Wedding Etiquette Forum

Good morning!

I know it's super early, but I have to get to work earlier than usual this morning, so I wanted to say hi!  What's up for today?

Re: Good morning!

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    I'm crossing my fingers for a quiet clinic afternoon because I already know my morning is going to suck. 

    On the bright side, the kittens were good and adorable yesterday and this morning.  I got them a cat tree, and they are hilarious climbing it.  Also, I'm finalizing travel plans.  We might do a complete 180 and road trip through South Dakota, WY and ID instead of heading out to Europe.  H has an urge to see the Black Hills, and he really wants to relax and fly fish.  
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    Morning! I'm getting my wife chop after work today. Yay! After a year of growing it out for the wedding, I'm excited to have short hair again.
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    How short was your hair before, Aleigh?
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    Shoulder-length. I've had it really short, like at my chin. I'm not really sure what I was thinking then haha. 
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    Good morning! I'm just lying in bed dreading getting up to go to work. It's been a busy week and I'm ready for a break. Last night FI and I went to see a movie. They were replaying North by Northwest, an old Hitchock/Cary Grant film. I'd forgotten how much I like that one. It was a good night.
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    Have I mentioned that I hate opening? 

    No plans for today. Or this weekend. I have to work Saturday, then we finally got a Buffalo Wild Wings last Sunday, so this Sunday we're going to go right as it opens for lunch and hopefully miss the crowd. I'm super proud of myself for going to the gym every day this week (although I might take today off; super sore and I want to take a nap when I get home), so I get a cheat day. 
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    Good morning.  I stayed up too late watching some of season 2 of Breaking Bad so I'm sleepy this morning.  We had the most ridiculous and insane fight with AT&T yesterday, spent almost 3 hours dealing with them and guess what, no resolution.  I really hate them like woah.  They're awful. 

    Thunderstorms at 2 today.  I kind of love them but I wish it were at 3:30 since I leave work at 2:30 today.  I'd much prefer to be at home for one not driving in it.
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    I think we only have one universe today *fingers crossed*

    I have been working on a SUPERFUCKINGSWEET powerpoint full of statistics. Mmmm. My job is so exciting.
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    Morning ladies,

    Thunderstorms for you today means thunderstorms for me tonight or tomorrow Stacks. 

    My son is coming home today for a visit!  Always a fun time, can't believe he turned 20 this week.  Sealed  He is coming up to pick me up and take me back to our hometown where my mother left my car after the wedding.  Long story, but oh well.  At least I am getting my car back after not having it for two weeks. 

    Mica, kitten pictures please, you tease us by telling us how cute they are.  We want pictures!
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    Yes they are.  The problem is though that we had U-verse (cable/internet/phone) and then our cell phones all bundled into one bill.  Well when we moved in March we couldn't get U-verse at our house.  So yea, that sucked and we had to pay the break the contract fee for that and what not.  I get that.  So anyhow in April T requested that they separate the U-verse bill from the wireless bill so that he knew exactly what he was paying and to whom at what time.  Well when they broke down the bill they put the entire balance on U-verse but then also charged us cell phone fees - when really they should have done the entire balance MINUS cell phone charges onto the U-verse bill and then put the cell phone part on its own bill.  So they've double charged us about $300.  U-verse and Wireless are two separate areas so they want to transfer you then the next person wants to transfer you and blahblahblah.  So now since we've been fighting this since May they've sent the bill to their collections (not real collections it's a collection agency for AT&T to try to scare you, but still).  So now we're dealing with AT&T wireless, U-verse and their harrassing collections when we don't owe the $307 they're trying to say that we owe. 

    They keep saying well you don't have service that's why you're in collections and we're like HELLO WERE TALKING TO YOU ON AN AT&T EFFING PHONE RIGHT NOW.  It's the biggest clusterfuck of anything I've ever dealt with.  I mean you can look at the bills and see EXACTLY where it was double billed but not one person thinks it's necessary to look at what we're looking at. 

    We've been hung up on at least 3 times, we've been yelled at, we've been talked down to like scumbags from collections like we don't pay bills.  It's awful. 

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    Just realized I've been married for two months today. I can't believe it.
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    OMG sorry for that book.  I'm fired up. 
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    As you should be Stacks, as you should be.  Go get them!
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    Jesus Stack. Can you take that to BBB and get some help there? Or your state complaints office? I had to do that with a car once when I was in college an got my money back faster than I could blink.
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    Stackeye210Stackeye210 member
    First Comment
    edited July 2012
    Oh yea.  T's everyday job is dealing wth customers who are so mad at his company that they've complained to the PUCO and all of the other companies they can think of to get his company in trouble. Part of his job is to talk them off a ledge and resolve the issues.  So he knows exactly who he needs to call and what he needs to tell them.  He finally told them yesterday if they call again he's filing a complaint for harassment (the collection part) but warned them that he's escalating this to the FCC the some other 4 letters I can't remember and the BBB. 

    So he's doing all that today. 

    It takes SOOOOOO much to piss him off but when you do it's war.  Like they don't realize what they've done to themselves. 

    And we'll be getting new wireless just as soon as that contract is up, please believe.
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    Thank goodness T knows how to deal with them and can hopefully put the fear of T into them. What a mess. 
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    Oh wow Stacks, that is insane - I would be furious too. 

