How old are you? If your birthday is coming up in August/September, you can click your new age if you want. Do you feel your age? If not, what age do you feel?
"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." -Ray Bradbury
I'm 20. BF and I are waiting until after he finishes grad school to get married so I will probably be around 25 when we get married. Waiting sucks, but seeing how immature my friends who are getting married are being about their weddings makes me so glad I'm waiting. Also I'm really glad I joined theknot because I know its given me a much better perspective on what a wedding really is. I'm totally willing to admit that only a year ago I saw a wedding as a pretty princess day. I was probably a total beebee with a tiara and all. TK has opened my eyes to how immature I was being and how much better it will be for me and BF to wait to get married.
<div><div style="background-color:initial;background-image:none;background-attachment:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial;color:#1f1f1f;font:normal normal normal 11px/14px Arial, sans-serif;text-align:left;line-height:normal;"><font face="Arial" size="3" class="Apple-style-span"><span style="font-size:12px;" class="Apple-style-span">I find it weird that I'm already 23. Where did 20-22 go?? I remember when I used to think that 20 was old. I still feel like I'm unprepared for A LOT of things I'm still in the safety net of school. December is kind of freaking me out because that's when I graduate. It will be the first time I haven't been in a student since I was six. It's weird. I kind of want it to stop (I don't handle change very good).</span></font></div></div><div> </div>In Response to <a href="">Re: S/O Age..</a>: [QUOTE]I<strong>Also I'm really glad I joined theknot because I know its given me a much better perspective on what a wedding really is. I'm totally willing to admit that only a year ago I saw a wedding as a pretty princess day.</strong> I was probably a total beebee with a tiara and all. TK has opened my eyes to how immature I was being and how much better it will be for me and BF to wait to get married. Posted by bethsmiles[/QUOTE]<div> </div><div>This was also me. I was already getting out of that phase, but reading posts here and going through my friends wedding has really helped me see things differently.
~*~Sept 2013 Siggy Challange - Then (2005) & Now (2012)~*~
Somebody once said, it's the soul that matters. Baby who can really tell, when two hearts belong so well? Tale as Old as Time (Updated 11/26)
Technically I'm 22, but as my birthday is on the 24th, I decided to upgrade :P
I do not feel my age. I feel like 30 or 40 or more. Aside from health issues (which suck), I just don't act my age. I like quiet evenings at home and can't comprehend the appeal of doing most of what people my age do. I seem to think things through and weigh consequences a lot more than my friends, too. A buddhist friend of mine thinks that my soul is an old one.
Don't get me wrong though. I don't think I'm some paradigm of maturity and wisdom. I just think I'm boring :P
Zipis, is your birthday August 24?! BECAUSE MINE IS! How cool!
Anyway, I don't feel my age most of the time. I still think I'm 25, and at 25 I still felt 23. So I guess I'm about 2 years older than I feel, since I'm turning 27 this month.
Wow, it;s way too late for me to be answering posts. I dunno if I even make good sense.
26, but sometimes I feel 16 and other times I feel 96....
"but you're SO FUNNY, button! you're so funny i kind of want to crawl into your skin and wear it as my own. " - NarwhalYou, my dear, are the Queen of the Beebees. Here's a tiara
- Oceana
I'm 22, but I'm a very old soul. My complete lack of a childhood put me about 5-10 years mentally ahead of people in my age group. My idea of what's fun does not coincide with what most people my age do. I knew what a custody battle was at age 5 and could articulate it properly...and it only got worse over time.
I tend to get along best with people in their late 20's. BF will be 25 in a few weeks; he's an old soul too.
In Response to <a href="">Re: S/O Age..</a>: [QUOTE]I'm 28. I'm an old soul, full of wisdom and insight, which enables me to give incredible and constructive advice to all. Posted by desertsun[/QUOTE]
I am 24. Will be 25 in the fall.
Inside I feel 23. I don't feel younger than that, we'll see if I feel older than that.
I turned 26 in June and I still slip up calling myself 25. Usually I start calling myself the next age about a month before my birthday.
Some days I feel like I'm way too young to have responsibilities and other days I feel like I'm far more mature/boring than my peers. I hate going out to clubs. I'm tired by 9 or 10 every night. I get AWFUL hangovers so I don't really drink more than a couple in a night.
