Snarky Brides

Bridal Shower RSVP

So my MOH (Bless her heart) sent out the cutest invitations for my Bridal Shower.  It states clearly who they should RSVP to, and by when.

The deadline is coming up and only ONE person had RSVP'd.  My MOH pretty much told me that if no one else responds, then what is the point of trying. Bridal shower more than likely wouldn't happen.  I think she wanted to keep it a surprise as to who was coming, as she wouldn't give up who had already RSVP'd.

After getting this news, I started texting and calling friends/family to ask them if they were able to make it.  I haven't received one "NO".  What is with people?!  So I started sending the MOH who has told me yes via text message... and she got a little snippy with me and said "Well why aren't they RSVPing!?" and then "Well I guess I will just plan on everyone showing up since no one is RSVPing." Which kind of stressed me out. I know she is doing a LOT for me... but I have a lot going on...

After all this BS... I know I'm annoyed... but I'm not sure who more to be annoyed with.  The guests for not RSVPing (at 3 days before the deadline) or my MOH who all of a sudden told me that the shower was being canceled if she didn't get any RSVPs.

And... to make matters worse... since she wouldn't reveal who actually did RSVP... I ended up texting them like an a$$ asking if they were coming.

I feel like an a$$ anyway... feeling like I'm calling/texting/emailing people asking them if they are going to show up.  Like "So are you going to show up and give me gifts or what...." (I didn't actually say that... but that's how ridiculous it feels) I don't expect much from people that I dont see or talk to very often... definitely not super expensive gifts... but seriously... Why can't people just text or email and say "Hey... I can't make it"  or "Yes, we will be there with bells on"

Super annoyed :P  Thanks for listening ladies.
Tiana - on the verge of effing losing it. :P

Re: Bridal Shower RSVP

  • If the RSVP date hasn't passed yet then I would expect more RSVPs to trickle in over the next week.  If anyone doesn't RSVP, the HOST should call them to double check if they plan on coming or not.  Good luck!
  • Thanks Ladies. I don't think she understands that she is supposed to be doing the legwork for this.  I kind of panicked when she said it wasn't going to happen.  Which I suppose any bride would...  The image of people standing around the venue wondering where the shower is, gifts in hand crossed my mind.  Oh what a nightmare! :(

    I am doing my best to relax! It's a little hard though... We are also building a house and have to move into an apartment temporarily before the wedding and it's been a lot to deal with.  I do however, have my eye on the prize and boy once I know what I want... I go get it. :)

    Ok... I suppose I better start pretending to work before someone notices! :)

    Have a great day!!
  • Yep, just chillax. I'm sure people will come. Mine was this past Saturday and went through similar drama plus some. We asked people to RSVP one week before the shower but received most of them the few days before it.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Came on here looking for advice on how to deal with the utter THOUGHTLESSNESS that people exhibit when it comes to RSVP-ing....

    Tiana, i am in the same boat, almost. my mother and MOH are planning my shower, yet have had to involve me in most of it because of my fiance's RUDE family who have not called to RSVP. They are mostly out of state, and I wonder if maybe they are just too darn cheap to even make the phone call. I don't want to be rude myself and just assume that they won't come- what happens if they do and they have nowhere to sit? Then I am the a$$!

    I don't know why people think an RSVP date is the date ON which you must reply, not the date BY which you must reply. I think it is so rude to wait until even four or five days before to RSVP. If you are excited to go to the event, and if you truly care about the bride, you should show it by RSVP-ing in a timely fashion. I have had to take it upon myself to start gathering contact info for THIRTEEN people who have yet to RSVP- deadline is tomorrow. And all except for TWO of these women are already married, plus I have gone to, and shelled out big $$ for,  their various baby showers, baby b-day parties, etc. They should know better. And the ones who haven't been there yet? I will be sure to be just as rude when (and if) their time ever comes.

    I am trying to just relax and let mom and MOM handle it, but it's kind of hard to do when my mom calls me near tears that she feels bad no one is coming. I have invited 63- and right now we have 39. What I would like to do is call these people and tell them to throw away the save the dates for the wedding because I really do not want them there. I do not want to have to deal with their sh*t again when it comes to wedding RSVP cards. Right now, I don't even want to know them. You aren't happy for me? Fine. Then stay out of my life.

    Boy, did I need to vent.
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