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1 in 10 proposals happens on Valentine's Day...

Guess I'm going to be one of the 9 out of 10. :) Which is ok. My bf would think a V day proposal is cheesy. He's more a random-Sunday-while-doing-laundry kind of guy.

Did anyone do anything fun this weekend? My bf did more work on the home gym for me in the basement. It's awesome! (We're in the sticks out here - and cold - so I can't get to a big gym or run as much here.) We had dinner Saturday at the restaurant of our first date. It was awful but funny (a fixed menu that was WAY over-priced for what we got and we never would have ordered those meals otherwise - not our thing). At least it was amusing! He had flowers sent and also gave me two really, really sweet cards. I love that stuff - gives me something to read when we're apart. So it was perfect!

I figured we'd get some proposal stories this morning.,,

Re: 1 in 10 proposals happens on Valentine's Day...

  • edited December 2011
    Let's see, we kinda stretched out Valentine's day.

    LAST Saturday we went out for a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant. We went home, drank champagne and played Scrabble. I kicked his butt.

    Thursday, I had a heart-shaped bamboo sent to his office with a cheesy poem:

    My heart is all a-flutter,
    You're like the bread to my butter.
    I wanted to send something pink,
    But your friends would make a big stink.
    So here is something less girly
    Although it may be a bit early.
    You really are the love of my life,
    And I can't wait to be called your "crazy wife!"

    Your crazy fiancée

    He liked that, but I earned him the nickname "bamboo" from his coworkers. I WAS going to send a big girly pink bouquet with a teddy bear and balloons, but that was too expensive.

    So, then this Saturday we volunteered together (normally he doesn't come with me), then went to the jewelry store where his sister works to "look at" wedding bands and see how much they'd be. Josh surprised me by saying "Let's go ahead and buy them" once we had picked out what we wanted. That was really sweet. He wore his the whole way home like a little kid with a new toy.

    Sunday we ordered pizza and watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, bought our cats a new kitty tower (which they LOVE), and went out for coffee. Then we surfed the internet for a hair flower for me (he was giving his input for once), and board game miniatures for both of us (which I can paint! yay!).

    A very long and sweet Valentine week. Laughing
  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
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    edited December 2011
    We went to lunch and then went shopping yesterday but really BF and I aren't big on Valentine's Day.  It was a really nice afternoon tho..we just hung out and relaxed after shopping.  Then supper at the 'rents.

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  • edited December 2011
    Personally, I am enh about valentine's day.  I would have been peeved if he had proposed on VD last year. 

    It was a long birthday weekend for us.  I survived most of it.  I measure my days by how much I throw up.  It is soo much fun.  Ugh.

    Friday - a good night!  MIL and SFIL took us out to a great Italian restaurant for our birthdays.  It was amazing.  I have a garden salad in a parmesan bowl, followed by crab stuffed ravioli and then marscapone cheesecake.  FABULOUS! 

    Saturday - DH's BIRTHDAY!  He is an old fart now.    I got him lots of presents to open throughout the day.  We took the dogs on a hike.  Then, we met his best friends out for drinks.  I knew it would last all night (he swore it was just going to be a couple of beers.)  I was able to hang for most of the night but faded by 9pm.  So pathetic.  It was mostly a good night ms-wise. 

    Sunday - We (or rather DH) did lots of house stuff.  He puppy proofed our screen porch.  Then, he cleaned up the whole fenced in area.  We are going to see if we can pour concrete or put in a deck because grass will not freaking grow there.  I made his birthday dinner (that we missed out on due to eating out with the boys) for lunch.  Then, I used VD as an excuse to buy lobster.  We had lobster and tiger prawn coq au vin fondue for dinner.  Yummy in my tummy. 

  • ashleyjo09ashleyjo09 member
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    edited December 2011
    My Valentine's day was stretch out as well....

    Friday, I got a dozen roses sent to work and then a dozen sent home so I could enjoy them both places. (I know its a waste of money but GOSH I LOVE FLOWERS!!) :)

    Saturday, SNOW DAY!! BF had to work so I played with the dogs in the snow and baked valentine cookies and made snow cream. He got part of his present that night.

    Sunday, I woke up to my present and breakfast. He gave me the SWEETEST card and some nice wine glasses and a balloon. My dog is SO scared of balloon...very funny!! He got a card with our picture on a card and some candy, an old movie he wanted, chop-sticks, and candy. Then we watched the Divinci Code and he washed our vehicles. We were suppose to go to dinner, but he got feeling sick so we post-poned dinner till tonight.

    It was a nice weekend.
  • ashleyjo09ashleyjo09 member
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    edited December 2011
    PS~ I know 2 people who got engaged was my age and dated her FI around a year and they other is 20/21 been dating her FI for like 2-3 years off and on....

  • hetshuphetshup member
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    edited December 2011
    We had the lowest key Valentine's day ever. We got the new bathroom vanity installed, it's very tall. FI went to work, I showed the 'rents our venues. Then we made dinner, looked at catering some more and I gave him a BBQ. He was over the moon about it. Oh and yesterday was about 70 degrees and sunny, beautiful day.
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  • edited December 2011
    We don't really celebrate Valentine's day. We did, however, spend the whole day together. Watched the SU game [they lost their second game of the season : ( ] watched Heroes and just were generally lazy! It was fantastic.

