My FMIL loves to crochet. She mentioned to me that she would like to crochet a small purse for me to use on my wedding day. She crocheted a purse for her friend's daughter to use on her wedding day, and the purse was very pretty, so I know she would do a nice job. But, I don't know if I will be using a purse on my wedding day! It's not like I'll have much to carry...I won't need my camera, or my phone, or makeup...or if I do have any of those things then I can just give them to my mom to put in her purse. I think if my FMIL crocheted a purse for me, it would be a nice keepsake, but I don't want her to crochet it for me if I won't bother to use it!! I'd like to know if other brides have carried purses. All opinions & suggestions will be greatly appreciated here :-)