Snarky Brides

Stupid Wedding Industry

What are things your hate/think are ridiculous about the wedding industry? 

I'll go first; #1, I hate monograms - we all know it's your wedding, and if we're attending then we sure as heck know your initials. Just because the wedding industry says you have to have your monogram on everything doesn't mean you do. Get a little more creative. #2, how expensive are wedding dresses? Are you kidding?! I'd rather wear a white sundress and drive away in my wedding-dress-priced car :)

Now you, GO!

Re: Stupid Wedding Industry

  • I think garters are silly. I also think those monogramed toasting flutes and frilly guest books are super lame.
  • I don't understand guest books. I already have your name and address.

    I don't understand super-sexual bachelor/bachelorett parties.
  • Let's face it: the whole wedding industry is a crock. None of it, besides a bride, groom, and person legally able to perform the ceremony is necessary. But it's fun :)
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • I don't understand the receiving line.
  • Where do I start?  Toasting flutes, special knives to cut a single piece of cake, ring bearer pillows, guest books and special pen, a little piece of tissue paper that blots nothing to be put inside invitations.  These are just silly and serve no purpose. 

    FWIW, my dress cost $100 and I couldn't love any inanimate object more.  Shop around - there are tons of gorgeous dresses out there that may not necessarily be marketed as wedding gowns. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stupid Wedding Industry</a>:
    [QUOTE]Let's face it: the whole wedding industry is a crock. None of it, besides a bride, groom, and person legally able to perform the ceremony is necessary. But it's fun :)
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]


    I also hate guest books.  So stupid.  I wouldn't care to have one at all but it's one of those things my mother is fighting me tooth and nail on.

    I like engagement photos, and I actually think that a photo or two of the rings together can be kinda cool - but I can't stand looking through a wedding album to find that a couple has like, 50 pictures of their damn rings.  What the hell.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stupid Wedding Industry</a>:
    [QUOTE]Let's face it: the whole wedding industry is a crock. None of it, besides a bride, groom, and person legally able to perform the ceremony is necessary. But it's fun :)
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    <div>laurenclaire THIS is very true. One of my friends, military bride, got married a lot sooner than they originally wanted to so she could have health insurance and they'd get a little extra $ for being together. Now she's stressing about planning a 'real' wedding for next year. I told her not to stress because all you really need is the two of you and someone to marry you - which is what they already did...I think she was kind of hurt. oh well! She'll have to realize that she's already married!</div>
  • The crazy that attacks people's brains and makes them think that the theatrics of a wedding are necessary.


    ME:  My father might not be able to walk me down the aisle due to his medical issues, if that's the case, I'll walk myself.

    Church appointed coordinator:  But SOMEONE has to walk you down the aisle.

    ME:  Nope, quite capable and if my dad is too sick, I can walk myself

    C Coordinator:  Tell your dad to work on getting better.  I'm sure he could do it if he REALLY wanted to.

    ME:  He's been in a coma for months and is just now learning to walk again after losing 70lbs and most of his pancreas.  I'm not going to tell him he has to walk if he can't.

    C Coordinator:  Oh, you'd be amazed at what a daddy will do for their little girl.  It IS  your day.  Don't you want to feel like a princess?

    ME:  whatever
  • I hate that I say the word "wedding" and the price goes up %50. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Anna, that is horrifying.  What is WRONG with that person?
  • Wow Anna. That is absolutely ridiculous. I hope you punched her in the throat.
  • @Anna I would have probably kicked them.

    @ehathewa- One place I looked at had two prices listed.  5 hour party: $1500 for the rental space.  Wedding receptionts: $3875 for rental space.  Why, JUST because it's a wedding reception?  Because you aren't throwing in any extra things... you aren't decorating ANYTHING, it's JUST the rental space.
    Paprika: I like it when you burp in my ear. It really turns me on.

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  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    I like monograms. I think when they are classic looking, its really nice.

    I dont get all the fluff - unity candles, sand ceremonies, tosses, readings, etc.
  • Did that really happen, Anna?  wtf.
  • I really can't stand favors (that aren't edible). I don't want a book of matches with your monogram on it. In fact, I'm going to burn the entire thing at once when I get home, maybe even in the parking lot.
    Aisle runner, especially outside. My friend's heel got caught in her's and she almost went down.
    Matching shoes on bridesmaids. My friend did this. The shoes were so damn uncomfortable, I had blisters for days. And I even took them off at the reception.
  • I hate that wedding invitations are so expensive. I hate that everyone expects everything to be all matchy-matchy. I hate that I'm stressed about tablecloths and chair covers 16 months out. *sigh*
    Anniversary Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stupid Wedding Industry</a>:
    [QUOTE]The crazy that attacks people's brains and makes them think that the theatrics of a wedding are necessary. Example: ME:  My father might not be able to walk me down the aisle due to his medical issues, if that's the case, I'll walk myself. Church appointed coordinator:  But SOMEONE has to walk you down the aisle. ME:  Nope, quite capable and if my dad is too sick, I can walk myself C Coordinator:  Tell your dad to work on getting better.  I'm sure he could do it if he REALLY wanted to. ME:  He's been in a coma for months and is just now learning to walk again after losing 70lbs and most of his pancreas.  I'm not going to tell him he has to walk if he can't. C Coordinator:  Oh, you'd be amazed at what a daddy will do for their little girl.  It IS  your day.  Don't you want to feel like a princess? ME:  whatever
    Posted by anna.oskar[/QUOTE]

    I can't believe they said that to you! I would have lost it!
  • edited July 2010
    Anna that is ridiculous.  Btw, I hope your father is getting well. 