I'm 29 and each day, I get closer to 30. I'm actually trying to embrace it as I'm not a fan of getting older. As all of my friends are younger (including BF, who is 25) and I do have a 'stay young' attitude, I get mistaken for being younger all the time. It used to be annoying but I've started taking it as a compliment.
I've never felt like a normal 23 year old. I don't like to drink. I don't smoke. I don't party. I don't like going to parties. Actually my idea of a "party" is having a few friends over to watch a movie, and, if we want to get really wild, we might play a rousing game of Cranium.
My brother criticizes me because I didn't have a "real" college experience because I chose to live at home rather than dorm. WUT?
a) I went to college 30 minutes from home. What was the point of dorming? b) Dorming at my college costs at least $3000/semester. c) "Real" college experience? So sorry I missed that chance to binge drink until I black out in a stranger's apartment.
What do I like? Sitting alone in my room with a good book and a cup of coffee. Or playing Sims 2.
I feel so old and tired sometimes. I can't imagine how I'll feel when I'm as old as my mother.
170 Invited (holy crap!)
98 are coming to party!
29 have other plans
43 need to respond!
"Bside - You're just too sexy for your own good" ~ leia1979
"True love = I still love you even though we hang out all the time and most other people would be tired of each other already" ~ flygirlmeg
I'm 24, 25 in January. Sometimes I honestly feel like a 2 year old...I've got so much damned energy and other times I feel like I'm 80. I usually hover around my age with a tendency to act growner than I iz. (Some of my friends call me "mom" b/c I look after them, plan everything, etc)
"Popular on the internetz..."
Canada is kind of like a whole other world with new things to discover that us americans only dream of. - Narwhal Paige I would like to profess my love for you and your brilliant mind. - breezerb Murried Bio
Wow, once again some of these ages just shock me, for no particular reason. I would have thought BCRockies was around 24, just because she looks young in her picture she used to have up.
I'm 24, my boyfriend is 27. No one ever thinks I'm 24, I usually get mistaken for 27 or 28. Most of my friends are that age, and it's kind of a chicken-and-the-egg scenario - I'm not sure if people think I'm older because my friends are older, or I hang out with older people because I act older. I'm pretty put together professionally, so I think that affects it sometimes. And I'm confident, so I've ALWAYS gotten mistaken for being older.
I am 27 as is FI, he acts our age most of the time... maybe a little younger at times when he's letting loose. I feel and act older most of the time and maybe get down to acting my actual age every once in a great while... and I usually regret it because I'm either hung over or just exhausted for days after. For instance he played softball last night and had a couple beers then cam home and watched the reds game. Meanwhile I made dinner for the little man, did a load of laundry, watched a kiddie movie, gave him a bath, got him to bed, took a relaxing bubble bath myself and then enjoyed a nice hot cup of chamomile tea before bed. Usually we go to his games and he comes hoem with us instead of hanging for a beer or two with the guys but it was really hot and humid last night so we passed.
I lost my sister at 5 years old and my own mother at 23 as well as multiple grandparents and an uncle. I appreciate people in general especially loved ones in a way that most people don't until they have experienced losses themselves... usually much later in life.
Because of my past I've had a totally different perspective on life and what really matters in life than a lot of people (especially kids) from a very young age. This just made it hard for me to connect with my peers... from about mid-highschool I kept a long list of acquantances at school thru team sports and things but my real friends that I talked to about things were always older, a lot older. My best friends in like have been my mother (would be 49), my aunt (51), my mom's best friend (we became close when my mom got sick and have maintained a friendship still- she's 50) and a co-worker of mine (she's mid-50's-says she's 29 forever). Even now in getting closer to FI's family I relate best to his oldest sister (who's 30 and an old soul), his mom and his grandma.
I've been called an old soul, mature, too wise for my age and everything else since I can remember. I'm not saying I'm growner than anyone necessarily, just that I didn't fit in with my age group and I still don't. Oh well, this is who I am.
I am 28. FI is 31. I can not believe I am 28. In some ways it sounds old to me. I think it is because my 20's feel to be flying by and I can't believe that it was 6 years ago that I was living in my friends party house. It feels more like 3, maybe. I feel that by my age now, I should be much further progressed career wise.
