Wedding Etiquette Forum

NWR: Birth Control Que

I know everyones bodies are different, but what are some brands of birth control pills you use or have used that you liked and what were some of the side effects?I've been off BC for about 6 years. For the past 3-4 months my periods have been out of control, and I think that I need to go back on BC to straighten my body out. (that was the original reason I went on it when I was younger). I had a breast reduction 2 years ago, so any pills that you've used that made your breasts bigger I am not interested in. Thanks!

Re: NWR: Birth Control Que

  • I'm just on the regular Ortho pill. The only effects it has had on me are good ones (my cycle used to be REALLY irregular and I had debilitating cramps, but not anymore).
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  • Does it have to be the pill?  I have the Mirena IUD and love it.  I've had it for over a year and a half and barely even have a period anymore, just some spotting every couple of months.  The hormone in it is so low that I've stopped having migraines and crazy PMS mood swings like I had when I was on the pill.  I know a lot of other people also swear by the Nuvaring.  I would talk to your doctor about all of your options because the pill definitely isn't the only one and the less hormones the better usually.
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  • I am on Ocella, which is the generic for Yasmin.  I've been taking Yasmin and then Ocella for 7 years and like it a lot.  As far as I can tell, I haven't experienced any major side effects, but everyone's different.
  • I've taken both Ortho TriCyclen and Ortho TriCyclen-Lo, and their generic equivalents, since high school.  They have worked great for me, no bad side effects, reduces cramps, keeps everything light and easy.  I have heard of some people who have gotten pregnant on the Lo dose, but I think that's very rare.   Good luck!  
  • ortho-tri-cyclene (sp?) I have been on it since I was 15. I had terrible cramps and was not regular at all. That's the only one I have ever been on and it seems to work just fine (13 years).
  • I was on Low Ogesterol.... made the boobies grow a size or two.... hated it (minus the growing, I had nothing). Now I'm on the generic for Yasmin COMPLETELY different then Yazzz, and I love it. It also keeps my skin really clear.
  • seasonique. Ive also been on ortho tri cyclen lo and regular ortho tri cyclen ( SP?) ive never had any problems.
  • I used to use Orthro-Evra, the patch...stopped using it when all the reports came out about severe blood clots and what not...nothing happened to me, just didn't want to risk it.  I now use Ortho TriCyclen for about 2-3yrs now.  I have started to spot 2 wks before my period and DR said that my body is getting used to the Ortho TriCyclen, so I will actually start taking something else.  Not sure what yet.
  • I take Mononessa, which I think is about the same as Ortho Tri-Cycline (used to be on that, then my insurance switched me to Mononessa).  It's the take for three months then get a period pill.  I love that, because I used to get terrible cramps, mood swings and migraines.  Haven't had a bad period since I started taking it 5 years ago.
  • Definitely talk to your doctor.  I've been on so many various types of pills I can't even name them all, as well as having tried the patch, Nuvaring, and Depo.  None of them helped regulate my periods, regulate my PMS, reduce headaches, or reduce cramping.  I just had the Mirena IUD inserted a few weeks ago, and we're hoping this will be the trick.
    kd.joseph's wish is my command
    Just call me "Brothel"
    And betrothed, I'm disgusted with most of the comments that you have posted. I don't think I've ever read such judgmental comments in my life. I'm so lucky that the girls I speak to on theknot are nothing like you...I would've never come on here for ADVICE if I would've encountered a big a bitch as you. I genuinely feel awful for your children or your future children, and I think it would be irresponsible of YOU not to invest in their future therapy sessions starting now. Because trust me when I tell you honey, they're gonna need it. ~jcaruncho2010
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  • Kiwi-  How do you like Seasonique??  Do  you still spot some months?
  • I believe I was on ortho when I started taking BC, switched to Alesse because I was supper moody, but am now using the Nuva Ring. I totally suck at taking pills every morning, (or any other time) so the Nuva Ring is perfect for me. H loves it too.
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
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  • I think the bewb thing is really dependent on how your body reacts to hormones. I have been on different pills over the years and have never had an increase in size. I am on Jolessa (generic Seasonale), the 3 month pill. Only 4 periods a year. Love it.
  • My sister takes NuvaRing and likes it...
  • I am on the Depo Provera shot. Once every three months. I initially started taking it for suspected endometriosis as a teenager. Anyway it works great and I love it. I haven't had a period since I started taking it again in March. There was a three week period where I had some spotting during my first cycle with the shot- nothing that a pantyliner couldn't handle. Annoying but there has been nothing since then and not having to remember a pill every day is great, because I did it that way too and totally failed at it!
