Sorry, but I need a place to vent this because I'm hurt.
I'm working 14 hr days at work - I teach and coach and live an hour away from my job. This is not my idea, I was told if I wanted to keep my job at the school I would need to coach since I have one less class this year (it's a private school).
So - I'm tired, over worked, and I NEED to get my lessons and grading done because I'm very very behind and flying by the seat of my pants now.
A few weeks ago I agreed to go camping this weekend with friends. This Friday, I decided to back out and use the three day weekend to clean the house (NEEDS IT), lesson plan, and grade. I called my friend D to cancel and she was dispointed but 'understood'. I was literally crying at work because I'm so tired and behind.
I spent today cleaning and am now (at 5:30pm) starting to lesson plan and grade. I am a Yankees fan and will be watching the game tonight. I have beer left over in my fridge from a b-day party I threw for FI last weekend so I posted on FB "If anyone wants to save a few bucks from the bar and come over here to watch the game, I have beer - Open bar at our house".
I get a text from her "Your FB status says your partying tonight, yet you were "busy" and couldn't come camping. Nice"
So I called RIGHT AWAY to talk to her about this. OBVIOUSLY taking two or three hours tonight from catching up with work is quite different from traveling and camping the entire weekend. Yet, she wouldn't pick up the phone!! She sent it to VM right away!
I wrote her an email telling her what I do with my time this weekend is none of her business, that just because I cancelled on the trip doesn't mean I am not confined to my house 24/7 working, that she is immature and I am owed an apology. Now I'm thinking she didn't even deserve that.
WTF?? I am not friends with many girls at all. I don't understand this drama and here I am in it! I'm so mad I'm shaking. What is wrong with her? Aren't we adults? I don't deserve this! I'm thinking if I don't get an apology I'm outta this "friendship". I've never had this happen before. We are both in our late 20s and she's a mom. I mean, really???? errrrrr.
And I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to go camping