Wedding Etiquette Forum

Tux question

So, since my colors are pink, brown, and champagne, I have been debating using brown tuxes. I was thinking the GMs would have champagne vests, and FI would have a slightly darker brown, I think the swatch called it mocha or something.

But my mom, being the traditionalist that she is, is insisting on black tuxes, keeping the same vest colors. I even showed her pics of a friend of mine's wedding last sumemer who used the exact same colors (except the guys wore pink, which I'm so not doing to FI).

FWIW, one BM is in a champagne dress and the other BM is in a brown dress, PIB. They'll be carrying pink flowers, and the guys bouts are white.
And here's the tux, but not with that gold vest.

Re: Tux question

  • I don't like the brown.  FI flat out refused to wear brown (our colors are green and brown), and I think it'll be fine.  I've seen pictures with girls in brown and guys in black and it's not as bas as you'd think, in your head.

    When I see a brown tux, I just can't help but think of my  parents' wedding pictures from the 80s, with my Dad's brown tux and ruffly shirt.  It makes me shudder.
  • We're having champagne BM dresses, pink flowers, and black tuxes too.  Brown seems a wee bit matchy-matchy and dated to me. 

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  • Oh no I don't think it will clash with the girls, I'm not worried about that at all. I just like the look of a brown tux.

    FI doesn't care, he hates tuxes regardless of what it looks like, and his only request is no pink.

    MAG! Get some common CENTS please!
  • Oh Anna. Please don't show that to FI. We fought long and hard over camo vests. ::gag::
  • I do like this:

    And am I weird to want FI in a different shade of vest? You can't even tell who the groom is here!

  • Wait so if you did black tuxes would you still do a brown vest for your FI? 
  • No, I don't think that is weird at all.  We're probably doing suits, not tuxes, but I'm thinking I want FI to wear a vest and tie, and the guys to just wear a tie.  I mean, not that anyone will confuse the GMs for the groom, but you know.
  • I've seen light linen suits done on a beach and that looked really nice and classic, but for the most part I think that any color beside black is probably going to look dated in a few years. 

    My parents did grey tuxes in the 80s, and while I personally think they look just fine, my mom feels like the pictures look dated (personally, I think it's the perms that do that).

    Speaking of camo, I can totally see my brother doing brown tuxes with camo vests when he gets married. Yeah.
  • If he hates tuxes so much, then what about suits? Khaki might look ok with the rest of it.
  • Not a fan of brown tuxes -- looks very prom-like and out-of-date to me.
  • I'm afraid the brown would eventually look dated. I think you should do black :)

    p.s. Just wait, in a couple years I'll be asking this same question haha
  • Opal, we don't have anywhere to rent a suit around here. And he'd never buy one. Our tux place basically offers black or brown, and then all sorts of vest colors, all from like one place.

    Maybe brown vest for FI and champagne for the GMs?
  • He wouldn't buy a suit?  FI would actually rather do suits so he can just buy a nice one, that way he always has one if he needs one.  Every guy should have a nice suit, just in case!
  • We recently changed our minds about doing tuxes (we weren't going to do them at first) and we've been considering seriously considering brown. I think they look really good, but I see what everyone is saying about them having the potential to look dated.
  • Nah, we can rent the tuxes and they are $75, and he is having to pay for his two GMs tuxes, one has been unemployed for a few months now and the other just started his own business, so money is tight.
  • Well really, all of our weddings are going to eventually look dated in some way anyway. So if you really like the way it looks, I guess go for it.

    Also, I agree about putting the groom in a different vest color than the groomsmen.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:00643173-3651-4bea-bb02-838cf1919f24Post:a98a10ff-a72e-4b3d-a801-91324b5a214c">Re: Tux question</a>:
    [QUOTE]When I see a brown tux, I just can't help but think of my  parents' wedding pictures from the 80s, with my Dad's brown tux and ruffly shirt.  It makes me shudder.
    Posted by JK10910[/QUOTE]

    Me too.  Brown tuxes just evoke bad 70s and 80s images for me.  I get that they can be done well, but I just like black so much better.
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  • Whit,

    Our groomsmen wore black tuxes with brown vests and our bridesmaids wore solid brown. The MOH wore brown/champagne and the BM wore a champagne vest. DH wore an ivory vest to complement my dress. Let me see if I have a picture...
  • I'm still not sure what I think about black tux with brown vest, it doesn't seem like the best combo to me.  Just my eye though.  I think I'd like the champagne better.

  • Yay thanks september!

    kate, I did see a pic with champagne vests for the guys and white vest for the groom, that I also liked.
  • Here's a photo of it:

    groomsman on the left, DH in the middle, BM on the right.

    Hopefully that's not huge - I can't remember what resolution I set it to!
  • Thank you!! I'm going to save that to take to the tux shop, if you don't mind.
  • I'm also doing brown BM dresses, but will probably stick with black tuxes. Brown looks dated to me. If you want brown, I'd do suits. If you want tuxes, I'd do black. Just my opinion.
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  • And I appreciate it mery :)

    Y'all have definitely swayed me to do black tuxes.
  • Absolutely!
    We were really fortunate to have someone at the tux shop talk to DH and figure out what he wanted. They pulled styles that came in all three colours and that complimented his choice of tux. Once you get in there, it really does end up being more complicated than you'd think!
  • i hate brown tuxes. Stick with black
  • A black tux is the way to go.  Black & brown do go together.  They even made a drink: 'black & tan' ;-)  I would go more caramel or milk chocolate rather than bittersweet chocolate though. 
  • I had the same problem. Our wedding colors are brown, dark red, gold, and cream. I think the brown tuxes look really nice and would love to have them. FI on the other hand hates the look of them (as well as my mom). I let FI have the final say, so we are having black tuxes with brown vests.
  • I like the way the brown looks.  BTW, your dress is beautiful.  What a steal at $100.
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