I'm 20. Sometimes I feel my age (although I keep thinking I'm still 19), and other times I feel 30. I also don't have the "normal" college experience - my college takes about 40 minutes to get to by subway, and is totally not worth the extra $$ to dorm. I don't really go out to clubs - if I do go (for a friend's birthday or whatever), I'm feeling the vibe for about a half hour and then I'm pretty much ready to go eat at a diner and go home. On the rare occasion I drink, I'm usually good for 1 or 2 because then I get a headache. That is all.
I'm 28. I don't thin I'm overly mature (i.e. I don't act growner than I am), but my family is always telling me that I share some interests with much older people.
In Response to <a href="">Re: S/O Age..</a>: [QUOTE]I'm 23. Sometimes I feel 40. <strong>I've never felt like a normal 23 year old. I don't like to drink. I don't smoke. I don't party. I don't like going to parties. Actually my idea of a "party" is having a few friends over to watch a movie, and, if we want to get really wild, we might play a rousing game of Cranium.</strong> My brother criticizes me because I didn't have a "real" college experience because I chose to live at home rather than dorm. Posted by bsidebella[/QUOTE]<div> </div><div>This sounds like me and my group of friends. I didn't drink until after undergrad and still rarely drink. I don't get the whole college partying thing. Glad to know I'm not the only "weirdo."
~*~Sept 2013 Siggy Challange - Then (2005) & Now (2012)~*~
Somebody once said, it's the soul that matters. Baby who can really tell, when two hearts belong so well? Tale as Old as Time (Updated 11/26)
In Response to <a href="">Re: S/O Age..</a>: [QUOTE]Does anyone else find it interesting that there are no 21 year olds so far? Posted by KD+BC[/QUOTE]
Ha, didn't even notice. I bet they're all out getting wasted at the bar!
I just turned 36 and FI is 41 (he'll be 42 in November). I think age is just a number most of the time. I don't know what 36 is supposed to "feel" like. Sometimes I feel really "old" (I'm discovering I need an afternoon nap on occasions, just a 20 min power nap, but I've never really been a napper before) and other times I have so much energy and feel really young.
I wasn't aware that a "real" college experience constituted of getting blitzed in some guys apartment and being a slutpuppy. Because, in that case, I seriously missed out on college. And I lived on campus.
I'm 27. I feel how I feel on any given day - it depends on the circumstances.
I don't think there's a set way to feel that is attached to a given number. I know 19 year olds who behave more maturely than their parents, and 40 year olds who need to grow the hell up. It all depends on the person and circumstances.
ps. I knew how to drive a tractor at 3. I must be ancient.
::creaky bones, dust settling::
"Oceana swings from logical to anus punching." - Buttons
In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:df84a949-3feb-41a9-92bf-31a9ed752edcPost:e0d693a8-b1ed-4f4d-b109-0cf34ce966f9">Re: S/O Age..</a>: [QUOTE]I wasn't aware that a "real" college experience constituted of getting blitzed in some guys apartment and being a slutpuppy. Because, in that case, I seriously missed out on college. And I lived on campus. Posted by oceana919[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that's pretty much what brother dear meant by "real" college experience. Stupid, right? He said the point of college was gaining new experiences and I was "missing out" by living at home. Bluh?
In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:df84a949-3feb-41a9-92bf-31a9ed752edcPost:80fe7d66-6928-466f-9ada-94bfd034c499">Re: S/O Age..</a>: [QUOTE]In Response to Re: S/O Age.. : This sounds like me and my group of friends. I didn't drink until after undergrad and still rarely drink. I don't get the whole college partying thing. Glad to know I'm not the only "weirdo." Posted by deburnin[/QUOTE]
Sweet. Wanna come over and play Scrabble?
170 Invited (holy crap!)
98 are coming to party!
29 have other plans
43 need to respond!
"Bside - You're just too sexy for your own good" ~ leia1979
"True love = I still love you even though we hang out all the time and most other people would be tired of each other already" ~ flygirlmeg
I lived at home during college, too, because it wasn't worth the $7k a year to live 10 miles away. In fact, I lived at home until I was 29. I got along fine with my parents, had no interest in living alone, and it allowed me to save a lot of money. I'm also not a drinker or a partier, but neither are my friends for the most part.
