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This makes me LIVID

I have a friend whose sister bought a Yorkie puppy two years ago.  Now, she works 40-50 hours a week and claims she can no longer take care of the dog.

After calling a few shelters who are not currently accepting animals, she has decided to have the dog put down.  He is a a two year old, purebred Yorkshire Terrier.
I don't even have the words to explain how much this infuriates me.

I am calling, texting, tweeting, chatting everyone I can think of who might be able to help...


Re: This makes me LIVID

  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    WHAT?! How can she do that?! How will a vet do that?! If I was anywhere near you I would take it.  Is there a rescue society or something? a foster society?

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    Canada is kind of like a whole other world with new things to discover that us americans only dream of. - Narwhal
    Paige I would like to profess my love for you and your brilliant mind. - breezerb
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  • edited December 2011
    Send him to me! Send him to me!
  • edited December 2011
    Seriously, how can a vet do that?  

    If I didn't just get a dog, I would drive from Boston & take him...I still might ask BF anyway though.

    What a lunatic!
  • edited December 2011
    Narwhal, are you serious? I can give you her number. I don't know what is involved in transporting a dog from NY to NC, but I'm sure it can be done.

    Paige, apparently the oh-so-responsible owner "made some calls" and was unable to find a shelter that is accepting animals in her area.

    Loves2Shop, let me know what he says.

  • edited December 2011
    I wish I could take him. Maybe if it were a few months from now and I was in my new apartment, but I'm living with my parents right now. :( And I'd hate to have to ship him.

    I just don't want to see that little cutie be put down.  You should call a yorkie rescue.
  • edited December 2011
  • edited December 2011
    Oh, AWESOME!

    I will pass these links along to the owner's sister right now. Thank you, Narwhal!

  • hetshuphetshup member
    edited December 2011
    Or Craigslist. Seriously, if he's got papers, someone will take him. 

    That's a total biitch move though. It's not a pair of shoes, it's an animal. 
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  • Ana_2985Ana_2985 member
    edited December 2011
    This breaks my heart.

    Can't you just take him for a week or two?  If you post "Free Dog!" on Craigslist someone will take him.
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  • edited December 2011
    I kind of don't like the Craigslist thing, there are so many crazy people... but it's better than killing him! That's horrible. I can't even find the words to express how sick that makes me.

    If you contact rescue groups and tell them this dog is going to die on Wednesday for no good reason except his owner is a terrible, awful, selfish, cruel person who doesn't deserve to have another life in her hands; they might take him even if they don't have room. Make sure it's a no-kill shelter. If they still won't take him, ask if they work with other groups in the area to find a place for animals whose lives are in immediate danger.

    If she's just calling and saying "Will you take my dog? I suck and he's inconvenient" they will turn her down. Space is ALWAYS an issue. But if they know that an animal is going to die, many rescues will suffer the crowding and inconvenience to save a life.

    That's how the one I work with is, anyway. Even though it's incredibly hard on the people who foster.
  • edited December 2011
    I'm with Jeana- if someone calls and says they're having trouble selling their horse and we should just take it because it's annoying them, we're going to tell them we're full (because we ALWAYS are).  If someone calls and says they're going to euth a prefectly nice animal because they're selfish a-holes, we will find it a foster home if we don't have an iso pen of our own available!  Young, healthy animals have a high tunrover rate at most shelters so I expect they would take him if they knew that he would otherwise be killed!
  • edited December 2011
    And a two year old little yorkie without anything wrong with him will be snapped up in a hurry.  Hopefully by someone a little more caring than his current owner.

    Look at him. He just wants to be loved. :(
  • edited December 2011
    How terrible. I don't even have words for this human being, although it pains me to call her that. What a selfish, cruel thing to do.

    Is there a Bideawee by you guys? It's an amazing no-kill shelter that will always take an animal.

    Please update us on this. I hope someone takes the poor fella.
  • edited December 2011
    Sorry, I can't have another dog.  I second the idea of taking the dog at least until you can sell him.  He's only two and is a purebred Yorkie...he should be snapped up within 3 days.
  • edited December 2011
    Please don't show me this, I'm already emotional.  Please find an alternative - how heartbreaking?  Are you sure a vet would even put down a healthy two year old dog? Cry
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  • edited December 2011
    The owner's sister has found a temporary foster home for the dog (big sigh of relief). Hopefully this will lead to him being placed in a happy home.

    Thanks for your help & support.  I am leaving a trip after next week, and will be away for almost two months, so I can not care for him. I wouldn't have hesitated otherwise.

    This whole thing is ridiculous. I can't believe this girl, giving away a living thing as if it were a sweater that she's outgrown. 

  • leia1979leia1979 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I would think any vet who would go along with that is irresponsible. Please keep us posted. I can't imagine it would be too hard to find a home for such a cute little guy.
  • edited December 2011
    musikbox - there is a very real possibility that I might be able to take the dog. BF and I are moving August 1st into an apartment that takes small dogs. We need to call our new landlord to see if there is any way we could take him in. If the dog still needs a home, we will make the call first thing in the morning.

    I have 2 dogs already, BF is a dog lover, and we both love Yorkies. Is he neutered/have all his shots?

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    "Bside - You're just too sexy for your own good" ~ leia1979

    "True love = I still love you even though we hang out all the time and most other people would be tired of each other already" ~ flygirlmeg
  • edited December 2011

    Excellent. Keep me posted!

