It seems like there are so many posts on here about people adding guests/kids to their list. I'm having the opposite problem. We lived in the city we're getting married in a few years ago, so half our friends are here and half are there. We knew a lot of people wouldn't be able to travel, and not all RSVPs are in yet, but it looks like we'll only have just under 70 (out of almost 150!!). Our wedding is the same day as a big college football game that a lot of my extended family goes to (and they live 4 hours away). Ugggh.
We've already allowed +1s and kids, but it's really disappointing. Also, this might make us just under our minimum for the caterer (but I won't be heartbroken if we have to upgrade to my favorite craft beer).
At least most of the decline have written nice notes on the response cards, and some have sent gifts, but still...