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Who's around?


Re: Who's around?

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : I want to have sex with Colton. Is that what you mean by favorites?
    Posted by LivLeighton[/QUOTE]

    Hehehe.  I have a little crush on Colton myself.  It seems like I fall in love with a rocker boy every season (James Durbin, Adam Lambert, etc.)
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Elle - I do love my time to myself.  A lot.  When FI comes home late from work or being out with friends, I get annoyed because I'm in a groove of hanging out by myself and he keeps trying to touch me.  When we have the weekends to spend with each other,  I'm much more affectionate and don't need to be left alone.  
    Posted by yaga13[/QUOTE]

    Ha, yeah, I'm the same way.  FI always seems to come home right when I'm in the middle of something.  I'm always like "nooo, I'm not ready for you yet.  Go do something."
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    SKP82SKP82 member
    Combo Breaker First Comment First Anniversary

    I had my *third* interview with a company today.  With the manager of the manager who I'd be reporting to.  He told me at the end of the interview that he was pretty sure they'd be making me an offer.  So that's good.

    The only problem is there is a position a recruiter told me about that I'd be MUCH more interested in, but I haven't had an interview with them yet.  I spoke to the recruiter about it last week.  He said the hiring manager was OOT and that I should know something by the end of this week. 

    I guess I'll just have to wait to see what happens!  But it's nice to know that I may have an offer coming.  I can't stand my manager and need to get out ASAP.

    "Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce." - Natalie Goldberg
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    SKP82SKP82 member
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    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:79379be9-65b9-47c5-b381-50bef62c720aPost:f6eef092-592a-46d5-b084-272a07818e82">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : I do enjoy a good cheeseburger. The bridal luncheon is where the bride treats the attendants to lunch as a thank you. But you know, no big. We get to treat you to a shower and a bachelorette. Or, you know, other festive events of your choosing. 
    Posted by LivLeighton[/QUOTE]

    Yes, but it is not required.  I thought it was more of a lunch where all the female family members and BMs got together. 

    I found two different things:  A "bridal" luncheon, where the BMs host the bride, and a "Bridesmaid" luncheon where the bride hosts the BMs to thank them for their help throughout the wedding planning process.

    I definitely wouldn't have thought of having one if my MOH didn't suggest it.
    "Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce." - Natalie Goldberg
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    Hey, hey guys.  I just ordered my bridal sash.  I am excited!

    Steph - that's awesome about the job offer.  Are you going to wait to accept it if you get set up with an interview for the other position?
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : Same here. Totally. My favorite girl so far is the blonde chickie who sang that "Reflection" song last week. But I don't want to sleep with her. Just to be clear. 
    Posted by LivLeighton[/QUOTE]

    Oh, yeah.  I like Hollie, too!  I was a fan of hers last season when she got cut in the last round before the live shows.  I was really glad to see her come back.

    Her little speech impediment kinda bugs me, though.  I'd much rather listen to her sing than speak.
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    SKP82SKP82 member
    Combo Breaker First Comment First Anniversary
    Thanks, Elle.  I don't know what I'm going to do!  I'm trying not to think about it until I *actually* get an offer.  Then I'll worry about it.

    Yaga - I HAVE been interviewing for forever.  Since August.  I feel like I'm getting somewhere now because I've been with my current company for almost 2 years and potential employers like to see that on a resume. 

    And you're right.  I don't talk about my job that much.  I vent a lot to FI and my coworkers, so I don't feel the need to do that here, and don't think you all would be very interested in it anyway.  Additionally, I am afraid of saying anything bad and it being found by someone somewhere.  I work for a very large company that is known by everyone (you can find out on FB if you're really interested), so I don't want to put anything negative out there. 
    "Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce." - Natalie Goldberg
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    SKP82SKP82 member
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    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:79379be9-65b9-47c5-b381-50bef62c720aPost:48d44a20-ba7a-4133-8b3b-70e96716c615">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : Well yeah...I thought it was implied that none of this was required. :)  Everything I've seen uses "bridal" and "bridesmaid" luncheon interchangeably, and said that nowadays this event (if it is chosen to be given) is typically hosted by the bride. Am I wrong? 
    Posted by LivLeighton[/QUOTE]

    I am by no means an expert on this, so I can't really say if you're right or wrong, but I saw that on a website that it's different, and can be hosted by either the bride or the BMs, though it's more traditionally hosted by the bride or the bride's family.
    "Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce." - Natalie Goldberg
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : YES! Hollie. And yeah her speaking voice is not the most pleasant on the ears. But I love hearing her sing. 
    Posted by LivLeighton[/QUOTE]

    Oh, and Phil Phillips.  LOVE Phil Phillips.

