Snarky Brides



Re: Morning

  • Good morning, all! I've been MIA the past week at a training in NYC. Was fun but the travel portion was gosh darn awful.

    And as soon as I read the CO story I just felt dread. Like seriously, this could happen anywhere at anytime and it's just so awful. And i wholeheartedly agree with jcb. there cannot be a judge anywhere that has compassion for someone like this. good gravy.
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  • So I'm trying to figure out why I had written down that today was my appointment, why they called me and told me that today was my appointment, yet my appointment isn't until next Friday.  WTF.  I'm pissed.  I could've slept in and more appropriately dealt with my migraine.  
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]They were already speculating that this was a terror attack rather than your usual lone psycho this morning. I found that a bit irresponsible, but not surprising. 
    Posted by celticmyss[/QUOTE]

    If the idiot did it to scare people (i.e. inflict terror) then it is terrorism.  Terrorism doesn't automatically mean it's a religious group.  Now, fi they were speculating that it was some kind of Islamic tie, then they're morons.  The shooter's name is James Holmes... I"m going to play on assumptions here, but I'm guessing he's a white dude.

    Honestly? My first assumption was that the mediea would go with the whole 'ex military freakout' kind of story. Isn't Aurora a base town too?
  • Morning- Of course I checked here this morning on the mobile before I checked any news so I had to stop and look up what you guys were talking about. Seems I get quite a bit of my breaking news from social media. Surprisingly it wasn't on my facebook.  I am actually avoiding some of the news stories about it right now because it is so sad.

    I feel like I have a million things to do to day, not just at work, and that makes me want to sit here and do nothing. We have to drive over 4 hours after work to get to my parents for a wedding tomorrow- I wish it wasn't such a long haul up there!

    On the positive side, it is Friday and my payday!

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:3b7d9bb9-11c9-46a2-84df-37ed2ac096c2Post:757b3dfc-fee8-4c68-8cb5-7b2fa4e96558">Re: Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]Such a sad story.  I heard there was also a 6 year old killed.  I don't get it. Any of it. The senseless violence, the taking of such young children to that type of movie at MIDNIGHT, or any of it really.  It's just so sad.
    Posted by djhar[/QUOTE]

    I know it's neither here nor there now, but I had the same question. Why were so many young children at a midnight showing of a movie I probably wouldnt allow my 13 yr old to see?

    It really doesnt matter, it's done and it's very sad. I cant imagine what makes someone do this. It's beyond me.

    Today I came in early for a big corporate visit, we were all quizzing each other on our mission statement. We had that sucker down, but they were here for maybe 20 minutes, came in the office, looked at lease plans and left! I wanted to shout my mission statement to them!

    Good news, I do get off at 1:30 today. I have a appt to get my truck serviced, then I might stop at Target. Atticus has his puppy class tomorrow and we really need to get some projects done around the house.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:3b7d9bb9-11c9-46a2-84df-37ed2ac096c2Post:b747bb16-9d3b-47aa-9f2f-c9f0e6ce5e88">Re: Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Morning : If the idiot did it to scare people (i.e. inflict terror) then it is terrorism.  Terrorism doesn't automatically mean it's a religious group.  Now, fi they were speculating that it was some kind of Islamic tie, then they're morons.  The shooter's name is James Holmes... I"m going to play on assumptions here, but I'm guessing he's a white dude. Honestly? My first assumption was that the mediea would go with the whole 'ex military freakout' kind of story. Isn't Aurora a base town too?
    Posted by Steph+J[/QUOTE]

    Richard Reed, the underwear bomber, was a white dude. Converted to Radical Islam.
  • They're saying he was dressed in body armor and a gas mask (obviously), which makes me think he chose The Dark Knight Rises because the character Bane wears something similar and people sometimes dress up for movie premieres like this. That way he wouldn't be questioned like he would had it been, say, a rom-com or something. That's twisted, dude.

