Does anyone own any JA stuff?
I've never been a huge fan, because everything I've ever had from there tarnishes way too quickly.
But, DH and I bought me an "extra" sterling silver wedding band for about $50 to wear for occasions when I don't want to wear my real rings, i.e. trips where they could get lost/stolen, or places where I am alone and don't feel comfortable sporting bling in fear of possibly being mugged, etc. (Perfect for walking around campus at night!)
We bought it about 3 months ago and I have only worn it once, and it sat in my jewelry box after that and I pulled it out because I'm going to wear it to Europe and it's already starting to tarnish. I keep it wrapped up in the cloth that it came in, AND it's in an airtight ziplock bag.
Any suggestions on how to keep it from tarnishing so quickly?! There's got to be a secret, or JA wouldn't be so popular.
And what I don't get, is that I've had a Tiffany's sterling silver bracelet for ten years, and it's never once tarnished. I'm wondering if there really is a reason Tiffany's is more expensive, and it's not just the name.
Anyway, TIA ladies!