April 2012 Weddings

Check today - cake!!

We finally did it-- we have ALL of our big vendors picked! The last piece today was cake, and we decided to go with Montilio's, and they came in $100 under what I was hoping to spend, so another bonus! Also we were able to do some poking around in Ikea and Michaels and I'm going to buy my card box from them!

Our only other big to-do's are:
- his ring
- tuxedos
- my slip & longline bra
- hair (pretty sure it'll be gina joubert though and i'm scheduling the trial soon)
- stationery (invites & place cards)
- card box, guest book etc.

so excited! what an awesome day :)
We're married! And we're ready to sell! http://nauticalwedding.weebly.com/index.html
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