Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums

Lancome, Estee Lauder, Clinique, or Philosophy

I'm getting married in a few weeks in a small town and the only make-up counters at my local mall are Lancome, Estee Lauder, Clinique, and Philospohy. Which ones would you recommend using and which ones would you stay away from? (I posted a few weeks ago, but found out about a few more counters than I had listed before).

Re: Lancome, Estee Lauder, Clinique, or Philosophy

  • edited July 2010
    Estee Lauder and Clinique are both part of Lauder Corp., it's the same company. I would try out all of the above. Ask questions about ingredients, and go with what feels the best on your skin. Philosophy isn't really a cosmetics company, they offer a couple mineral foundations, and while I love minerals, stay away from them for your big day. You will shiiiiiine like a lightbulb. When you factor in what it's going to cost you for all this makeup, I'd consider finding a makeup artist for your big day. It'll likely end up costing the same, or less, and you have ZERO headache. Also, an add, the girls behind those counters more often than not have no formal training or licensing and you're taking a real gamble for one of them to do your makeup for the big day.  FREE is great, but you usually get what you pay for. In fact, they often have "push" lists and "do not push" lists posted behind the counter. They are interested in the sale, not in creating your special look. Professional makeup artists have tons of editorial experience and experience working with brides, etc. It's worth looking into.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Visit
  • I love the Estee Lauder Double Wear like you wouldn't believe.  If I could get my hands on it over here, I'd be happy as a clam. 
  • I second the Double Wear foundation. Holy cow that stuff is awesome.  I plan to wear the double wear light during my wedding but I wear the DW regular everyday.  Just make sure you set it with a powder and you are literally set for hours and hours. I put my makeup on at 7am and its still awesome at 9pm, when I scrub it off.
    image. Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • lancome their stuff is awesome!  and quite long lasting 
  • Quality of product- stick with Lancome or Estee Lauder, but just because they work behind the counter does not mean the know much about doing really good makeup. You may need to ask around and investigate to see which lady or gent is the best at each counter. Philosophy would be my absolute last choice. EL's Double Wear is a nice foundation for sure. Wore it for years until I stopped wearing foundation all together. Loved that stuff!
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