This is mostly a vent of mine but I would like other's opinions.
First please understand my beliefs, I don't mean these to be critical of anyone, so no nasty comments please.
1. I don't believe in living together before one is married. I know lots of people do and thats ok because that is their choice but it just isn't for me.
2. I also don't believe in children before marriage. (again nothing critical to those that have them this is my personal belief)
So this is my issue, I have a family friend who has a child with her guy and they live together and she always tells people they are married. He doesn't unless it suits his purpose at the time. It frustrates me because I am getting married and at this time I never tell people I'm married or call my fiancée my husband etc. I just don't think it is right. I guess when she (or anyone that does this) does this it offends me because I don't take marriage for granted. To me it is forever and for real. Not just living together having a family etc. I mean it is all of those things but with out the commitment (which they do not have) then one isn't married.
WHEW. I hope that wasn't too difficult to understand and again I don't want to offend anyone I just want to know if I'm being totally ridiculous. I don't think I am and I never say anything about it but it is hard for me when I want to be married so bad and have to wait till the date and some people can just nonchalantly throw the term marriage/married around.
Let me know what you think.
Thanks so much.