I had to work today. Yup. 8am. The winds are crazy now and the rain is throwing itself against the windows. The kids are terrified. It took me about 10mins to get them from the car to the house. We're not sure if we have to work tomoro yet. FI had to work tonight 6pm-6am, but I cried to get him to change his mind (manipulation) and he agreed to take the 6am-6pm shift today so he should be home in about an hr and a half. Yayy. I refused to be home alone with this storm. They said the worst should be between 8pm-2am with the winds possibly getting as high as 90mph (WTF). The key word in that statement is possibly. I'm hanging on to that word. The electric companies are saying power may be out for 3weeks. (ANOTHER WTF). I have kids. But FMIL has a generator, so we will be there if need be. I know Island is in the DC Area, Marionne in Baltimore, and all the knotties in NY and in the Mid Atlantic. Pearls, Diva, Sultry. PLEASE BE SAFE. Pray for me, if gotta work tomorrow too. But its 3x my pay if I come in.! I CAN'T miss that. Lol. As long as my kids are safe, I'm good.!
May 2013 January Siggy: Cake.!