Florida-South Florida

New Years Resolutions?

What are your resolutions for 2011??
:: Lynette & PJ :: 1.22.11 :: For Sale ::

Re: New Years Resolutions?

  • edited December 2011
    I honestly haven't thought about it.  I just want to have a healthy year :) Everything else will just fall into place.
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    Updated 7/7/10 Planning Bio
    image -mich-
  • edited December 2011
    1. Learn how to SAVE SAVE SAVE!

    2. This is something that I've been doing for the past 2 years and it's working out well for me, so I continue to keep it...

    Try something new every month. (food wise). I am super picky.. rather, HAD been SUPER picky about things I eat, but since I've been trying new things (or things I didn't like growing up), I've noticed my tastes have changed.

    3. Meditate more.

    4. Show more emotion instead of bottling it up til I explode.
    :: Lynette & PJ :: 1.22.11 :: For Sale ::
  • edited December 2011
    Those are wonderful resolutions!! I like the one about the food thing and trying something new each month.  If you need help with #1, I can help you with that. I'm good with saving for groceries. Once we get married, I'm going to try out this envelope system I found online to help save.
    Invited: 147 image Attending: 81 image Declined: 22 image Not Yet Replied: 44 image RSVP Date: February 28th March Siggy: 1st picture ever taken together. Ohana's restaurant at Disney's Polynesian Hotel imageWedding Countdown Ticker

    Updated 7/7/10 Planning Bio
    image -mich-
  • edited December 2011
    ahh yea i gotta try to get better with savings as well...oh what the envelope thing??? lol...

    i also have to try and be more healthy...food/exercise all whole way around and just taking better care of myself and my skin and all that good stuff..this year i have been a big bum!
  • edited December 2011
    try to keep the house neat--er...
  • PattyJosePattyJose member
    edited December 2011
    Right now i have so many thing that need to get done before the wedding, that im not thinking long term,lol. FI and I currently have a short-term new years resolution....... GET IN SHAPE!

    We start P90X on January 3rd! :)
  • edited December 2011
    Patty... seriously?? Get in shape? Don't make me puke!
    :: Lynette & PJ :: 1.22.11 :: For Sale ::
  • edited December 2011
    Ah! I totally believe that P90X will work...except I don't think that I could finish any of the workouts! Let us know how it goes!

    I'm going to start eating better. I even got a calorie counter app for my iPhone. I've never cared about what I eat, but I decided that it will be good for my health, and good for my wedding!
  • anaroo87anaroo87 member
    edited December 2011
    I never stick to new years resolutions lol .. but this is what I've got planned for this year:

    - Get back to the gym; at least 2x per week to start
       (-if I don't end up going at least 8 times in January, cancel membership and stop wasting money)

    - Cook dinner more often (at least 3x per week) and stop eating out/getting take out so much

    - To-Do lists ... yes, lol, making To-Do lists is one of my resolutions. I'm such a terrible procrastinator and never motivated to do anything once I get home from work so my house is in serious need of up-keep. Not to mention, I have a 4-ft tall collage photo frame that has become the butt of all jokes because it has moved from one place to another throughout my house over the past YEAR as I continuously "attempt" to put pics in it and hang it up. I'm hoping making To-Do Lists will help me get things done.

    - And on a similar note, focus on wedding stuff! I've got a lot of stuff to do and if I keep procrastinating, I'm going to be a terrible mess in a few months.

    - Lastly, for after the wedding .... take a class or join something fun, etc. I moved down here a little over a year ago and am so involved in work and wedding stuff that I haven't made anytime for doing anything else I like and especially meeting any new people (except all you lovely ladies) and it's about time I make some friends lol
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    RSVP Date: March 23, 2011
  • edited December 2011
    I'm with you on Meditation and keeping my emotions in Lynette!

    Mine is to be have more patience (Meditation lol)

    To spend more time with the true/genuine friends i have( i learned in 2010 that when weddings come into play, you learn who your real friends are)

    Happy New Years to everyone!!
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  • edited December 2011
    I want to complain less! I think that will def make the FI happier!
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