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Can I use the same color twice?

I'm getting married for the second time next year.  For my first wedding, the color was my favorite shade of blue -- kinda of a French/medium color.

Is it bad lucky/tacky/just wrong to use the same color again?  There's only a limited number of people who were at the first wedding (more than ten years ago).  But, of course, *I'll* know -- and I'm not so sure.


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Re: Can I use the same color twice?

  • Most won't remember your first color but I think I'd want to do something different.  Otherwise it'd just feel like a big ole "do-over" to me.  My mom chose a different color when she got remarried because she didn't want it to be the same as well...
  • I think it is up to you. I doubt anybody will remember, so I wouldn't worry about it being "tacky" or "wrong."

    I also don't believe in bad luck. Did your last marraige end because you used the color blue at the wedding? No, of course not, and neither will this one. :)
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  • I don't think any one will remeber, but you obviously do. It isn't tacky, but I am supersticious lol. Can you choose another main color and use that as an accent?
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  • I agree that I doubt many would notice... But this is something you should discuss with your Fi. Is HE okay with using that same color? 

    The wedding is not about YOU, it's about the TWO of you and the wedding should reflect that. 
    If he is fine with it, then I guess go for it if you really like the color that much.. But I don't like any color enough to make my H feel uncomfortable or get side-eyed. 
  • Pretty sure the last thing I want to remember at my second wedding is the first one. I'd make it an entirely different theme. Use a different shade, or at the very least keep it as an accent color. 
    "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:15Discussion:6183b8f0-cd5b-4ab7-98d6-f0aaa1067a85Post:48ce9481-5868-4caf-b6d3-dce789279186">Can I use the same color twice?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm getting married for the second time next year.  For my first wedding, the color was my favorite shade of blue -- kinda of a French/medium color. Is it bad lucky/tacky/just wrong to use the same color again?  There's only a limited number of people who were at the first wedding (more than ten years ago).  But, of course, *I'll* know -- and I'm not so sure. Help!
    Posted by AlmostMrsMags[/QUOTE]

    Agree w/ PP, you could use the same color, but I certainly wouldn't.  Couldn't you use your 2nd favorite color?  What color does FI like?
  • This will be my second marraige. Not very many were at the first wedding, but I choose not to have same colors as the first one. My FI actual choose the same colors as my last wedding & told him I didnt want the same colors as the last one so I chose something completely deferrent, even though the colors of my first wedding were my favorite.
  • Thanks, everyone.  It sounds like you're backing up what I've been feeling -- It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but why bother?  I'm looking forward, not backward, and there's no reason to have the reminder.  And there are a zillion other colors in the world!

    Thanks for the input!
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