July 2012 Weddings


I just got the most awkward phone call from this girl at our church. A little background: FI and I were both married before, and she moved here after we were both divorced and dating each other. A few months ago, she walks up to FI and says, "so I just heard the news that you were both married before."

How is that news? It happened three years ago. Anyway, this girl is like 23 or 24, has been very sheltered, but she is married and has a baby. So you think she'd have a little more life experience.

Anyway, she calls me a few minutes ago. She asks where the reception is, like it's not written on the invitation. I tell her, and then she asks, "so you'll have like dinner and dancing?". I tell her, and then she asks, "so you too will be dressing up? Like I can wear what I would wear to church? I just wasn't sure because I've never been to a second wedding before."

I did not even know what to say.

Re: Seriously?

  • lol what an idiot. I guess I might be able to try and put myself in her shoes as she may have been very sheltered.... eh erm...
  • Uhm, okay? That is weird. I realize she's sheltered and all, but that doesn't excuse rudeness.  Just because it is both your second wedding, it doesn't mean that you don't deserve to have the celebration that you want and have it be as beautiful as people's first weddings.  
  • Nati05Nati05 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_july-2012-weddings_seriously-4?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding Club BoardsForum:066005ef-215f-48b1-8655-328b41e07c52Discussion:0efbea23-2591-4686-8981-949ba4ed07a0Post:09f6628f-4a69-439f-8f55-e376add4cd56">Re: Seriously?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Uhm, okay? That is weird. I realize she's sheltered and all, but that doesn't excuse rudeness.  Just because it is both your second wedding, it doesn't mean that you don't deserve to have the celebration that you want and have it be as beautiful as people's first weddings.  
    Posted by JenJen2112[/QUOTE]

    Exactly all of this. A person has to have major self control to not answer something nasty to that one! lol
  • Thank you! I'm like, if you honestly don't know what's going to happen or what to wear, ask someone other than the bride! Right?!?
  • Wow that is SO messed up. I'd be a lot more upset than it sounds like you are. Sorry you have to deal with someone so ignorant this close to your wedding. 
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • I dont think she is an idiot. Some people dont do the whole big wedding the second time around. Maybe she wasnt sure if you were and thats why she was asking you all that. 
    pregnancy calendar
  • edited July 2012
    She should have understood the formality based on the invitation.... with that said - why did this girl get one?? :) lol  She makes it sounds as if it was some big scandalous secret....  Are there other people in the church that might have fueled her reaction like that? just seems strange.

  • That sounds really strange that she felt the need to call and ask how to dress to your wedding mainly because its both your second weddings.  IMO, She should have asked someone else besides you about the formality of the event.

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