    I've said this before and I'll say it again: I cannot stand how long everything takes, or - how long you are led to THINK it takes.  Shopping for bridesmaids dresses was terrible.  We were told the dresses would take 12 weeks to come in and take another 6 weeks to get altered.  Are you freaking kidding me?  A damn dress!  Where are these dresses being prepared, Neptune?

    I also hate the whole "it's YOUR day" mentality and the "pretty pretty princess" syndrome.  Like when someone finds out you're getting married and people around you gush about table runners and colors and monograms and cake and flowers and veils - my God, shut up!  I'm having a wedding, because I want to be married - I want it to be nice but I sure as hell don't expect the earth to switch it up and revolve around me for a day.

    And when girls say "my wedding" drives me crazy.  It's not just yours, it's you and your fiance's.  Say "our wedding."  Come on.

    Wow - rant over.
  • It did indeed happen.  If we hadn't have been in church, I would have had some really choice words for her.  I ratted her out to the pastor instead and she avoided me from there on out.

    I'm just amazed at that level of crazy.  She's an otherwise nice, borderline little old lady, who volunteers at the church for weddings.
  • Oh.. I dislike guests books and cake cutting utensils, but that's been discussed. 

    I'm currently hating wedding albums that are re-donk-ulously priced ($2000) and "tells the story of the couple's love as it began to the wedding day."  <--- please read that in a singsong voice.  My parents don't even know where their wedding album is!  I just want some nice pictures to frame  and a reasonably priced album.  Seriously.

    I also really don't understand why no one will listen to me when I say I don't want/can't have a shower.  Please listen to me.
  • edited July 2010
    I also don't like guest books. Instead, I used our leftover invitations (I did DIY invites and had like 50 left over from the box set) and cut them in kind of wavy designs (there was a flower in the center, and I cut around the flower). Then we set them in a clear glass bowl with different colored markers with a little note that said "Write a message to the bride and groom."

    It was great. Instead of just writing their names, guests wrote brief but thoughful notes (my brother's made me cry). The kids drew pictures, mostly faces and animals, one tried to draw us kissing and it was hilarious.

    And anna-holy crap, that person sucks big time.
  • I hate that everybody else wants you to think for them just because it is your wedding. I don't tell you what to do any other day of the year, and you make out just fine...

    Bridesmaids want to know how to do their hair..."I don't care, however you like. I can't even decide on my own hair!" They are confused...

    Mom wants to know what to wear..."Whatever you feel comfortable in." Mom is confused...
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  • I don't like either of the tosses, but the removing of the garter always creeps me out.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stupid Wedding Industry</a>:
    [QUOTE]Anna that is ridiculous.  Btw, I hope your father is getting well. ................. And when girls say "my wedding" drives me crazy.  It's not just yours, it's you and your fiance's.  Say "our wedding."  Come on. Wow - rant over.
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]

    He's doing much better now.  Actually is able to drive again so that improves his quality of life.

    Now, in response to the "my wedding" business, Cory would always correct me when I would say "our wedding".  He would have been happy with  a no-frills JOP visit and dinner at Outback after.  It was the start of Our Marriage, but it was most definitely my wedding.  ;)  His only input during the wedding planning: "I won't wear pink and I won't eat seafood."
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stupid Wedding Industry</a>:
    [QUOTE]I also don't like guest books. Instead, I used our leftover invitations (I did DIY invites and had like 50 left over from the box set) and cut them in kind of wavy designs (there was a flower in the center, and I cut around the flower). Then we set them in a clear glass bowl with different colored markets with a little note that said "Write a message to the bride and groom." It was great. Instead of just writing their names, guests wrote brief but thoughful notes (my brother's made me cry). The kids drew pictures, mostly faces and animals, one tried to draw us kissing and it was hilarious. And anna-holy crap, that person sucks big time.
    Posted by Seshat411[/QUOTE]

    Cute idea! I've been looking for a guestbook alternative because I hate them so much.
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  • zippitybzippityb member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited July 2010
    I liked my guestbook. It was a photobook that people signed like a yearbook. One of my friends left little drunken messages throughout. It's pretty funny.
  • Uh, I just got off the phone with the florist. $270 for a bunch of flowers that I'll carry for 3 minutes and will be dead the next day. Nah, I'm good. She asked me to send her pics of stuff I liked for bouquets. I didn't realize I picked the most expensive flowers known to man, apparently. Back to the drawing board on that one.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stupid Wedding Industry</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Stupid Wedding Industry : Cute idea! I've been looking for a guestbook alternative because I hate them so much.
    Posted by Wmb0124[/QUOTE]

    We did something similar and it was a big hit.  After the wedding, I took a picture of each message and then had them added to our photo book. 

    Best Wedding advice we received:  "Never pet a burning dog." Sage advice from one of his frat brothers.  Good for a laugh between the "never go to bed angry" and "love like it's your last moment on earth".
  • Yay Anna's dad :)

    I too don't understand the sexualized bachelor/bachelorette parties. Mainly the attitude of the "last fling" before the wedding. I'm sorry but I don't feel like I needed a fling before the wedding, and if I did I would wonder if I should be getting married in the first place. Part of my decision to get married was because I was done with dating and flinging.
    Also how people get up in arms when ladies get hurt/uncomfortable by their FI's going to a strip club for their bachelorette. If he felt it was cheating/wrong to go to a strip club during their dating, or during the marriage, then why is it acceptable/encouraged the last night before the wedding? It's not like he's not in a committed relationship anymore.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Stupid Wedding Industry</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm sorry but I don't feel like I needed a fling before the wedding, and if I did I would wonder if I should be getting married in the first place.
    Posted by katiewhompus[/QUOTE]

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