    I also loved Reed Grim.  I was not happy to see him get cut last week.
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    SKP82SKP82 member
    Combo Breaker First Comment First Anniversary
    Did LoveBug pass out from her drugs?  I wanted to know why she was on codine and for her to answer my question in her thread.
    "Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce." - Natalie Goldberg
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Did LoveBug pass out from her drugs?  I wanted to know why she was on codine and for her to answer my question in her thread.
    Posted by SKP82[/QUOTE]

    No answers for you SKP.

    I wanted to give advice in that thread but then she went into b!tch mode on Yaga so I didn't want to help any more.

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    I'm here and KUI. I had a rough evening, so the first thing I did was pour a glass of wine. Bob just went to his second job and will *hopefully* be there until 11:30 or so. I blew up on him a few minutes ago and I feel bad, but also super irritated. 

    Elle, are we still going to HOP on Saturday?? 

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Did LoveBug pass out from her drugs?  I wanted to know why she was on codine and for her to answer my question in her thread.
    Posted by SKP82[/QUOTE]

    <div>I think she's got bronchitis. </div>

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : I think she's got bronchitis. 
    Posted by audrewuh[/QUOTE]

    Bronchitis sucks.

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm here and KUI. I had a rough evening, so the first thing I did was pour a glass of wine. Bob just went to his second job and will *hopefully* be there until 11:30 or so. I blew up on him a few minutes ago and I feel bad, but also super irritated. <strong> Elle, are we still going to HOP on Saturday?? </strong>
    Posted by audrewuh[/QUOTE]

    I still want to!  Gosh, I can't wait to spend the weekend in Houston.

    I'm not sure what time I'll get finished doing family stuff.  What's your Saturday schedule like?
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : I love Phil Phillips too. He's my 2nd favorite guy. He was my 3rd favorite by they cut Reed. HOW DID REED GO HOME!? I was outraged. And don't the rules say that now he can't come back, because he made it on the show? I loved him so hard.
    Posted by LivLeighton[/QUOTE]

    Yes, I loved Reed.  I think you and I are pretty much i2i on Idol contestants.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]SKP - that totally makes sense.   Hey random WR question.  Would think it's weird to not have a rehearsal or rehearsal dinner the night before an out of town wedding?  Basically FI's family told us that if we have one, we have to do it the Sunday before, but we are not willing to make our families and WP travel two weekends in a row.  But with all this talk about luncheons and stuff I'm wondering if it will be weird to have zero pre-wedding activities. 
    Posted by yaga13[/QUOTE]

    I might think it was odd but it wouldn't bother me. Why can't you do it the night before?

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    SKP82SKP82 member
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    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:79379be9-65b9-47c5-b381-50bef62c720aPost:ad14dc72-8c88-4b2c-965e-ec4cf87bea1e">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]SKP - that totally makes sense.   Hey random WR question.  Would think it's weird to not have a rehearsal or rehearsal dinner the night before an out of town wedding?  <strong>Basically FI's family told us that if we have one, we have to do it the Sunday before, </strong>but we are not willing to make our families and WP travel two weekends in a row.  But with all this talk about luncheons and stuff I'm wondering if it will be weird to have zero pre-wedding activities. 
    Posted by yaga13[/QUOTE]

    Why do they have a say as to when you can have your RD?  I think it'd be a little odd to not have one, but I guess that's just because that's what I've always seen done. 

