I was hoping you could all give me some advice. I have been graduated for a year now and STILL have not been able to find a full time position. I have a degree in (international) communications and marketing and NEVER in my life did I think it would be taking this long to find a job. I have tried applying to everything from nonprofits to corporate and even took an unpaid internship for 8 months while I searched for a full time position. I have recently been approached to become an insurance agent and I'm scared that if I take this, I will have a difficult time finding a position with my field later on. Or that I will be stuck in this profession for a lot longer than a few years.
At this point it is the only thing that has come my way after countless hours of networking and jobsearching. So I have considered grad school, but I'm afraid that I will spend X more money on a degree that probably won't recoup that money back for a VERY long time.
So my question is,.,, Is getting a masters really worth it? or should I take a position that I'm not particularly interested in just so that I can relieve myself of the exhuasting job hunting process.
I know that this decision is ulitmately mine to make but I'd like to hear from some of you with masters/higher education that could maybe give me some perspective. Or if any of you are insurance agents, could you give me an inside look into the career? Thanks so much!