So I'm watching the new episode that's on Slice tonight and I'm wondering if anyone knows how to find out what venues the brides use? I tried the website and googling it with little luck
Anyone have any ideas? I'm trying to find out what venue the bride 'Michelle' used, in case anyone is also watching it tonight
Re: 4 Weddings Canada - March 21
ETA: I asked for you because I'm an eager beaver hahah
I think there was an earlier episode with another Michelle and that's where her wedding was.
[QUOTE]I love this show! A few weeks ago one of the brides got married in my venue. I was so excited for some reason lol!
Posted by Michellea86[/QUOTE]
That is fully justifiable excitement.
I got excited because one of the girls had their wedding video done by the came company we hired hahah I saw her in one of the preview videos on their website :P
They would say special thanks to so and so and that's how you would find out because the vendors and venues featured on there would be listed at the end.
You'd have to pause and rewind a couple times to catch it as it goes fast.
I did this for a location on a Rich Bride, Poor Bride show haha (Turns out it was in Vancouver so I couldn't go there!)
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