Snarky Brides

i have a problem!! can someone pleaseee help me?!


Re: i have a problem!! can someone pleaseee help me?!

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    CEASE AND DESIST.  Don't make Officer M take you to jail.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
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    yep, so we officially have an adult-aged man who was attracted to (or good "friends" with) a minor child. I think Precious Moments makes a figurine for that. They call it Let Your Neighbors Know You're On The National Registry and the big-eyed man gazes so lovingly at the little big-eyed girl. aww!
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    yeah, okay, i didn't know we were so immature to call people child molesters....thanks. um, yeah, there was some attraction, you don't just wake up and start dating one day, but we didn't want to start dating because it was long distance... anyway, i'm not going to respond to anyone picking on me because of my age. so don't expect a reply if you're going to act ugly. sorry i am the only adult here.
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    um, yeah, there was some attractionSo your 19 year old adult fiance was attracted to a 15 year old minor child.  Okay, I just wanted to clear that up.

    The nerve!
    House | Blog
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    Tasty, please pay for my funeral costs seeing as how you are responsible for my death.
    "That chick wins at Penises, for sure." -- Fenton
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    it's okay. I really wouldn't expect a child to understand what is wrong with this picture.
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    I also think Cait and Nate look like they could be brother and sister.
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    jbloomjbloom member
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    yeah, okay, i didn't know we were so immature to call people child molesters....thanks.That's not immature.  It's observant.
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    also, about the "my day" thing, i have never been to a wedding where someone said "wow, that groom must have worked his butt off for that wedding" I was always under the impression that the bride made most of the choices when it came to colors, churches, dresses, cakes and such. So, I assumed this was how it would be with my fiance and I.. However, I can see with how selfLESS all of you are, that your weddings were the complete opposite. no one should have to TELL you it isn't all about you. the event is being planned for the two of you... it doesn't occur to you that he deserves to have some input?  or maybe the whole "me me me" thing is something that happens when you're, oh i don't know, too immature to be getting married??
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    jbloomjbloom member
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    I must say she is quite skilled in the passive-aggressive department.
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    I think Precious Moments makes a figurine for that. They call it Let Your Neighbors Know You're On The National Registry and the big-eyed man gazes so lovingly at the little big-eyed girl. aww!Bwahahaha. You may need to look into a group rate on funeral arrangements, Tasty. Also, thanks for giving me something to reply about otherwise I would have just posted nonsense so cait could see she's not the boss of me.
    I'm pretty sure it's pronounced your mom's a moron and if you didn't have your name legally changed by the age of 22, so are you. Unless you're from another continent. -Groomz
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    I had a previous situation that involved me being engaged to a tool. He decided we would be married in his middle of nowhere home town that didn't even have a crappy b&b. it didn't matter what my family thought because he didn't respect me or the fact that I love my family( they were competition or something). Basically I just needed to show up and go to work so I could pay for it. My first clue should have been the "list of wifely duities" he recited over dinner rite after i got the ring.Long story short I gave back the ring and moved back home. five-er-so years later I meet the man of my dreams.I'm not saying it's the same but it is about working together so you and him should plan it together. just you two. there's always the possibility of two receptions. Fly off to some island and get hitched have your honeymoon. come back and MIL can pay for the one in their home town and yours can pay for the one in theirs.
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    This is just my opinion but if your family is paying for everything it is up to them. If he mom demands that it is Texas have her pay for it. Sorry ladies I understand that marriage is about joining two familes but why should the Brides Family put up all of the money if their family can't be there. I'd have it where I want and if they don't come that is their problem.
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