So yesterday was a gem of a day. It called for a martini at 4:30pm. The issue? Law students are pricks...and it's driving me bananas. I'm a very direct, honest person and unfortunately for me, I've never had the luxury of energy for bullsh!tting in my life.
Well the other day, a classmate made this rude comment about how "feminism caused the death of chivalry", so i replied "and with comments like these, it's no wonder you don't have women swooning over you." Direct, honest, and just the "eff you" I thought was appropriate.
So yesterday after class, said classmate accosted me and was like "you really offended me with your comment yesterday. You use your gender as an advantage because if I'd said that to you, it would've been sexual harassment. As it is, what you said is borderline sexual harassment and I may go to the dean."
Then he and i argued for almost 2 hours, during which I told him that my comment was in no way sexual harassment and he should be careful not to make such serious accusations so wantonly. During our little debate, he also told me that I'm naive, arrogant, and unprofessional.
After he finally let me leave, I was all shaken up and felt emotionally violated, but I went about my day.
So last night before bed, I was IMing with another section-mate and this situation with my other classmate came up. She then started telling me that people in my section are saying that I'm arrogant and condescending and that I frequently talk about how much smarter I am than everyone else. Apparently, I also make condescending facial expressions when people say things that are totally wrong in class. 1) I think there are a lot of smart people in our section. 2) The only people who would know what I "frequently discuss" are my law school friends, who wouldn't say something that was untrue.
I just got a double header of law school BS yesterday and I just feel hurt by it all. I'm not arrogant; I'm confident in my own abilities. I don't give a rat's a$$ how anyone else does, so long as I do well.
Only upside of yesterday was that FI and I toured our venue. It's gorgeous!