Sick and with new nails and a new 'do. Okay I thought one of you wise guys was supposed to stop me if I threatened to get my hair cut. Well, I did it anyway. But seriously, it's a very mild cut to even things out and get the hair ready to grow in a "bob" fashion. Stylist said it's essential, so what the hay eh? But she styled it into "big hair" and I am not used to that
Acrylic nails I had to get because of my nail biting and cuticle ripping. My fingers always looked like they been put through a meat grinder.
WW-wise I did okay through the hols. Just up .8 lbs since last week. Mom was here and while she's no Julia Child, she's a pretty danged good cook. And you'd think there'd be some decent leftovers around but there's none.
Tonight we are going with another couple out for dinner. I don't feel very well, but every NYE, it's the same thing - I get sick and we have to decline. It must be a post-Christmas thing for me. Holidays are very stressful for me and it was even more so this year since mom came to stay a week with us. I was on pins and needles the whole time since she's a judgy little character.
But she did slam home some truths I needed to hear/face while she was here hence my being resolute that 2012 is the year I need to change my attitude.
Anyway, this got way long. I was unable to get online very much since mom was here and I took some vaca time and didn't think she'd appreciate sitting around while I monkeyed on the internet. Then coworker took vaca time so I worked doubles once mom left.
How about you ladies?