Is there a reason people seem to think that their 19, 20 year old children, who (on the invite is only invited as themselves-- NO GUEST) seem to think that they are entitled to bring a guest to our wedding? I mean, maybe ettiquette-wise, if you are a certain age you should be invited with a guest but we don't want your random hook up at our wedding. We'd much rather have our friends (that we both know) than your flavor of the week that we've NEVER even heard of! AND while we're at it, stop asking your mom---and AUNTS stop asking other aunts if we would mind if your children brought boyfriends/girlfriends. Ask us. We will tell you, NO!!!! Oh, and ps....just because you KNOW that someone else in your family isn't going to be coming to the wedding it does not mean that you can substitute their place with your guest. Honestly. Our wedding is really important to us but I can't imagine that it's going to be so amazing that people will be lying/forging rsvps to get in (true story just told to me by my FSIL---FI will be making some phone calls this week) UGH!!Vent over!