    I DEFINITELY would not have my WP travel two weeks in a row.  Does that mean you need to have your rehearsal the Sunday before?  I don't get it.
    "Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce." - Natalie Goldberg
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]SKP - that totally makes sense.   Hey random WR question.  Would think it's weird to not have a rehearsal or rehearsal dinner the night before an out of town wedding?  Basically FI's family told us that if we have one, we have to do it the Sunday before, but we are not willing to make our families and WP travel two weekends in a row.  But with all this talk about luncheons and stuff I'm wondering if it will be weird to have zero pre-wedding activities. 
    Posted by yaga13[/QUOTE]

    <div>How far away is the travel time? It's a couple hours right? Can you do a rehearsal near your home, or will everyone have to travel to get there too? </div><div>
    </div><div>My BFF had a family only rehearsal dinner that the WP wasn't invited to. It was kind of weird to go to the rehearsal and that be the only pre-wedding "festivity". And my feelings were a little hurt that her small bridal party couldn't attend the dinner. But those are my two cents.</div>

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
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    SKP82SKP82 member
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    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:79379be9-65b9-47c5-b381-50bef62c720aPost:7e1b3621-d189-4e0b-b4d2-a1f0ea26e4fa">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : All I wanted was some cliff notes.  Jeeze. 
    Posted by yaga13[/QUOTE]

    LOLz.  Sorry I validated her on that.  :)
    "Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce." - Natalie Goldberg
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : I still want to!  Gosh, I can't wait to spend the weekend in Houston. I'm not sure what time I'll get finished doing family stuff.  What's your Saturday schedule like?
    Posted by Elle1036[/QUOTE]

    <div>I'm free all day. :) </div><div>
    </div><div>And Beth, yes, yes it does. I used to get it once a month with a sinus infection. I was so miserable. </div>

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
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    SKP82SKP82 member
    Combo Breaker First Comment First Anniversary
    Was Reed that really cute young kid?  He was adorable.

    Why is Randy wearing a weird looking brooch/pin?  It's freaking me out.  It's looks like a frowny Betty Boop.
    "Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce." - Natalie Goldberg
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    I know some people don't do their rehearsal at the venue. You could do one the Sunday before wherever everyone is...or is everyone not in the same place?

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    SKP82SKP82 member
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    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:79379be9-65b9-47c5-b381-50bef62c720aPost:47919720-8dbd-495f-a0a6-2f0169d3bf0e">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : How far away is the travel time? It's a couple hours right? Can you do a rehearsal near your home, or will everyone have to travel to get there too?  <strong>My BFF had a family only rehearsal dinner that the WP wasn't invited to</strong>. It was kind of weird to go to the rehearsal and that be the only pre-wedding "festivity". And my feelings were a little hurt that her small bridal party couldn't attend the dinner. But those are my two cents.
    Posted by audrewuh[/QUOTE]

    That is so weird.  I would think the WP would be invited over family.  They actually participated in the rehearsal, after all.
    "Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce." - Natalie Goldberg
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : I'm free all day. :)  And Beth, yes, yes it does. I used to get it once a month with a sinus infection. I was so miserable. 
    Posted by audrewuh[/QUOTE]

    Cool.  I just sent you a facebook message demanding your phone number so I can text you on Saturday once I'm sure what time I'll be free.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : I'm free all day. :)  And Beth, yes, yes it does. I used to get it once a month with a sinus infection. I was so miserable. 
    Posted by audrewuh[/QUOTE]

    I had it over Christmas break a few years ago and I pretty much just laid on the couch like I was going to die the whole time.

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>Was Reed that really cute young kid? </strong> He was adorable. Why is Randy wearing a weird looking brooch/pin?  It's freaking me out.  It's looks like a frowny Betty Boop.
    Posted by SKP82[/QUOTE]

    No, that was Eben.  It didn't break my heart that he didn't make it through.

    Reed was the one who played the drums.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : If you would just freaking COME TO BOSTON we could watch. GOSH. 
    Posted by LivLeighton[/QUOTE]

    DUDE I want to!

    But I have to go to my stupid bridal shower that I didn't even want that apparently none of my friends are going to be able to come to anyway.  It's just an excuse for my mom's friends to host a party.
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    Hmmm....I'm bitchy enough that I would tell them to suck it and have the rehearsal dinner the night before without one of them. But I can see how you would want to avoid any drama that would result from that.

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Who's around?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Who's around? : That is so weird.  I would think the WP would be invited over family.  They actually participated in the rehearsal, after all.
    Posted by SKP82[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yea, that's what I would have thought. A year and a half later, I'm still not sure what the reasoning there was. Her sister and his brother were the BM and MOH, so they went, but the other four of us weren't invited. Like four people were going to break the bank? Idk. We also didn't sit at the "Head Table". Just her, him, moms and dads, and MOH + date and BM + date. I learned a few things from her wedding. Like horrible BM dresses. </div>

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
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