    As of about 10 minutes ago, it seems he is going to stay with a foster family. Though I'm not sure how permanent of a home it will be. If things work out with your landlord, let me know and I will ask my friend what's going on.

    Yes, he is neutered and has his shots. I will send you a PM with the listing on Pet Finder.

  • edited December 2011
    bside, you are a SAINT.
  • edited December 2011
    I will! BF is making some phone calls right now, but the call to the landlord will wait until tomorrow. We wanted to rescue a dog anyway, and this is a dog that is in need of rescue!

     I'm shaking I am so angry at this woman right now. Such a childish thing to do! This is a dog, not a doll.

    In Response to <a href="">Re: This makes me LIVID</a>:
    [QUOTE]bside, you are a SAINT.
    Posted by jeanacorina[/QUOTE]

    Aw shucks *blush*

    musikbox - Excellent. I feel <em>much</em> better to know he won't be put down. BF left a message on our landlord's answering machine. We should be hearing back from her tomorrow.

    image 170 Invited (holy crap!)

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    Daisypath Wedding tickers

    "Bside - You're just too sexy for your own good" ~ leia1979

    "True love = I still love you even though we hang out all the time and most other people would be tired of each other already" ~ flygirlmeg
  • edited December 2011
    Well, I'm glad to read that he will be in a foster home for the time being, it's my hope that that girl NEVER gets him back either. Ever.
    I understand life gets in the way, but can't she ask around? I'd be willing to bet a neighbor would even take a dog like that. And if she's SO busy, I doubt she made that many calls in the first place. There are no kill places all over, New York is probably no exception.
    Mutt or purebred, a young dog in good health is very likely to find a good home. I hope all goes well, please keep us posted.
    I can't believe she is just going to have a dog put down for no reason. What a terrible person. What would she do if she was a mom and suddenly worked all these hours?
    It's selfish, irrisponsible and just sick. My dog just passed this month, so I have a huge sensitivity right now about somebody just choosing this as an option. This is supposed to be a member of your family, not a yard sale item.
    Please do keep us posted about this. I hope that little guy gets a better chance at a good life.
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  • PandaBurrPandaBurr member
    1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    That is absolutely awful. The sad part is, it's not uncommon. I've heard stories of people bringing their dogs to get euthanized for the most asinine reasons (i.e. it managed to jump the fence). Some vets will do it, others will try and find a home for it. This is why I decided NOT to be a vet. Because of stupid shiit like this.
  • edited December 2011
    I want to hurt that selfish, childish person.  A dog is not a toy!!!  This is the kind of person who returned that little Russian boy a few months ago because the adoption wasn't working out.  Some things you just don't get to say "I quit" and get rid of them.

    I'm so glad Bside might be able to take the dog.  If not, try Facebook!  It's amazing what a Facebook network can do - my colleague found a little stray Shitzhu on her front doorstep, blind as a bat and homeless, but her landlord wouldn't let her keep it.   BF and I took care of the little guy for a few weeks, but we can't keep a dog.  We used Facebook, and one of BF's classmates who has a 7-year-old boy wanted to get her little boy a puppy.  It's a perfect situation for the little guy, which is great because I fell in love with his cute little shaggy face and sweet cuddles.
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  • LizzyTish88LizzyTish88 member
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011

    I'm so glad you might be able to find a good home with Bside. This makes me really angry and upset. I had to put my cat down yesterday because he was sick and in so much pain. I couldn't even deal with that, never mind putting down an animal just because it wasn't getting any attention. That is so awful, I'm glad your trying hard to find a good home for the little guy.

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  • edited December 2011
    I'm really touched by the outpouring of responses for this little guy's situation.

    Just a heads up: I am going to be away from my computer for most of the day - and I have yet to be successful with phone Knotting. Bside, I sent you another PM with my email address incase you need to reach me.

  • katanne9katanne9 member
    edited December 2011

    (Sorry, the caps were necessary to convey how I feel.)
  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    omg yay! *dances around* Bside you are AMAZING! I'm so glad this little guy will find a home!!

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    Canada is kind of like a whole other world with new things to discover that us americans only dream of. - Narwhal
    Paige I would like to profess my love for you and your brilliant mind. - breezerb
    Murried Bio
  • edited December 2011
    Wow, what stupidity.  I understand the need to not keep a pet if she is working a ton and the dog is alone a lot, BUT euth-ing a perfectly healthy young dog is sickening.  Where do these people even get the idea that killing a healthy young animal is an option?!  Disgusting. 

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  • edited December 2011
    It makes me want to punch that girl in the teefs. Fi's cousins (whom we dont see often for various reasons) always has a *new* chiuaha puppy everytime we've seen her. I assume (after the third NEW PUPPY) that she gets rid of them after they get too big/old and it really upsets me and makes me mad. I know when I'm looking for a dog, I look for what will make a good dog for 10+ years, not what a cute puppy it'll be for 12 months.

    A puppy is not a disposable pet, it is a companion that you should have for years to come. Putting a dog down because he's an inconvience is just stupid and sad. I bet she inconvienced people in her life and no one tried to put her to sleep! This girl isn't fit to own a house plant.

    BSide- How awesome of you. I know I'd love to take the little guy if I were in the area. I hope everything works out!
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