Wedding Reception Forum

Table Numbers

Hi Everyone,

I'm sure this question has been asked a lot already but my fiance and I are doing table numbers that mean something to us... This is what we have so far:

# of siblings between us,
Longest # of days spent apart,
Years we've known each other,
# of miles between our work,
Our anniversary date,
Day we got engaged,
Years my parents have been married,
Weeks we’ve been engaged,
Address # to our first place,
# of days we’ve been together,
Zip code of where we grew up,
My fiancés birthday,
My Birthday,
Our wedding date,
# of movies we have,

I can’t seem to think of any more… Does anyone have any fun ideas we could use?


Re: Table Numbers

  • you know what's the most # of days you've spent apart? wow.

    you seem to be really reaching here and the #s will be all over the place.  if you want to use them as table #s find some that go in numerical order-1 dog, 2 apartments, 3 trips to italy etc...

    to me a table number is not the place to screw around with 'meaningful'. they're there for a purpose-to make it EASY for your guests to find their tables. keep that in mind when you plan them out. there's nothing worse than walking around 25 tables trying to find yours becuase they're labeled badly.


  • What happens if 2 numbers are the same? Sounds like mass confusion.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • The numbers are supposed to be spread apart like that, that's what makes it a unique way of doing it. If I was doing it numerically (1, 2, 3, 4) then I wouldn't bother adding meaning to it. They will be put in order of smallest number to biggest number but other than that we wanted something a little different.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:d5bdd54f-61f0-40d8-b7f0-fdd420f67197Post:43ff1b5e-3416-4578-80c1-da26ca92791e">Re: Table Numbers</a>:
    [QUOTE]What happens if 2 numbers are the same? Sounds like mass confusion.
    Posted by HobokenBride2012[/QUOTE]

    I wouldn't make 2 numbers the same...
  • I know you don't want to hear this but it's still going to confuse your guests no matter how you want to justify it. Are you having servers at your wedding because they too will be confused. You can be meaningful with less confusion. You could choose dates for example. Also remember venues have their own numbering system that you have to use so table 1 is not always next to table 2 so this may put a kink in your plans as well.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • To compromise and make it less confusing while still getting in these meaningful numbers, could you number the tables normally (1-20, etc) and then at each table have a little sign with a factoid about you guys?

    Like at table #1, next to the table number, you could make a little sign that said, 'Did you know the bride's parents have been married for 25 years?"

    This wouldn't work with all the ones you have listed. Like I personally wouldn't care about a factoid that said, "Did you know the couple's zip code is XYZ?" But some of them, like my example, are interesting, so maybe you could re-think some of the facts, or even add in facts that don't involve numbers at all, and that could be a kind of compromise.

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:d5bdd54f-61f0-40d8-b7f0-fdd420f67197Post:f5644cae-8b40-49a0-8470-220e3dd3cdb0">Re: Table Numbers</a>:
    [QUOTE]I know you don't want to hear this but it's still going to confuse your guests no matter how you want to justify it. Are you having servers at your wedding because they too will be confused. You can be meaningful with less confusion. You could choose dates for example. Also remember venues have their own numbering system that you have to use so table 1 is not always next to table 2 so this may put a kink in your plans as well.
    Posted by HobokenBride2012[/QUOTE]

    I guess I just don't understand how people will be confused.... They take their corresponding number on their place card and find it on the table... Just like a normal numerical way.. I'm sorry I just don't get why it would be.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:d5bdd54f-61f0-40d8-b7f0-fdd420f67197Post:4a37c472-6731-498f-9a5d-05a1f74edb7b">Re: Table Numbers</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Table Numbers : I guess I just don't understand how people will be confused.... They take their corresponding number on their place card and find it on the table... Just like a normal numerical way.. I'm sorry I just don't get why it would be.
    Posted by allisong1187[/QUOTE]

    It's because they don't know numbers you used. People expect number 2 to be next to number 3. If the second table in your numerical system is say 5 and the third is say 22 they will go to the other side of the room expecting it to be far away from table 5. Although significant to you they are going to seem random to guests.
      Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • You are making the very simple task of numbering tables far more difficult than it needs to be.  They're just table numbers, they have no inherent meaning.  Their sole purpose is to help people find their seat quickly and logically.
  • I have to say that H and I did not use standard numbers for our tables.  We got married at Raven's stadium so we used some of the players names and their jersey numbers to assign tables.  We only had 13 tables so it wasn't like we had a crap ton of people that needed to find their seats.  We also made a seating chart instead of escort cards and the tables were then listed in the same order that they were set-up in the room (we used rounds but had rows of tables...a bar separated the room into two sections, the dining area and the dancing area)

    Now I know guests won't always come out and tell you things were sucky at your wedding but I never heard a peep from people thinking the numbering system was too confusing or that they spent an hour finding their table.

  • I find this somewhat confusing (meaning I understand the concept), but more so just an awkward way of numbering tables. I don't understand how this would look. If I were a guest at your wedding & my table was the day you got engaged, my place card would say Table 7-31-12 (example), but another guest may have the number of miles between your work & that would say Table 10??? It just seems really weird & out there, especially if you have to make up stuff and it's not meaningful. How will you explain to guests what their table means?