    The only thing that somewhat ruined it was that I found out my cousin is getting married to this awful girl (my ex-best friend). My cousin went to his parents and said, yeah so we're going to get married in November in SC. She's so controlling, she started to do this to me at the end of our friendship, which is why we are no longer friends.. She made him give up all of his friends, makes him miss family functions (they didn't show up for Easter, mother's day, Thanksgiving, and she didn't go to Christmas), and basically controls every aspect of his life. Grrrr. He's making a huge mistake but what can I do? Nothing. Our whole family agrees but no one will say anything to him.

    But anyway, Happy Valentine's Day!
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  • babybchbumbabybchbum member
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    edited December 2011
    My Valentines day hasn't happened yet. Being away at school does those types of things, but I am also not a big fan of V day anyways. I'd rather get flowers and chocolate for no reason than because of a Holiday.

    But, this weekend FI is coming up to see me and we will have our own celebration just because.

    Thursday: We have reservations at one of the 5 nice restraunts in my town ( You would think Tallahassee being a state capital would have some options for you) Then we will go to see a play or a movie ( I haven't quite decided yet)

    Friday: We will take E- pics and sneak in a few senior pictures for me so that I don't have to pay seperately for those.(Will post a few as soon as we get then) Then we will enjoy dinner at a family friends house and watch a movie with them.

    Saturday: We will probably go on a walk at one of the local parks before he has to leave me to head back home for work on Sunday.

    Then it will be 2 weeks before I get to see him again. Frown
  • edited December 2011
    I am just getting over a miserable cold but we had a nice Valentine's Day.  Saturday my parents came  up and saw our place for the first time.  I was nervous but it went well.

    Yesterday we went to this charity dinner at a historic mansion.  It was awesome.  Very romantic.

    Now I have the day off (but FI doesn't) so I am just chilling in my very clean apartment and will maybe watch last week's Lost again.
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  • hetshuphetshup member
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    edited December 2011
    NQB-- I love that picture, it cracks me up. where have you been?
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: 1 in 10 proposals happens on Valentine's Day...</a>:
    [QUOTE]NQB-- I love that picture, it cracks me up. where have you been?
    Posted by hetshup[/QUOTE]

    Well that pic was taken in Chicago last weekend where we went for a quick little vacation.  After that I promptly got really sick.

    And since January I've just been swamped with work, it's our busy time.  I missed two days last week so I'm already starting to panic about tomorrow, yikes.  Just need to get to April and then it slows down again.
    TTC since 07/11 Me: 32 AO PCOS/DH: 32 Lowish count/motility IUI#1-3 = BFN (Clomid, Clomid-->Femara, Injects) IVF#1 ER on 9/24 19 ER/19 M/9 F w/ICSI Transferred a 5AA and a 5BB on 9/29 Beta 10/9 = 139 Beta 10/11 = 287
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  • edited December 2011
    Hey NQB: I was just looking at your planning bio. Are you still looking for the designer and style number for the first BM dress? If so, it's Alfred Angelo # 6581
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: 1 in 10 proposals happens on Valentine's Day...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey NQB: I was just looking at your planning bio. Are you still looking for the designer and style number for the first BM dress? If so, it's Alfred Angelo # 6581 <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
    Posted by KD+BC[/QUOTE]

    Oh wow that is the dress, thank you!

    My sister picked out a different dress that I think we're going to do with but I still like that one.  The new dress is a lighter color.  I really need to make a decision on it soon, yikes.
    TTC since 07/11 Me: 32 AO PCOS/DH: 32 Lowish count/motility IUI#1-3 = BFN (Clomid, Clomid-->Femara, Injects) IVF#1 ER on 9/24 19 ER/19 M/9 F w/ICSI Transferred a 5AA and a 5BB on 9/29 Beta 10/9 = 139 Beta 10/11 = 287
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  • edited December 2011
    Haha that's ok. That's one of the dresses I'm looking at. I'm going with the whole, "the designer is AA, the color is grape, not full length, go!" One of my BM likes that style but none of them have tried them on yet. GL making your decision!
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  • bethsmilesbethsmiles member
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    edited December 2011
    My valentine's day was way low key. My bf's brother didnt have any plans so he hung out with us which is fine. we all watched James Bond Casino Royal and my bf made dinner for me. it was a good day.

  • edited December 2011
    We had a nice and quiet/relaxing Valentine's weekend. On Saturday we took the puppy to go play in the ocean, then we planted lots of flowers... yay I love planting! Then on Sunday, my bf made me breakfast then we went looking at more flowers and vegetables for our garden. Then he surprised me with a trip to the cliffs to watch the sunset over the ocean and he brought along fried chicken, potato salad and chocolate cake for a quick picnic. It was such a great weekend!
    ~*~ Like an old-fashioned story book rhyme... just livin' on love ~*~
  • edited December 2011
    Sorry to chime in late here (and on everything else).  My keyboard at home is not working and I've been swamped at work lately! 

    Anyways, BF sent me some chocolate covered fruit and a really nice message to work on Friday.  Saturday morning I had a test for school and then volunteered at church while he was working (he picked up a part time job to help save money for school).  That night I went to a jewelry party for a little bit then left early to meet him at my apartment.  We had discusse just having a low key movie night so he showed up with wine and a couple movies.  We exchanged cards, drank some wine, watched All about Steve and talked about our past and future together and cuddled. 

    Sunday morning we woke up and went and got donuts before church and then had a really nice conversation ont he way to chruch and on the way home about us and the future.  He went to work for a few hours and I had dinner with a girlfriend and then he came over and we relaxed for a bit and then exchanged massages since we didn't get to that the night before as planned.  All in all it was a good V-day weekend even though we didn't have a lot of alone time togehter.

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