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Passing out in dress - help?

I'm so nervous. My last two fittings I've passed out while wearing my dress. A few weeks ago, I completely blacked out and almost threw up. This afternoon, I started to get really dizzy, but managed to not completely pass out.

I get really hot in my dress (no, it's not that it's too tight), and I'm really worried about this happening on my wedding day. And I know that stressing out about it happening again won't help either. This overheating wasn't an issue the first few times I tried my dress at home and at the bridal salon.

Any suggestions?!? I know I need to make sure I eat a good breakfast and keep cold water with me at all times.

I'm also planning on getting a shorter, lighter dress (not a bridal gown, just a (hopefully) white dress from a department store or something. I can't afford two bridal gowns.) to change in to in case I start to feel ill while in my dress.  I've always had problems with low blood sugar and regulating my body temperature, so this doesn't come as a huge surprise. I'm just crushed that I may not get to wear my dress for my reception.

Any other brides have this problem? How did you combat it?
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Re: Passing out in dress - help?

  • I'm so sorry that is happening. Like the previous post said, it seems like you are having anxiety attacks. They can cause you to feel flushed and hot and can indeed cause the fainting spells. 

    Since you know your history of blood sugar issues make sure to keep snacks around. Drink plenty of water as well. I would also recommend going to see your doctor to see if they can recommend anything from a more educated perspective. You might need some anti-anxiety medication for the big day, which I hope it won't come down to. 

    You may want to start practicing some calming exercises before the big day. Make sure you remember not to lock your knees. Breathe deeply and completely. Use lavender to calm yourself. Think positively about how exciting the big day will be and the fact that you will be united at last with your fiance in front of everyone that you love. Although it seems like a high pressure situation, it really is not. You can feel comfortable being completely yourself in front of those you have invited because they all love you and want the best for you.
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  • Agree with both PP.

    I have really bad anxiety. Supposedly, if you hug yourself you will calm down. Srsly like squeeze yourself. It didnt work for me.

    For me, the only thing is to let it run it's course and let it go through. And i have them bad sucks.

    Try to bring something to squeeze, like a stress ball, or even a pillow.

    Ask your doctor about medication if you want. They simply gave me something that stops vomiting. It was easy enough and had no side effects
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  • lyntopherlyntopher member
    Second Anniversary First Comment
    edited September 2012
    This is my fear! This does not replace medical advice at all, but from prior experiences, I plan on having something Gatorade-like available. Most of these drinks are so brighly colored you don't want them anywhere near a white dress, but drinking them before can help. Also, there are now some that are clear (The unsweetened lemon-lime or berry O-Water are both pretty good in my opinion.)

    I find these things helpful with light-headedness and a slightly upset stomach.

    edited: to remove a repeated word
  • Talk to your doctor. I get hot in my dress too, but by no means pass out. 
  • Thanks for the responses everyone. I unfortunately have diagnosed anxiety, and know what that is like for my body and this would definitely be a different type of attack, although that isn't unheard of in the world of anxiety disorders.

    I'll keep it mine about the gatorade. The electrolytes in that may help keep my body in balance.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:15Discussion:d8a04cdc-e948-4b48-b76c-896b1af6e440Post:f9c89dcd-5823-49f7-9ec6-878e29f5440c">Re: Passing out in dress - help?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks for the responses everyone. I unfortunately have diagnosed anxiety, and know what that is like for my body and this <strong><font color="#0000ff">would definitely be a different type of attack</font></strong>, although that isn't unheard of in the world of anxiety disorders. I'll keep it mine about the gatorade. The electrolytes in that may help keep my body in balance.
    Posted by bbair89[/QUOTE]

    It sounds like you and I have had similar experiences.  I used to experience anxiety/panic attacks with symptoms that were the same every time (15+ years ago).  Recently, I experienced another type of pain/attack that drove a sharp pain in my chest (felt like a rotating, sharpened broom stick), from my shoulder blade to the chest wall. 

    After mis-diagnosis in the E.R., my internist referred me to an osteopath, who diagnosed the problem -- a dislocated rib. I would not suggest this is your issue, but it couldn't hurt to schedule an appointment with your doc. S/he may have some helpful thoughts and/or good advice.