Of course, at 30, I still feel like I should only be in my mid-late 20s. I mean, high school wasn't that long ago, right? Oh, it's been 12 years? Seriously?!
And I wanna play Scrabble (or Words with Friends).
In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:df84a949-3feb-41a9-92bf-31a9ed752edcPost:5658a306-1104-4c83-babd-7ac2b383b285">Re: S/O Age..</a>: [QUOTE]In Response to Re: S/O Age.. : Yeah, that's pretty much what brother dear meant by "real" college experience. Stupid, right? He said the point of college was gaining new experiences and I was "missing out" by living at home. Bluh? In Response to Re: S/O Age.. : Sweet. Wanna come over and play Scrabble? Posted by bsidebella[/QUOTE]
I do! I LOVE Scrabble!
"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." -Ray Bradbury
Re: S/O Age..
</div>In Response to <a href="">Re: S/O Age..</a>:
[QUOTE]I<strong>Also I'm really glad I joined theknot because I know its given me a much better perspective on what a wedding really is. I'm totally willing to admit that only a year ago I saw a wedding as a pretty princess day.</strong> I was probably a total beebee with a tiara and all. TK has opened my eyes to how immature I was being and how much better it will be for me and BF to wait to get married.
Posted by bethsmiles[/QUOTE]<div>
</div><div>This was also me. I was already getting out of that phase, but reading posts here and going through my friends wedding has really helped me see things differently.
Somebody once said, it's the soul that matters. Baby who can really tell, when two hearts belong so well?
Tale as Old as Time (Updated 11/26)
I do not feel my age. I feel like 30 or 40 or more. Aside from health issues (which suck), I just don't act my age. I like quiet evenings at home and can't comprehend the appeal of doing most of what people my age do. I seem to think things through and weigh consequences a lot more than my friends, too. A buddhist friend of mine thinks that my soul is an old one.
Don't get me wrong though. I don't think I'm some paradigm of maturity and wisdom. I just think I'm boring :P
Anyway, I don't feel my age most of the time. I still think I'm 25, and at 25 I still felt 23. So I guess I'm about 2 years older than I feel, since I'm turning 27 this month.
Wow, it;s way too late for me to be answering posts. I dunno if I even make good sense.
My Bio - updated 26/3/2011
[QUOTE]I'm 28. I'm an old soul, full of wisdom and insight, which enables me to give incredible and constructive advice to all.
Posted by desertsun[/QUOTE]
I am 24. Will be 25 in the fall.
Inside I feel 23. I don't feel younger than that, we'll see if I feel older than that.
FI was born 35 inside. HAHA!
Some days I feel like I'm way too young to have responsibilities and other days I feel like I'm far more mature/boring than my peers. I hate going out to clubs. I'm tired by 9 or 10 every night. I get AWFUL hangovers so I don't really drink more than a couple in a night.
I've never felt like a normal 23 year old. I don't like to drink. I don't smoke. I don't party. I don't like going to parties. Actually my idea of a "party" is having a few friends over to watch a movie, and, if we want to get really wild, we might play a rousing game of Cranium.
My brother criticizes me because I didn't have a "real" college experience because I chose to live at home rather than dorm. WUT?
a) I went to college 30 minutes from home. What was the point of dorming?
b) Dorming at my college costs at least $3000/semester.
c) "Real" college experience? So sorry I missed that chance to binge drink until I black out in a stranger's apartment.
What do I like? Sitting alone in my room with a good book and a cup of coffee. Or playing Sims 2.
I feel so old and tired sometimes. I can't imagine how I'll feel when I'm as old as my mother.
98 are coming to party!
29 have other plans
43 need to respond!
"Popular on the internetz..."
Canada is kind of like a whole other world with new things to discover that us americans only dream of. - Narwhal
Paige I would like to profess my love for you and your brilliant mind. - breezerb
Murried Bio
I'm 24, my boyfriend is 27. No one ever thinks I'm 24, I usually get mistaken for 27 or 28. Most of my friends are that age, and it's kind of a chicken-and-the-egg scenario - I'm not sure if people think I'm older because my friends are older, or I hang out with older people because I act older. I'm pretty put together professionally, so I think that affects it sometimes. And I'm confident, so I've ALWAYS gotten mistaken for being older.