    Could you do regular table numbers then make a little trivia sheet or cards for each table with that stuff on there??
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:d5bdd54f-61f0-40d8-b7f0-fdd420f67197Post:02d3a6a9-b46f-4ba4-a359-31e660c19a69">Re: Table Numbers</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have to say that H and I did not use standard numbers for our tables.  We got married at Raven's stadium so we used some of the players names and their jersey numbers to assign tables.  We only had 13 tables so it wasn't like we had a crap ton of people that needed to find their seats.  <strong><font color="#ff00ff">We also made a seating chart instead of escort cards and the tables were then listed in the same order that they were set-up in the room</font></strong> (we used rounds but had rows of tables...a bar separated the room into two sections, the dining area and the dancing area) Now I know guests won't always come out and tell you things were sucky at your wedding but I never heard a peep from people thinking the numbering system was too confusing or that they spent an hour finding their table.
    Posted by Maggie0829[/QUOTE]

    I think that is a great idea.  That would eliminate a lot of the confusion.   However, I have seen a lot of table number ideas (even on this site) that use names for tables.  I don't see how that could be any more confusing than sequential numbers.

    I also think your idea could serve as great conversation starter for people at the table if they don't know eachother well.
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  • ritou367ritou367 member
    First Comment
    edited August 2012
    I don't see the issue with the numbers being like this, especially if you had a seating chart. Even something so simple as a diagram of the tables with their corresponding numbers, then have placecards with the guests' names and table numbers. I think this is actually a really neat way of numbering the tables, as it gives a little conversation starter, and is the fun, random information that most people don't think about.

    Besides, just because your idea is quirky doesn't mean it's bad. It's really cute, and shows that you guys are really close. There is no reason people should be bashing your idea when you're asking for help. If they don't want to help then they just shouldn't say anything here. You shouldn't have to defend your plans for YOUR day. And to be honest, I've seen people get confused with a simple 1-20 numbering system for tables anyway, because the tables don't always go in an order that is logical on anything but a floor plan, putting table 2 next to table 12 and so forth.

    You could have stuff like :
    date of first date/when he asked you out
    # of pets
    year bride/groom graduated high school/college
    date of day you first met
    ages when you first met
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:d5bdd54f-61f0-40d8-b7f0-fdd420f67197Post:02d3a6a9-b46f-4ba4-a359-31e660c19a69">Re: Table Numbers</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have to say that H and I did not use standard numbers for our tables.  We got married at Raven's stadium so we used some of the players names and their jersey numbers to assign tables.  We only had 13 tables so it wasn't like we had a crap ton of people that needed to find their seats.  We also made a seating chart instead of escort cards and the tables were then listed in the same order that they were set-up in the room (we used rounds but had rows of tables...a bar separated the room into two sections, the dining area and the dancing area) Now I know guests won't always come out and tell you things were sucky at your wedding but I never heard a peep from people thinking the numbering system was too confusing or that they spent an hour finding their table.
    Posted by Maggie0829[/QUOTE]

    That's a good idea too to have the seating chart! Thanks for the advice!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:d5bdd54f-61f0-40d8-b7f0-fdd420f67197Post:da9fd0e6-effc-4d29-af99-207dffcdf39e">Re: Table Numbers</a>:
    [QUOTE]I find this somewhat confusing (meaning I understand the concept), but more so just an awkward way of numbering tables. I don't understand how this would look. If I were a guest at your wedding & my table was the day you got engaged, my place card would say Table 7-31-12 (example), but another guest may have the number of miles between your work & that would say Table 10??? It just seems really weird & out there, especially if you have to make up stuff and it's not meaningful. How will you explain to guests what their table means? Could you do regular table numbers then make a little trivia sheet or cards for each table with that stuff on there??
    Posted by spartybride3[/QUOTE]

    It wouldn't say 7-31-12 like an actual date, it would say 73,112. An actual number and then broken down underneath - "Our anniversary: July 31, 2012."
  • allisong1187allisong1187 member
    First Comment
    edited August 2012
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:5Discussion:d5bdd54f-61f0-40d8-b7f0-fdd420f67197Post:23846c49-a0c0-4323-9866-ce8e6812d7e3">Re: Table Numbers</a>:
    [QUOTE]I don't see the issue with the numbers being like this, especially if you had a seating chart. Even something so simple as a diagram of the tables with their corresponding numbers, then have placecards with the guests' names and table numbers. I think this is actually a really neat way of numbering the tables, as it gives a little conversation starter, and is the fun, random information that most people don't think about. Besides, just because your idea is quirky doesn't mean it's bad. It's really cute, and shows that you guys are really close. There is no reason people should be bashing your idea when you're asking for help. If they don't want to help then they just shouldn't say anything here. You shouldn't have to defend your plans for YOUR day. And to be honest, I've seen people get confused with a simple 1-20 numbering system for tables anyway, because the tables don't always go in an order that is logical on anything but a floor plan, putting table 2 next to table 12 and so forth. You could have stuff like : date of first date/when he asked you out # of pets year bride/groom graduated high school/college date of day you first met ages when you first met
    Posted by ritou367[/QUOTE]

    Thank you for the ideas! I'll definitely incorporate some of them!! :0)
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