As much as we all hate it, people will start clinking their glasses to get us to kiss at the reception.
One thought we had was to make people pay ($1-2) to get us to kiss and we'd donate the money to charity.
Any other ideas?

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Re: Kissing Games?
If you're hiring a DJ, most will have a kissing game available. Some have giant dice or wheels, and depending on what the guest spins or rolls, they may have to sing a song, do a dance, or act out a certain movie kiss to get you to kiss.
I also went to a wedding once where each table had cards with instructions like "5 things she said when he proposed" or "5 names for their future kids". If you wanted to get them to kiss, you had to fill out the card and read it for the guests. That one turned out to be pretty fun, actually.
Baby #2: Surprise BFP 9.19.12, EDD 5.24.13, natural m/c 10.19.13 at 9w
Baby #2: Surprise BFP 9.19.12, EDD 5.24.13, natural m/c 10.19.13 at 9w
I've also seen the couple set up a putting green and people had to make a put for the couple to kiss. People seemed to enjoy that.
It was a funny/different idea, but not a whole lot of people participated (but they had a very short reception for this- only about an hour and a half was available for people to do this)
We wanted something a little more on the interactive side. FI is Chinese, and I understand that at Chinese weddings the couples usually play all sorts of little games to make the crowd laugh at them. We weren't interested in those games, so we tried to come up with a "good" kissing game, to give people some kind of entertainment during the 3hr, 10-course dinner!
I'll try to remember to report back sometime next week to let you know how it worked out!
Life is good today.
every table had a piece of paper to write down a dare that had to be performed if the bride and groom were to kiss. these were put into a jar, and whenever glasses started to clink, we'd pick one envelope out of the jar to read to the guests. i was co-mc with the best man, so we chose who were best suited for the dares (ones who wouldnt be embarrassed or offended by some of these dares).
we had a couple to do pushups, one other couple had to kiss and bride and groom had to 1up them, and the crowd roared when groom and best man had to kiss! of course they took it to the next level by making it all theatrical- best man grabbing groom's face and planting a fierce kiss while poor groom is desperately trying to get away- convulsing on the floor afterward hahaha!
- Bride & groom kiss
- Kiss someone of the same sex
- Kiss someone at your table
- Kiss the bride or groom
We had so many players come up, everyone loved it (especially when 2 guys had to kiss, haha).
"If you can't think of something nice to say, don't say something nice" - Stephen Colbert
1-Music Lovers: at my sister's wedding, if people wanted to see the bride/groom kiss, they had to put on a long black wig, and play a love song on a guitar. Even if people have no idea how to play, its funny to see them do it
2-Hunters: At my brother's wedding, we had a bow and arrow set, and we created a large target, the outer edge was a hand shake, and moving inward it was a hug, peck on the cheak, and then a kiss on the lips. It was really nice and fun for everyone
3- Fear Factor - At my cousin's wedding, to make the couple kiss, you had to walk to the front, and take a mystery shot . so shot glasses were filled with everything from yummy drinks, to fish juice, to hot drinks, to sweet things and even egg yolks. it was really funny to watch.
Hope that you sure these!
I really like that there are so many more things to do, than the regular tapping of the glasses, or making people say a phrase with the word LOVE in it