September 2013 Weddings

TMI Tuesday

What bad habits do you hide from your FI? What habits do you just put out there? What are some of his habits that gross you out, or that you don't mind?
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Re: TMI Tuesday

  • edited October 2012
    I really don't hide much from him LOL!  He's seen it all - the good and the bad. We've practically always lived together since we started dating.

    He drives me a bit batty with his sweating when sleeping.  It is just GROSS to me.  I love him to pieces but I never wander to his side of the bed lol.

    ***Sept 2013 Jan. Siggy Challange - Bouquet Inspiration!***
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  • What bad habits do you hide from your FI?  The only true thing I try very hard to hide is when I get sick.  I turn on the water and run the fan so he can't hear any weird noises coming from the bathroom.  And he knows, it's just a respect and embarrassment thing. 

    What habits do you just put out there? The man knows me inside and out. 

    What are some of his habits that gross you out?  The man scratches his belly button sometimes and one day I started noticing that he smells it after he does it.  Every time.  Ew.  Filthy.  It's become a running joke and I call him out on it each time I bust him.  So. Freaking. Gross.  But I love him anyway.  (I can't believe I just admitted this little known secret!)

    ...Or that you don't mind?  Everything else he does I just chaulk up to being a man and I don't mind. 

    Sept '13 Siggy: Hair Inspiration: photo 019944c286331ab6fdf602efadf91e9e_zps2908bf88.jpg photo 80abfd960b2f390596c647e6ec4518d9_zpsdfb581e8.jpg Wedding Countdown Ticker Follow Me on Pinterest
  • In Response to <a href=" Club BoardsForum:26a515ec-8009-4599-b81d-5edee3b3fb3cDiscussion:c3f8fd5f-4728-4b00-a7e1-c81b9c3cba68Post:5d6302e1-c7f2-41c3-89b1-edadc5911f08">TMI Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]What bad habits do you hide from your FI? What habits do you just put out there? What are some of his habits that gross you out, or that you don't mind?
    Posted by mpickl[/QUOTE]

    There really aren't any habits that I hide - he has pretty much seen it all - he was the rooom mate of a guy i dated for a year several years before I started dating him so he saw and heard a lot just from that -
    the only thing that i guess FI does that urks me is he picks his fingers - like digs at them and his nails - not that it gets gross and bloody or anything but its like he concentrates on it so bad that until i get his attention he is oblivioius to whats around him
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  • What bad habits do you hide from your FI?
     None really he knows all of my flaws / bad habits.

    What habits do you just put out there?
    Shopping haha

    What are some of his habits that gross you out, or that you don't mind?

    He doesn't always cover his mouth when he coughs.  I always correct him like a freaking child!

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  • In Response to <a href=" Club BoardsForum:26a515ec-8009-4599-b81d-5edee3b3fb3cDiscussion:c3f8fd5f-4728-4b00-a7e1-c81b9c3cba68Post:31a28037-8ef4-45b8-9369-12bb1a24a986">Re: TMI Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]What bad habits do you hide from your FI?  <strong>The only true thing I try very hard to hide is when I get sick.  I turn on the water and run the fan so he can't hear any weird noises coming from the bathroom</strong>.  And he knows, it's just a respect and embarrassment thing.  What habits do you just put out there? The man knows me inside and out.  What are some of his habits that gross you out?  The man scratches his belly button sometimes and one day I started noticing that he smells it after he does it.  Every time.  Ew.  Filthy.  It's become a running joke and I call him out on it each time I bust him.  So. Freaking. Gross.  But I love him anyway.  (I can't believe I just admitted this little known secret!) ...Or that you don't mind?  Everything else he does I just chaulk up to being a man and I don't mind. 
    Posted by GoofyAssChick[/QUOTE]

    mine has held my hair many times for me - just from too much partying or when i have actually  been sick sick ---
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: TMI Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE] What are some of his habits that gross you out?  The man scratches his belly button sometimes and one day I started noticing that he smells it after he does it.  Every time.  Ew.  Filthy. 
    Posted by GoofyAssChick[/QUOTE]

    Holy Bejeebus.  If it makes you feel any better, FI smells his deoderant after he puts it on after a shower to "make sure it didn't smell"  WTF!?!?!  You just got out of the shower, you have bigger problems than your obsession with deoderant sniffing if your aftershower stink overpowers the strong scent of a deoderant lol.

