I showed it to my close family and friends and then a few days after we 'announced' it on FB I uploaded a ring picture because people who live far away kept asking.
I sent a picture to my parents and called them first, then I posted it on facebook. It was my birthday so I had tons of e-mails and notification due to that and the engagement.
I changed my status but I did not put up a picture of the ring. A month later when I got together with my bridal party to celebrate my sister took a pic of my ring when I was standing with my hand on my hip and she tagged it on facebook. So there is a pic of my ring I just did not upload it.
After we told the news to everyone we wanted to speak with personally, I changed my relationship status, posted that I was engaged, and uploaded a few pictures.
Whoever said it was supposed to be happily ever after is a big fat liar.
I did, but as others have said I waited until we had told our families and close friends. I find it funny that some of our friends who found out before we posted it on Facebook made the comment, "I didn't see anything on Facebook about it".
I called/texted all of my family and close friends, and then later on changed my relationship status and posted pictures of the ring. I wanted to make sure all of the important people in my life heard directly from us rather than as a facebook update. I know many women don't like to put up pictures of their rings, but I put mine up because I know personally, I always want to see what my engaged friends rings look like!
I've been frustrated with friends who post their engagement status on FB before even telling their friends personally. I got engaged a week ago, and my fiance and I are concentrating on calling and e-mailing family and friends first. It takes more time, but it makes them feel valued, and you can still e-mail them pics of the ring and engagement if they're interested.
NEY, but when my sister got engaged, our family actually found out when she posted a picture of her ring on Facebook. We're still all pretty angry about that. It was very tacky.
When one of my friends got engaged, she was hesitant to post a picture, so she asked in a status if her friends wanted to see the ring. After a couple days of positive comments, she finally posted the picture. I think that's probably the best way to go.
We let immediate family and closest friends know first, but then posted it on FB. My FI simply changed his status to "SHE SAID YES!!!". We had a few friends that were actually tracking our whereabouts that day via FourSquare posts and we dying to know when it happened (they were also close friends who were in on it). Since we were out at Islands of Adventure during the day and then dinner at The Cheesecake Factory (where he proposed), I wasn't checking my FB other than to check-in places, so I later saw all these little status updates that were friends getting excited for us. The only picture of the ring was posted in a photo album from that day. He had a few co-workers request to see pictures and posted it for them to see on his wall.
See, I told people first, but I was out of town and everyone was like "omg! Post a pic of the ring!" So I put it on limited access to just my close friends and family.
I shared some pictures of my ring on FB and changed my status pretty quickly, but I did not do either before showing my grandma (mom figure) and ILs the ring. I also privately messaged several OOT relatives and friends a picture first.
April Siggy Challenge-Wedding Escape: Reading HG/dreaming about Peeta....
Bio-Updated 4/22**
Everyone knew I was going to be proposed to...except me. So after it happened (he proposed on television so it was already in the medis) I called my parents, even though they already knew, and had people texting me about it already. I uploaded a picture, but everyone knew it was going to happen lol.
Everyone knew about it besides me as well, so I called my really close friends and family the day after (except for parents- day of), texted other friends, then gave the go-ahead to friends to upload their pictures (which included a ring picture) two days afterwards to facebook
Re: Need your help for The Knot magazine
First Look
When one of my friends got engaged, she was hesitant to post a picture, so she asked in a status if her friends wanted to see the ring. After a couple days of positive comments, she finally posted the picture. I think that's probably the best way to go.