40-Plus Brides

Gee - it must be NYE cuz I'm sick

Sick and with new nails and a new 'do.  Okay I thought one of you wise guys was supposed to stop me if I threatened to get my hair cut.  Well, I did it anyway.  But seriously, it's a very mild cut to even things out and get the hair ready to grow in a "bob" fashion.  Stylist said it's essential, so what the hay eh?  But she styled it into "big hair" and I am not used to that :(

Acrylic  nails I had to get because of my nail biting and cuticle ripping.  My fingers always looked like they been put through a meat grinder.

WW-wise I did okay through the hols.  Just up .8 lbs since last week.  Mom was here and while she's no Julia Child, she's a pretty danged good cook.  And you'd think there'd be some decent leftovers around but there's none.

Tonight we are going with another couple out for dinner.  I don't feel very well, but every NYE, it's the same thing - I get sick and we have to decline.  It must be a post-Christmas thing for me.  Holidays are very stressful for me and it was even more so this year since mom came to stay a week with us.  I was on pins and needles the whole time since she's a judgy little character. Wink  But she did slam home some truths I needed to hear/face while she was here hence my being resolute that 2012 is the year I need to change my attitude.

Anyway, this got way long.  I was unable to get online very much since mom was here and I took some vaca time and didn't think she'd appreciate sitting around while I monkeyed on the internet.  Then coworker took vaca time so I worked doubles once mom left.

How about you ladies?

Re: Gee - it must be NYE cuz I'm sick

  • Happy New Year!!  Maybe if you drink more, you'll forget that you're sick? :)

    Glad you were able to get through the holiday with so little gain.  We just spent seven days with my FIs parents, and his mother wanted to feed us constantly!  I don't know how much I've gained (I have an aversion to scales) but FI gained 10 pounds, and he is not at all happy about it.

    IKWYM about limited on-line access; my FILs live far away from any imaginable civilization in Ontario, and I felt bad even logging on to check e-mail, as it is so expensive.

    I SWEAR by my acrylic nails!  They are a total pain in the rump for maintenance, but I, too, made hamburger out of my cuticles for three of four seasons per year, and they have totally cured me of that.  I even thought I would try natural nails again and had the acrylics soaked off, but I was right back to picking.

    No plans for me and FI this evening.  He is working 12-plus hour days that begin at 6 am, and we're stuck in a hotel room (he's working in Ontario, and I came up for the holidays).  We have friends close by, but staying up 'til midnight is not going to happen.

    Happy New Year everybody!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm going to take a nice hot bath......well, after I go to Walgreen's and get some bubbly stuff.

    i may have a wine spritzer Sara :)  I've had the acyrlics before and the maint. was just too much.  But I will try, try again

    Happy New Year!
  • NotFroofy and I are going out to a NYE party tonight.  She bought a new dress, and I got my hair styled (with a flower in it, even!).  And of course, I woke up this morning with the first signs of a cold.  Sigh!
  • There must be something going around.  My throat feels like I swallowed glass. 
    I gained some weight in the time leading up to holiday but I went back on y diet December 27th and have lost 5lbs already.  On 5 weeks till the wedding though and I still would like to lose another 15-20 lbs but probably not realistic.  I gained a lot of weight in the last 3 months after having brain surgery and not being able to really exercise.
    We are just staying in, having sushi and appy's and watching movies.  We are old and boring and really have problems staying up late!
  • Happy New Year everyone!  Mr. Right and I went to our next door neighbor's for their annual NYE party last night.  We came home at 11:55 (we are such party poopers!), watched the ball drop and went straight to bed. The party was breaking up anyway (the dangers of partying with other old people).  They served a fabulous meal, and we had fun.  They have young kids, and there was a houseful of kids from their other friends.  I brought molten center chocolate cupcakes, and the kids went bonkers with them when it was time for dessert.  One little girl had turned her nose up at the dinner ("I don't eat MEAT."  "Isn't there any chicken?") But declared that the cupcakes were just what she needed.  Kids are funny. 
    So this morning my head's a little funny, my tummy's a little queasy, and I'm tired. 

    I'm a nail terrorist as well, but can't have acylics due to work.  I tried the shellacs, but I found they made my natural nails brittle-er.  So I have stubby ugly nails.   Boo!  ~Donna
  • I'm sorry you were sick, Marrin.  I hope you're feeling better soon!  You, too, 2dBride.

    My hubby and I went out to dinner (delicious Italian) and then to the Kennedy Center for the National Symphony Orchestra's New Year's Eve concert.  The featured artist was a classical guitarist.  Oh, my!  It was fantastic ... so good, in fact, that I might re-start guitar lessons (I played from age 8 until I was 18).  After the concert, there was dancing in the Grand Foyer -- fun, but a wee bit crowded. 

    We walked in the door just in time to count down the last seconds before midnight, watching the ball drop in Times Square on TV.  It was SO romantic, ringing in our first "new year" as a married couple. 

    Awwww  .... Embarassed
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