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: TMI Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: TMI Tuesday : Holy Bejeebus.  If it makes you feel any better, FI smells his deoderant after he puts it on after a shower to "make sure it didn't smell"  WTF!?!?!  You just got out of the shower, you have bigger problems than your obsession with deoderant sniffing if your aftershower stink overpowers the strong scent of a deoderant lol.
    Posted by elliemonster2012[/QUOTE]

    But at least his armpit is just an armpit.  My FI is sticking his finger in a body <span class="st">orifice</span> and sniffing his finger.  ((Cringe))
    Sept '13 Siggy: Hair Inspiration: photo 019944c286331ab6fdf602efadf91e9e_zps2908bf88.jpg photo 80abfd960b2f390596c647e6ec4518d9_zpsdfb581e8.jpg Wedding Countdown Ticker Follow Me on Pinterest
  • In Response to <a href=" Club BoardsForum:26a515ec-8009-4599-b81d-5edee3b3fb3cDiscussion:c3f8fd5f-4728-4b00-a7e1-c81b9c3cba68Post:e97ba920-42f6-4307-9709-60a7d91f06d7">Re: TMI Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: TMI Tuesday : Holy Bejeebus.  If it makes you feel any better, FI smells his deoderant after he puts it on after a shower to "make sure it didn't smell"  WTF!?!?!  You just got out of the shower, you have bigger problems than your obsession with deoderant sniffing if your aftershower stink overpowers the strong scent of a deoderant lol.
    Posted by elliemonster2012[/QUOTE]

    I just laughed out loud at your post!

    I don't think I hide any habit from him except maybe over spending the day I get my paycheck haha.... Him on the other hand....cuts his toenails in the living room instead of over the bathroom garbage can and it drives me NUTS. I tell him about it and you know where he goes instead...OUR BED!!! i swear he does it just to make me crazy! LOL
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    September 2013 Siggy Challenge: Bouquet Inspiration
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: TMI Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]Him on the other hand....cuts his toenails in the living room instead of over the bathroom garbage can and it drives me NUTS. I tell him about it and you know where he goes instead...OUR BED!!! i swear he does it just to make me crazy! LOL
    Posted by KSerafin17[/QUOTE]

    <div>That sounds like my dude, except he NEVER uses clippers to cut his toenails, he just rips them off! Never to the point where it hurts or anything, but when they get long enough, he just peels off the top half centimeter. Then his toenails are like RAZORS.</div>
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    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: TMI Tuesday : But at least his armpit is just an armpit.  <strong>My FI is sticking his finger in a body orifice and sniffing his finger.  ((Cringe))</strong>
    Posted by GoofyAssChick[/QUOTE]

    But at least you know he keeps his belly button clean then.... When I was out on clinical rotations for sugical tech we had a guy come into surgery - and once we were prepping him - his belly button was included in the prep area - OMG we pulled a small furry animal out of there - not really but it might as well have been - the guy must have never cleaned out his belly button ever ... he had so much belly button lint and once we took it out the smell was awful !!!!
    Honestly he probably had a yeast infection in his belly button - from not cleaning it out it was gross...
    so next time your FI sticks his finger in and smells it know that he is saving you both the embarrassment of having a furry animal living in there :)
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: TMI Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: TMI Tuesday : That sounds like my dude, except he NEVER uses clippers to cut his toenails, he just rips them off! Never to the point where it hurts or anything, but when they get long enough, he just peels off the top half centimeter. Then his toenails are like RAZORS.
    Posted by mpickl[/QUOTE]

    MINE DOES THIS TOO!  And his heels are so rough and cracked they could double for sandpaper.  I keep hinting at getting pedicures together but he doesn't think that would be manly. 
    Sept '13 Siggy: Hair Inspiration: photo 019944c286331ab6fdf602efadf91e9e_zps2908bf88.jpg photo 80abfd960b2f390596c647e6ec4518d9_zpsdfb581e8.jpg Wedding Countdown Ticker Follow Me on Pinterest
  • why am i reading this thread while eating lunch? it should really come with a disclaimer!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: TMI Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: TMI Tuesday : That sounds like my dude, except he NEVER uses clippers to cut his toenails, he just rips them off! Never to the point where it hurts or anything, but when they get long enough, he just peels off the top half centimeter. Then his toenails are like RAZORS.
    Posted by mpickl[/QUOTE]

    Mine likes to use his wire cutters when they get bad *sigh* I have taken to doing it for him with REAL clippers whenever I notice they're getting dagger-ish.

    I don't really hide anything from him, he's seen it all.  I do watch my girly tv shows (old episodes of Say Yes to the Dress, etc.) when he's not around because he doesn't like watching them with me but he knows I watch it so...
  • I really dont' have anything to hide from my FI. One thing he does that drives me crazy bonkers is he does not like to take care of his dirty dishes, or when he does take care of them he throws them in the sink with some sort of wrapper or other trash in them! ANNOYING! Good thing he does the dishes most of the time! Still wish we had a dishwasher though.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: TMI Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: TMI Tuesday : MINE DOES THIS TOO!  And his heels are so rough and cracked they could double for sandpaper.  I keep hinting at getting pedicures together but he doesn't think that would be manly. 
    Posted by GoofyAssChick[/QUOTE]

    <div>Okay so another thing that urks me is that my FI's feet are so rough they crack and he takes his knife and cuts the dead skin! Scares the living bageezies out of me! Then he complains if he cut too deep. Ummm if you are going to take a knife to your foot I don't wanna hear you complain when you mess up and hurt yourself! My FI wishes I would take him to get a pedicure!!! lol Shoot he doesn't care if it is girly!</div>
    February Siggy Challenge... Honeymoon Destination:
    Honeymoon Cabin in the Smokey Mountains
    Gatlinburg, TN
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