I know cash bars are a big no-no in most places, if not all, but I was under the impression that offering beer and wine only was alright, and if there's a separate bar somewhere else at the venue and the guest is that determined to drink liquor that they'd go find it, they can pay for it themselves. The church's wedding planner (who my mom has hired to help plan my entire wedding even though I told her it's not necessary - one of those lovely strings attached with not paying for our own wedding) convinced my mom this morning that it's tacky and rude to offer only beer and wine and make people pay for their own liquor if they want it, so now my mom is all up in arms about adding the liquor to the cost of the reception, and I was trying really hard to stay under the budget she set because I don't want to use it all if it's not necessary (and it's not!)
So the poll question is: Is it tacky to provide guests with beer and wine only in the reception room, and if they want liquor they are welcome to walk down the hall at the club and order from the bar and pay for it themselves? Or should alcohol at a wedding be an all-or-nothing deal?
Married Bio
My first love.
Me: 31 DH: 30
TTC since 10/2010.
2012: HSG showed unicornuate uterus on right side; both kidneys and both ovaries present. High risk for preterm labor, IUGR, and C-Section. Dx'd Hypothyroidism.
1st BFP: 10/27/12, cycle before we had planned to see RE
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