I lost my sister at 5 years old and my own mother at 23 as well as multiple grandparents and an uncle. I appreciate people in general especially loved ones in a way that most people don't until they have experienced losses themselves... usually much later in life.
Because of my past I've had a totally different perspective on life and what really matters in life than a lot of people (especially kids) from a very young age. This just made it hard for me to connect with my peers... from about mid-highschool I kept a long list of acquantances at school thru team sports and things but my real friends that I talked to about things were always older, a lot older. My best friends in like have been my mother (would be 49), my aunt (51), my mom's best friend (we became close when my mom got sick and have maintained a friendship still- she's 50) and a co-worker of mine (she's mid-50's-says she's 29 forever). Even now in getting closer to FI's family I relate best to his oldest sister (who's 30 and an old soul), his mom and his grandma.
I've been called an old soul, mature, too wise for my age and everything else since I can remember. I'm not saying I'm growner than anyone necessarily, just that I didn't fit in with my age group and I still don't. Oh well, this is who I am.
[QUOTE]I'm 23. Sometimes I feel 40. <strong>I've never felt like a normal 23 year old. I don't like to drink. I don't smoke. I don't party. I don't like going to parties. Actually my idea of a "party" is having a few friends over to watch a movie, and, if we want to get really wild, we might play a rousing game of Cranium.</strong> My brother criticizes me because I didn't have a "real" college experience because I chose to live at home rather than dorm.
Posted by bsidebella[/QUOTE]<div>
</div><div>This sounds like me and my group of friends. I didn't drink until after undergrad and still rarely drink. I don't get the whole college partying thing. Glad to know I'm not the only "weirdo."
Somebody once said, it's the soul that matters. Baby who can really tell, when two hearts belong so well?
Tale as Old as Time (Updated 11/26)
[QUOTE]Does anyone else find it interesting that there are no 21 year olds so far?
Posted by KD+BC[/QUOTE]
Ha, didn't even notice. I bet they're all out getting wasted at the bar!
I'm 27. I feel how I feel on any given day - it depends on the circumstances.
I don't think there's a set way to feel that is attached to a given number. I know 19 year olds who behave more maturely than their parents, and 40 year olds who need to grow the hell up. It all depends on the person and circumstances.
ps. I knew how to drive a tractor at 3. I must be ancient.
::creaky bones, dust settling::
"Oceana swings from logical to anus punching." - Buttons
Planning / Married / Blog
[QUOTE]I wasn't aware that a "real" college experience constituted of getting blitzed in some guys apartment and being a slutpuppy. Because, in that case, I seriously missed out on college. And I lived on campus.
Posted by oceana919[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that's pretty much what brother dear meant by "real" college experience. Stupid, right? He said the point of college was gaining new experiences and I was "missing out" by living at home. Bluh?
In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:df84a949-3feb-41a9-92bf-31a9ed752edcPost:80fe7d66-6928-466f-9ada-94bfd034c499">Re: S/O Age..</a>:
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: S/O Age.. : This sounds like me and my group of friends. I didn't drink until after undergrad and still rarely drink. I don't get the whole college partying thing. Glad to know I'm not the only "weirdo."
Posted by deburnin[/QUOTE]
Sweet. Wanna come over and play Scrabble?
98 are coming to party!
29 have other plans
43 need to respond!
Of course, at 30, I still feel like I should only be in my mid-late 20s. I mean, high school wasn't that long ago, right? Oh, it's been 12 years? Seriously?!
And I wanna play Scrabble (or Words with Friends).
I haz a planning bio
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: S/O Age.. : Yeah, that's pretty much what brother dear meant by "real" college experience. Stupid, right? He said the point of college was gaining new experiences and I was "missing out" by living at home. Bluh? In Response to Re: S/O Age.. : Sweet. Wanna come over and play Scrabble?
Posted by bsidebella[/QUOTE]
I do! I LOVE Scrabble!