So my bf and I have been dating for 3+ years and we have talked about getting married a lot, but it always seemed like it was just a fairy tale we were dreaming about. So lately he was out of work, and so money was tight and it was frustrating since we had plans to move in together at the end of the year. Well he found a job and now that he is making good money I figure we would be back on track with our plans, which we talked about last night and we are. However, I am afraid that he is never going to propose. So my friend and I were talking and she said she was going to talk to him and ask him when he was going to pop the question. I really didn't think she would have the nerve, but, she ended up having a really long talk with him about it and found out that he has been thinking about it a lot too. first off... is it bad that I sort of recruited her to find out information because I feel kind of i tricked him or somethingsecond.. now that I know hes thinking about it, I am satisfied, I don't want to know anything else. Him and I have already talked about rings and he knows what I like, but I am afraid she is a little obvious sometimes, and I don't want any surprise how do I tell her not to let on about anything else??