Wedding Etiquette Forum

Gay marriage.

Maine voted today to repeal or not repeal the new gay marriage law.If you vote No- you are for gay marriageIf you vote Yes- you are against it. As of right now, with 40% of the votes counted, its:Yes  112,112 No  112,376I am so tired but I cant go to sleep because I have to know!Whats your view on gay marriage?
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Re: Gay marriage.

  • Oh- I voted No.
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  • They should have it, it's that simple.
  • Honestly? I dont really care. Im not opposed to it, so I guess im for it, but I honestly dont have a formed opinion. Maybe it is because gay marriage is legal here, but ive never given it much thought.
  • I am FOR people who love each other being able to marry.  Period.  I don't need to check their gender to finalize my feelings.
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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • Nebb where you from?
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  • I completely support equal marriage rights for same-sex couples.
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  • I hate when the issue is worded so poorly that you have to really think about what you're voting for.  Arkansas did that with their 'gay marriage'  law that was passed last year.  Absolutely for.  Human beings should be allowed to marry whomever they choose.
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  • I'm against gay marriage, but I tend to not care. Doesn't affect me.
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  • i hope they get to marry. i cant see why they shouldnt.
  • I`m for - and very lucky that I live where I can marry my partner. I hope that one day everyone can marry the person they choose, no matter what gender.
  • Ontario Canada. Now im doubting whether its legal here or not, I think it is. This is how much I know about it.
  • sucrets- totally agree that they word it to trick us. When I said I was "No on 1" I felt like I was saying I was against it at first. Then I got use to it
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  • I'm very much for equal rights. It amazes me that this is even an issue, future generations are going to look back on the gay marriage debate and have the same view that our generation has on segregation. It's a shameful point in history.
  • Makes me warm in giddy that so many are for :) makes me feel it will pass here. I hate the facts its still pretty much split in the state though.
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  • lp - did you know that there are still desegregation laws down here??
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  • Seriously? Are they just old laws that were never taken off the books or do they still really need them?
  • yes it is legal in ontario. i know a few couples who have been married here in the last few years :)
  • It amazes me that this is even an issue, future generations are going to look back on the gay marriage debate and have the same view that our generation has on segregation. It's a shameful point in history.yes! It use to be blacks couldn't marry whites. actually blacks couldn't even marry blacks! They recently (in the 80's I think) took homophobia out the of the DSM, which is pretty much the "bible" of mental illness.
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  • it makes me sick when I think that people of my own profession use to look at individuals who were attracted to the same sex as people with mental illnesses.
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  • Constitutional amendment against passed with flying colors here a few years ago, and I've heard nary a peep since then.  I campaigned against it, voted against it, etc.  I think less than 40% of voters agreed with me.  It would take some weird asss wording to get it to pass here.  AND - I bet it gets more funded advertising than the next presidential election.  Even with *shudder* a black incumbent running.  Note:  please re-read the last sentence with the sarcasm font enabled if you're about to flame me.  I love my state.  I hate its politics.
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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
  • I`m also all warm and fuzzy with the positive response on this - it is nice to see support from people other than my friends and family.
  • kkchisholm, they took homosexuality out of the DSM-IV, not homophobia. It's a nice improvement, but they still have "gender dysphoria," which basically pathologizes transgender individuals. Hopefully it will get better when DSM-V comes out.Also, I totally support gay marriage, and am happy to live in Massachusetts where it is legal.

    Taco cat: Always a palindrome. ALWAYS, okay J&K?

    "cool......insult my size 2 body or my natural brown hair...or the fact that my parents own a country club, I have no budget for a wedding, and I have horses. I really dont care. Its better then having roots." ~ futurepivko
  • squirrly what states that?
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  • For it. I actually see the interracial marriage issue as a hopeful thing - the fact that the pendulum finally swung the other way and allowed interracial marriage gives me hope that eventually same-sex marriage will go the same way. And yes, I know at least parts of Canada allow it. A friend of mine went to a wedding reception on Sunday in PA for a lesbian couple that was married in Canada.
  • laine - I heard on NPR at the beginning of the school year that they are FINALLY declaring some schools in Little Rock desegregated.  Um, it STARTED here.  But I think they were getting money for the desegregation, so that might explain why it took like 50 years.
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  • I support gay marriage.  It's disheartening to see that such discrimination is allowed to exist.
  • For. I just wouldn't feel right as a person if I had to tell any of my gay friends or relatives that they weren't ALLOWED to marry whom they chose.
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