    Morning! Back to work today but no boss man so thats good. Things at work are better now, I called my boss out & so did some of my co workers on my behalf (which I really appreciated). Only a month & a half to go when I go back to school & start another job. 

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    Stacks, that really sucks. I had similar issues with Sprint in the past.

    I'm sitting on the couch putting off getting ready for work. Yesterday was a long day, and I'm really sleepy. But my SIL, her husband, and our nephew are staying with us tonight (they live a few hours away) and I'm really excited to hang out with them. Our nephew is 18 mo old, and he's started walking/running since we've seen him last. Yay!
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    Good morning. I have class, as usual, and then I'm going to go visit my mom. She has a bunch of MOB dresses that she wants to show me. I have an exam tomorrow, too that I have to finish studying for. I think I'll have a bowl of grits for breakfast. Would a club sandwich for lunch be too much calorie wise if I'm trying to lose weight? It's salad night for dinner.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Good morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Good morning. I have class, as usual, and then I'm going to go visit my mom. She has a bunch of MOB dresses that she wants to show me. I have an exam tomorrow, too that I have to finish studying for. I think I'll have a bowl of grits for breakfast. <strong>Would a club sandwich for lunch be too much calorie wise if I'm trying to lose weight?</strong> It's salad night for dinner.
    Posted by Lizzieyounce[/QUOTE]

    I would think that it would be. But if you could leave out the mayo and bacon (or swap them for healthier versions) it would probably be okay. Especially if you don't have, say, a big plate of fries with it.
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    mkruparmkrupar member
    5 Love Its First Comment First Anniversary
    edited July 2012
    Stacks that whole situation blows. And further solidifies my decision to never switch to AT&T. I just wish Sprint would get newer phones faster. That's the only negative I have about them. I want the Samsung Galaxy Note. It's been out in the US since like last April. No carrier had an exclusivity clause on carrying the phone, so why doesn't Sprint have it yet? By the time they get it the Note 2 will be out.

    I came in to work early today because my dad's coming down for Sushi at lunch time, so I'll be taking a longer lunch than usual. I hope today doesn't drag like yesterday. That was the pits.
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    Sounds like a fun day Lizzie, when I am trying to loose weight, I would still have the club sandwich, but only half of it.  Saving the other half for lunch the next day. 
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    Yikes Stacks, that sounds terrible. I hate dealing with customer service like that. One time I ordered H a pair of pants for Christmas size 28. They sent me a size 38. It was almost comical. I was on the phone with them for 3 hours over it. It was a nightmare, over a stupid pair of pants. When he got them, the fit was weird so we returned them, after all that. I don't know what I'd do if it was 300$ each month. 
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    button6004button6004 member
    First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment Name Dropper
    edited July 2012
    Morning everyone. Stacks, if it makes you feel any better verizon is just as bad. I have had so many arguments on the phone with them over the past 8 years. I wish I could quit you, Verizon. I am on my way to work and it's so lonely. Usually FI and I have "couples commute" in to the city together, but since he is going to the 9 hour batman in IMAX extravaganza he went into work at the buttcrack of dawn. I really hope today is less rage inspiring.


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    Morning.  Holy crap I'm late.  For some reason my alarm (my cell phone) didn't go off, so I woke up 40 minutes late, and 20 minutes before I had to be in work.  Not fun.

    Stacks, that sounds like a ton of BS :(

    Pictures after the wife chop, Aleigh?

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    Stacks, that sucks.  I'm sorry they are doing you like that.  I get to send a certified letter today to a health provider who has yet to refund us $1200 that was owed to us back in May.  No one answers the phone, no one returns a single voicemail, nothing.  So today they are getting a certified letter.  If they don't respond by the end of next week, the BBB will be contacted.  I will write accurate reviews of our experience with this provider anywhere I can on the interwebs, and from there if I need to escalate it further, I will.  It makes me sick how shiiity some companies can be.  Sadly you have to know some people just say, "FINE, WHATEVER, TAKE YOUR EFFING MONEY." but not I.  I will be a huge pain in your ass until I get what I'm supposed to get.

    Oh work... I guess I should get ready for you.  But my bed feels so damn comfy this morning...
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    Winnertag1Winnertag1 member
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited July 2012
    Lizzie - Maybe half a club sandwich? Or if its on whole wheat, and you find substitutes for mayo & bacon?

    I have been trying to lose weight, I want to lose hopefully around 10 lbs before our engagement photos in a month & a half (so a bit less than 2 lbs a week), and I have not been doing well at eating healthy. I think I am going to start biking to work in the mornings instead of saying I will do it everynight & if I do do it at night its just a bonus. 

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    Morning!  I'm still in bed.  Oops.  I blame Lotus, she's being too cuddly.  If I didn't have a couple of important things to get done today I'd just stay home.  

    Sweet kitty:
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    I am about to lose my sheet. I sent my boss a copy of a rough draft presentation (that SHE is giving, mind you) to get feedback on it so I could give her precisely what she is looking for. he needs this, at the latest, Friday afternoon. I worked on it all day yesterday, and all day today. Have I heard a word back? Not. a. peep. And she's not even in the office today, was out yesterday, so.. wtf?? I swear to god, if I have to spend my day tomorrow on this presentation I'm going to scream. 
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    Snip, it's time for a trip to the US.  Sounds like you need it.

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