    I wish you the very best!  Good luck.
  • I have the exact same problem (I passed out while trying on my dress) and it's not anxiety (at least for me) it's a blood flow problem. Google "vasovagal syncope" and see if that helps you any. For me, to avoid passing out while standing still for long periods of time, I have to be really careful to not lock my knees. Getting a work out in earlier in the day also helps me. 
  • Go to the doctor!
  • button6004button6004 member
    Second Anniversary 100 Love Its 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited September 2012
    In Response to Re:Passing out in dress help?:I have the exact same problem I passed out while trying on my dress and it's not anxiety at least for me it's a blood flow problem. Google quot;vasovagal syncopequot; and see if that helps you any. For me, to avoid passing out while standing still for long periods of time, I have to be really careful to not lock my knees. Getting a work out in earlier in the day also helps me.nbsp; Posted by SmallenForever I have a heart condition and have experienced a number of vasovagal episodes. I've never experienced nausea with them nor have I been able to stop them from happening the way OP says she was able to keep herself from passing out the second time. OP, I'd recommend you speak with the doctor that treats your anxiety. He or she may be able to help you determine what is happening to you and assist with finding a solution.


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  • Everything the OP is describing points to classic anxiety attacks.  The dress makes a pretty convenient symbol of all the anxiety,stresses, and fears of the wedding day.  I know my stomach goes all squiggly when I do my fittings.

    Trouble breathing, flushing, nausea, passing out, etc are all textbook panic attack symptoms.  I've had a couple, and I agree that it feels like you're dying, not having a panic attack.  What helps me is to focus on what actually IS happening, and to breathe into a paper bag.  Convincing yourself you are dying/suffering an illness is only going to feed the attack.  The moment I realize what is happening, it helps me calm myself.  I realize I am causing my body's response, and I can 'uncause' it.

    Since you've mentioned that you are getting treated for anxiety, taklk with that same doc.  They can adjust your medicine temporarily to help cope with the streses of getting married.
    Don't make me mobilize OffensiveKitten



  • In Response to <a href="">Re:Passing out in dress help?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re:Passing out in dress help?:I have the exact same problem I passed out while trying on my dress and it's not anxiety at least for me it's a blood flow problem. Google quot;vasovagal syncopequot; and see if that helps you any. For me, to avoid passing out while standing still for long periods of time, I have to be really careful to not lock my knees. Getting a work out in earlier in the day also helps me.nbsp; Posted by SmallenForever I have a heart condition and have experienced a number of vasovagal episodes. I've never experienced nausea with them nor have I been able to stop them from happening the way OP says she was able to keep herself from passing out the second time. OP, I'd recommend you speak with the doctor that treats your anxiety. He or she may be able to help you determine what is happening to you and assist with finding a solution.
    Posted by button6004[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Nausea is a common symptom during a vaso vagel episode. Also, you can easily stop one of these episodes by lying down, which brings the blood back up to your head. That might not be the case for you since you have a heart condition, but OP's issues sound exactly like she's having a vasovagal episode.

  • I looked up Vasovagal response on Mayo Clinic and the progression of my symptoms seemed spot on. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened the first time, then my anxiety triggered it again the second time.

    I wonder if my shoes have anything to do with it? I rarely ever wear heals, and I can feel my legs going all wobbly shortly after putting them on. Perhaps this is causing me to stand differently altering the bloodflow.

    Either way, I'm going to try and get in with my Dr. to hopefully get some suggestions. Thanks again everyone for the suggestions. If anyone else has any more, please feel free to add!
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  • In addition to other advice, Do NOT LOCK YOUR KNEES. 
    I have seen this time and time again when people get hot and lock their knees, it's an instant pass-out move. locking your knees cuts off blood circulation. if you're already getting hot, this just makes it soooo much worse. 

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Passing out in dress - help?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In addition to other advice, Do NOT LOCK YOUR KNEES.  I have seen this time and time again when people get hot and lock their knees, it's an instant pass-out move. locking your knees cuts off blood circulation. if you're already getting hot, this just makes it soooo much worse. 
    Posted by firsttimersluck[/QUOTE]

    That's why I'm wondering about my shoes. I feel like that since I'm not used to standing in heels I'm locking my knees.
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