gone with the better quality stone as well.  .09 carats isn't a huge difference either way.  But even if it was something like half a carat, if the "sparkly" factor was what was more important to you in the long run then it's the cut that you want anyway.  So for you, you made the right choice.  Congrats! :)
  • redheadfsuredheadfsu member
    edited December 2011
    I love Hearts & Arrow diamonds. But to clarify, it is a type of cut for a round diamond. The GIA and AGS do not grade Hearts & Arrows. There is no official Hearts & Arrows certification in the US. (I think there might be one in Japan.) The only good way to tell that it is a H&A is with a H&A viewer. Good H&A usually have top light performance, but the only way to be sure is look at the diamond in several different types of light. But a diamond can have good H&A but not be Ideal. Make sure it is Ideal. I personally think AGS is stricter that's why we got an AGS 0

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  • edited December 2011
    Definately choose quality! I remember reading somewhere that flaws are more apparent in larger stones, especially color & inclusions..I have a friend who insisted on nothing less than 1ct for her center stone so she chose a larger diamond but poor quality..but the smaller diamonds surrounding her ring look like they're much better in quality so her center stone actually looks kinda yellowish :(
  • edited December 2011
    Hi-five Panda!I didn't know I didn't want a diamond until I started looking at other things. The thought never crossed my mind.Then I read about moissanite, and went to look at it in jewelry stores... and fell in love. <3
  • edited December 2011
    I think it all depends on the diamond itself. Some lower quality diamonds, you can see the flaws or discoloration, but another diamond in the same categories, you can't see the flaws. It should be about how it looks to you.The set my BF and I picked out has a 0.6 carat center stone with I color and SI quality, and to be honest, I can't tell the difference between it and more expensive stones, it sparkles so crazy. To me, it was more important to get a setting that I liked and that would work with the job I do, rather than having a perfect diamond, but that's just me.

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