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  • edited July 2012
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:3b7d9bb9-11c9-46a2-84df-37ed2ac096c2Post:6b830539-f9f7-4d6a-9306-923157d9eebf">Re: Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Morning : I don't think so.  It's a wealthy suburb of Denver.  I don't recall there being a military base in Aurora.  The Air Force Academy is in Colorado Springs which is hour/hour and a half away or something.  Les?
    Posted by jcbsjr[/QUOTE]

    Just looked, Buckley AFB is in Aurora, CO.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Morning : Richard Reed, the underwear bomber, was a white dude. Converted to Radical Islam.
    Posted by Lizzieyounce[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>I think one of the next issues will be terror groups recruiting people that don't fit the "terrorist" profile, so they are much more difficult to detect.</div>
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:3b7d9bb9-11c9-46a2-84df-37ed2ac096c2Post:c84d6e14-8171-4e14-a5c1-58ec21e3551f">Re: Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Morning : You sucker.  Changed your post.  Heh.  And.  I stand corrected.  
    Posted by jcbsjr[/QUOTE]

    HA! I was hoping you wouldnt catch that. You are too fast for me this morning ;)
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:3b7d9bb9-11c9-46a2-84df-37ed2ac096c2Post:cde1f029-9772-44ce-9b0c-3bb531481ae6">Re: Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Morning : I think one of the next issues will be terror groups recruiting people that don't fit the "terrorist" profile, so they are much more difficult to detect.
    Posted by KateJ10[/QUOTE]

    They've been doing that, pretty smart of them.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Morning : Richard Reed, the underwear bomber, was a white dude. Converted to Radical Islam.
    Posted by Lizzieyounce[/QUOTE]

    Right. I never said he couldn't have been part of the group. But I'm just saying- the first thing every news station I heard was jumping to conclusions that he was from the Middle East, blahblahblah.
  • Mehg I didn't have many bobby pins in my hairand it was a little complicated. Just doused in hairspray throughout the night. 

    Ibarr that story is crazy and weird. I can't believe that happened. So horrible.
  • its just so WTF. I don't really understand the Mom story yet either.

    anyways, what a somber beginning to a Friday.
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  • I can't even imagine being in a shooting in a theater. Makes me nervous to go to the movies. H and I are moving tomorrow morning!! I will be able to walk to work which will be a nice change from my crappy commute. Also h started a new job on Monday. Lots of crazy changes over here!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:3b7d9bb9-11c9-46a2-84df-37ed2ac096c2Post:ab2896a7-d6eb-43b0-ab65-46fbfe086b8d">Re: Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]had my hair trial last night so I had to spend an inordinate amount of time in the shower this morning un-teasing my hair. I felt like a drag queen when I took all the pins out last night, my hair was massive. 
    Posted by celticmyss[/QUOTE]

    Yeah, the night of my wedding I spent forever removing bobby pins and it still had so much hair spray it stayed without them. Took forever to wash that out, but it held up for about 12 hours. The make-up was bad too, taking off false eyelashes gave me the willys.
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  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    Faaaahhk, I just remembered today my little brother is getting dropped off at rehab today. I was able to get ahold of him in my dads car to say goodbye but uugh, I just hope this works. He's not even freaking 17 yet and it makes me so sad.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:3b7d9bb9-11c9-46a2-84df-37ed2ac096c2Post:c4b05e33-0c2d-4c47-8a33-4aec0c26b6c5">Re: Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]So now I just read that a victim in the shooting was 3 months old. Who the fuuck takes a 3 month old to the movies, let alone a midnight showing of a movie?
    Posted by LetsHikeToday[/QUOTE]

    I read that too and it made me so stabby. There was a 3 month old, a 6 year old and a 9 year old based on what I've been hearing.  How selfish do you haev to be to bring kids that young to a movie like that? At a midnight showing no less. Get a freaking babysitter. Or wait until a different time. The movie isn't going to change if you wait a day or two for an afternoon or evening showing.

    Morning everyone! I'm still so tired and it's driving me nuts. I even fell asleep on the couch last night at like 9:00.  I wonder if I'm getting sick or something.