  • I do Seasonique. Cost is an issue. With insurance, it's $40 a month - but you buy 3 months at a time..... The up side is, 4 periods a year. I do have some cramping in between and some spotting, but it isn't bad. The first period I had on it, was so light, it probably could have been managed with pantiliners (sorry if TMI). The doctor put me on it because I'd been having some clotting issues - nothing major, but a big change for me.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • Beachbride The dr told me i would spot in between but I have yet to actually. Its really nice, so on the wedding and honeymoon I wont even be close to getting my cycle. Its nice getting it only 4 times a year.
  • Also, Ocella (Yasmin) has kept my cycle very regular and has also made my flow lighter and a little shorter. 
  • Sorrry no help here.  Have never been on birth control.
  • I was on ortho-tri-cyclen lo for four years...I had awful awful cramps, seven-day heavy periods, and major mood swings.  The only bonus for me was that it made my boobs bigger, but thats not what you are looking for obviously.  I finally decided to make a change(don't know why I didn't do it sooner!!!) and went on Loestrin 24.  It is amazing!!!  Its the pill where you have shorter lighter periods...I only get mine for two days, minimal cramps, and its much lighter.  The best part is I don't have the anxiety attacks and mood swings every month.  I'm very very happy I switched and highly recommend it!Good luck!
  • I'm currently taking yaz, but didn't know there was a generic form of yasmine...i might try that since yaz is expensive!!  I used to take ortho-tri-cyclene, and that was expensive too, but it really helped clear up my skin!
  • I was on Ortho Tricyclen Lo for many years, and had no problems.  And it regulated my cycles perfectly.  I also tried the patch and the ring, and hated them both.  Worst of all was that the ring really screwed with my emotions...  Not.good.And ditto the IUD.  I have the copper, non-hormonal one so it's not going to help with your cycles, but the Mirena may be an option.  It's really nice because you don't have to worry about remembering to take the pills, and taking them on time and everything. 
  • I got HORRIBLE migraines on Kareva.  So stay away from that.  Usually anything with lower estrogen levels seems to be the thing these days because it keeps the side effects low. 
  • I get the Depo Privera shot. Once every three months. I had tried several different pills in the past but a lot of them made me nauseas constantly, like dabilatatingly nauseas. At first I tried some kind of patch but it greatly irritated my skin. I love the Depo because it means I'm not forgetting daily pills (I'm beyond terribly forgetful). Another plus is that on Depo I've had no period, but if you decide to go off Depo they say within 3 months it will come back.No period, no nasuea, no need to remember pills, and I'm all for it!
  • Did any of these mess with your sex drive? I am also concerned about that.
  • I've been on Ortho-Try-Lo for about 6 years and it has definitely increased my cup size quite a bit (not that I wanted it to).  Not sure I'd recommend it to you.      
  • I use Aviane the generic of Alesse. I've been on it since February and I haven't had any bad side effects. I did have alot of spotting in the week before I was supposed to get my period but my body is finally regulated now. I really like it, reduced my cramps and the amount of bleeding. I was actually hoping for it to make my boobs bigger since I'm pretty small, but no luck there.
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  • Not a single one of the pills I took affected my sex drive.  Again, that's one of those things that's dependant on your body chemistry and the way your boady reacts to each type of pill.  As you can see by the above answers no one pill is the answer for everyone.  Some of the pills that PPs are raving about were hell on my body, and some of the pills PPs are ranting about were very easy on my body.  You really need to have a discussion with your doctor about this.
    kd.joseph's wish is my command
    Just call me "Brothel"
    And betrothed, I'm disgusted with most of the comments that you have posted. I don't think I've ever read such judgmental comments in my life. I'm so lucky that the girls I speak to on theknot are nothing like you...I would've never come on here for ADVICE if I would've encountered a big a bitch as you. I genuinely feel awful for your children or your future children, and I think it would be irresponsible of YOU not to invest in their future therapy sessions starting now. Because trust me when I tell you honey, they're gonna need it. ~jcaruncho2010
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  • I'm on the generic version of Ortho Tri-cyclne (sp?).  I have not noticed any increase in cup size (although I wish I had!)
  • Did any of these mess with your sex drive? I am also concerned about that. I don't think so.  I have a decreased drive, but I think it is from another medication I am on.  I've been on BC for 7 years and have noticed that my drive is less when I'm on the other medication as well. 
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