Ok,so we narrowed it down to two photographers.They are both fantastic in every way.They even have very similar pricing.We just don't know who to choose! I attatched the links to their sites.If you could tell me who you would pick and why that would be great.
Tabitha McCauslandJason Mize
Re: Which Photographer?
Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
...and yes, local boards might be able to provide better insight.
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[QUOTE]you can see more samples of tab's work in my bio! i don't tend to like the pics she blogs as much as lot of other pics i have seen by her. she tends to blog things that are more artsy and forgets that brides want to see normal wedding shots, too. i liked her a lot.
Posted by SarahSmile23[/QUOTE]
Thanks Sarah!
RSVP Date:November 1
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also, i think this was a good place to post the poll. on the local, you're just going to get, "i used ____ and he/she was awesome!" responses by brides who don't actually open the links and compare. on a national board she will get opinions that are unbiased by personal experience. and she did post this on the local, too.
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[QUOTE]btw, i have pics by 2 different photogs in my bio, so make sure you click on the tab that says "pics by tab mccausland." also, i think this was a good place to post the poll. on the local, you're just going to get, "i used ____ and he/she was awesome!" responses by brides who don't actually open the links and compare. on a national board she will get opinions that are unbiased by personal experience. and she did post this on the local, too. :)
Posted by SarahSmile23[/QUOTE]
I looked at your Bio,and your photos were gorgeous! You were right though,your photos were a little tone down compared to the stuff she blogs.I also like knowing that she can do artsy and a bit more traditional.
RSVP Date:November 1
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[QUOTE]just be prepared to possibly be surprised/annoyed by the pics she chooses to blog from your wedding. the pic of the headless couple at the top of her blog page? yeah. that's us. out of all of our pretty pics, THAT is the one that made the top of her blog. lol!
Posted by SarahSmile23[/QUOTE]
lol,figures. Who knows why photogs choose what they choose.While I have you here,can I be added to the CFL knottie page :)
RSVP Date:November 1
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[QUOTE]In Response to Re: Which Photographer? : lol,figures. Who knows why photogs choose what they choose.While I have you here,can I be added to the CFL knottie page :)
Posted by lovetothinkpink[/QUOTE]
you'll have to page blonde jessica (she posted the g2g poll) on CFL for that. she updates it. i would do it if i could! :)
the other photographer in my bio is also very good, btw.and less expensive. she is my groomsman's wife so i didn't book her. i wanted her to be able to enjoy the day with her hubby.
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it's not a picture of my hands. nice try. snark fail.
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Also, for us, personality of hte photog made a big difference. We loved our photog's work, but she also was SO super friendly and also really assertive. I felt really confident that she knows what she is doing. I liked another photographer, but she was really shy and I had a hard time picturing her getting my family organized for the photos (they tend to be unruly).
Good luck! Both are beautiful, so you can't go wrong.
I vote Jason by a million miles. His work is so very polished and beautiful. Tab gets some nice shots, but there's a feeling of... I don't know, amateurism? that I sense when I look at her blog pics in contrast to his.
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Jason's photos look overexposed.
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