    My interview went alright yesterday. I'm trying not to analyze it too much because we still don't eevn know if I can accept an offer if one is made.  I just wish H would hear from that other company so I don't have to leave this district hanging.

    We're headed to the wedding of some good friends of ours tomorrow.  They started dating a month after us and now getting married a month after us. 

    We also are heading to our hometown for the weekend. This will be the first time we BOTH stay at H's family's house together. It's going to be so weird saying good night to MIL and go to bed with H (since she was so crazy about our sleeping arrangements before we were married).
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:3b7d9bb9-11c9-46a2-84df-37ed2ac096c2Post:c7d8f3a3-818a-4951-a5b6-606064eda6f2">Re:Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]Faaaahhk, I just remembered today my little brother is getting dropped off at rehab today. I was able to get ahold of him in my dads car to say goodbye but uugh, I just hope this works. He's not even freaking 17 yet and it makes me so sad.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    I can definitely relate. My little brother (he's 24) has been in and out of rehab more times than I can count. He just checked into a recovery house (not quite sure what that is) the day before yesterday. It's hard for me to tell him I understand what he's going through since I've never had an addiction, but I try to support him by writing letters and stuff. I'm hoping things go well for your brother. It can be so hard.
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  • good morning.

    I feel so bad for the families of the victims, and I honestly can't imagine the people that went through all of that. How horrifying. The lasting impact of a situation like that has got to be almost socially crippling. 

    Michael is going 4-wheeling with his buddies tomorrow in IN, and I'm going to see Magic Mike and lunch with the girls. Then Sunday, we're going to work on the beh-beh room. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Nebb, best of luck to your brother.  How long does he go for?

    Kd, now I'm nervous to get fake eyelashes....
  • WTF is wrong with people???    FIFTY people shot?  OMG.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re:Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]Faaaahhk, I just remembered today my little brother is getting dropped off at rehab today. I was able to get ahold of him in my dads car to say goodbye but uugh, I just hope this works. He's not even freaking 17 yet and it makes me so sad.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]
    I really hope he is able to get the help he needs and get things turned around.
  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    That's what I'm planning to do mehg, send him letters, his birthday is in august too so I want to send him a little gift. He was getting tough love at xmas and didn't get any gifts then but I think he deserves something now. He is gonna be in there for 4 months.
  • Good luck and T&P's to your little bro, Nebb. 4 months is a long time to be away, but it'll give him a solid foundation for his recovery. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • That's cool that you're planning on sending something for his birthday. When he checks in, be sure to ask what's ok and what's prohibited. They ban strange stuff in rehab.

    My middle sister and my little brother are the problem children. I only ever hear from them when they need money (presumably for drugs or alcohol). It's kinda sad. It makes me feel like all they see me as is a giant piggy bank, since we're DINKs (dual income, no kids) who don't have addictions.
    25 in 2012 Reading Progress: 11/25 (44% toward goal)
    my currently-reading shelf:
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    "Are you one of those vegetarian zombies that only eats grrrrrraaaaaaiiiinnnnnsssss?" -- raynes
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  • Wow, Nebb, good luck to your brother. 4 months is a long time!

    And Chels, it's funny to me that it would be your first time sleeping together at your IL's. I met my H's parents about a month after meeting him and we slept in the same bed together. A twin bed, no less.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:3b7d9bb9-11c9-46a2-84df-37ed2ac096c2Post:4bb54527-0059-496e-961c-2ebde8f30b2f">Re: Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]Nebb, best of luck to your brother.  How long does he go for? Kd, now I'm nervous to get fake eyelashes....
    Posted by lbarr088[/QUOTE]

    Dont get me wrong I loved them , but pulling them off freaked me out. But I dont like my eyes messed with anyway.
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  • Nebb I'm so sorry. Definitely try to keep in touch. Not sure how this one works but some have levels and rewards which include earning computer time and phones so definitely send letters with love and encouragement. You sound like a wonderful sister. 
  • Oh, Dmills. I saw Magic Mike on Wednesday night. Sweet baby jeebus. The gyrating and pelvis thrusting. I wish H had been blessed with such abilities.
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